Carpet bedding has small plots. These plots are geometrically arranged in multi-colored beds.
This illustration represents a border or long piece of ground that can be marked out permanently with…
This type of bed is effective on grass or gravel. This design is most effecting on sloping ground.
This is a type of bedding design. This is a design for a nursery for rose trees and shrubs.
This is a type of bedding designed for a nursery for rose trees and shrubs.
Bedding-out is the temporary placing out of doors of greenhouse and other tender plants during the summer…
Beetles are one of the most extensive orders of insects. The beetle is recognized by its front wings…
The seven-spotted lady bird is beneficial to gardens because it eats aphides.
Bouvardia Alfred Neuner flowers are white or slightly tinged with rose. Bouvardia Alfred Neuner is a…
Calendula officinalis prolifera is a garden variety of the common marigold.
This type of fork has four flattened prongs. It is ideal for ordinary kitchen garden work, such as lifting…
Frames are portable garden structures useful for large quantities of different subjects that have to…
Frames are portable garden structures useful for large quantities of different subjects that have to…
This span roof frame is one of the most popular. The sashes are held open at any angle required. These…
Plant protector are used in northern areas where fruit trees such as apricots and peaches are destroyed…
A portable plant and fruit protector is used for growing smaller plants in the summer and storing those…
The flowers of fuchsia erecta superba stand nearly erect. This shrub is a strong growing garden hybrid.
This is the garden plan of the Tuileries Garden in the time of Louis XIII in France. This was the garden…
This is a summer view of a hardy perennial and alpine garden. This garden is a little less than an acre.…
Villas are built either as detached or semi-detached residences with an adjoining garden. Detached villas…
Villas are built either as detached or semi-detached residences with an adjoining garden. Detached villas…
Villas are built either as detached or semi-detached residences with an adjoining garden. Detached villas…
Villas are built either as detached or semi-detached residences with an adjoining garden. Detached villas…
Garrya thuretia is a garden hybrid. Its two parents are garrya fadyenii and garyya elliptica. This hybrid…
Gloxinia diversiflora is a dwarf variety of gloxinia. This flower is a hybrid, most likely of garden…
The garden hammer are usually used in gardening for nailing wall trees. The hammer head is short and…
The common name of hedychium is Indian Garden Flower. The gardneranium variety has large, yellow, fragrant…
Helleborus caucasicus punctatus is a garden hybrid of hellebore. The flowers are pale green with rosy…
In the swan necked draw hoe the handle is inserted in a socket which is connected with the blade by…
This is a combination draw hoe. It is also called a mattock or fork. It also known as a pitchfork.
The flowers of the double flowered garden hyacinth are small and rosette like. This variety is not cultivated…
Jasminum officinale affine differs from common white jessamine because it has larger flowers and a more…
The common name of lavatera arborea is tree mallow. The flowers are pale purple Variegata is a showy,…
A turf beater is used to spread fine, light soil. The tool is made with a flattened head.
Mimulus luteus nobilis is a dwarf, flower bearing garden strain with "hose-in-hose" flowers varying…
Nephrodium molle grandiceps is a large garden variety with a large terminal crest.
Nephrodium patens cristata is a garden form with the pinnae curiously forked and crested.
Papaver murselli is a garden strain of papaver somniferum, or opium poppy. This strain has double flowers…
Pictured is a garden variety of pea with flowers and pods in different stages of development.
A curved iron bar is used to train trees into such a shape. A pear tree arbor is used for covering a…
Peronospora nivea is a type of fungus that is common upon the leaves, stems, and roots of wild umbelliferoe…
In the single varieties of petunia there is variety in coloring. Some are beautifully veined, striped,…
The hybridum form of abutilon has many garden forms and hybrids. Varieties that can be referenced here…
Pictured is an arrangement in a rock garden to insure sub-irrigation. The pocket of soil in the rocks…
The common name of anemone hortensis is broad-leaved garden anemone. The flowers are red, rosy purple,…
Pictured are annuals filling the formal space between a drive and a tree group. Annuals are plants that…
Pictured is a semi-formal garden space of annual flowers. Annuals are plants that bloom in the open…
Pictured is an old, deciduous cypress located in Bartram's garden. The tree is standing although it's…
The garden balsam pod is explosive. It has five carpels and very thin partitions.
The number represent different plants in this French pattern bedding. (1) sulphur queen, (2) blue perfection,…
The numbers represent different plants in the French border pattern bedding. (1) marquerite, (2) coleus,…
The numbers represent the different plants in the Tudor rose pattern bedding. (1) scarlet begonia, (2)…
Pictured is an English border pattern from the eighteenth century. The numbers represent different plants.…