Head of a peregrine falcon.

Head of a Peregrine Falcon

Head of a peregrine falcon.

Head of a sparrow-hawk.

American Sparrowhawk

Head of a sparrow-hawk.

Illustration of the head of an osprey, a larger bird of prey.

Head of an Osprey

Illustration of the head of an osprey, a larger bird of prey.

"<em>B. vulgaris</em> is twenty-two inches long, the head is large and the body heavy. Above, the color is chocolate-brown; grayish-white beneath. Its flight is low, and much of its time is spent in sitting on trees, in wooded districts, awaiting its prey, which consists of small quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, insects, and earthworms." &mdash Goodrich, 1859

Common Buzzard of Europe

"B. vulgaris is twenty-two inches long, the head is large and the body heavy. Above, the color…

Genus <em>Harpyia</em>, it is one of the largest, most fierce, and powerful eagles. It has a crest of black feathers on the back of its head, which are raised when the eagle is excited. It is found in Mexico and northern parts of South America.

Harpy Eagle

Genus Harpyia, it is one of the largest, most fierce, and powerful eagles. It has a crest of…

Bald (or white-headed) eagle, <em>H. leucocephalus</em>, common along sea-coasts, lakes, and rivers.

Bald Eagle

Bald (or white-headed) eagle, H. leucocephalus, common along sea-coasts, lakes, and rivers.

The head of a bald eagle. The distictive white plumage of this area earned it its nickname.

Head of a Bald Eagle

The head of a bald eagle. The distictive white plumage of this area earned it its nickname.

Genus <em>Coragyps</em>, about the size of a small turkey. This one is feeding on a cow's head.

Black Vulture

Genus Coragyps, about the size of a small turkey. This one is feeding on a cow's head.

<em>G. serpentarius</em>, known as the serpent vulture because it feeds on snakes. It has a distinctive tuft of feathers on the back of its head. It is found in Southern Africa.

Secretary Vulture

G. serpentarius, known as the serpent vulture because it feeds on snakes. It has a distinctive…

Head of an eagle owl. It has large eyes for seeing at night, and a hooked beak for snaring its prey.

Head of an Eagle Owl

Head of an eagle owl. It has large eyes for seeing at night, and a hooked beak for snaring its prey.

Head of the goat-sucker. It bears some resemblence to an owl, with a large head and eyes, as well as mottled plumage and nocturnal habits.

Head of a Goat-Sucker

Head of the goat-sucker. It bears some resemblence to an owl, with a large head and eyes, as well as…

Widely distributed over Africa, Asia, and Europe, the hoopoe has a distinctive crest of feathers on its head.


Widely distributed over Africa, Asia, and Europe, the hoopoe has a distinctive crest of feathers on…

"Two and a half inches long, with a tail of nearly equal length. It is of a grayish-brown, with a black band running along the back." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Sminthus Loriger

"Two and a half inches long, with a tail of nearly equal length. It is of a grayish-brown, with a black…

"It is of a grayish-fawn color, with ten longitudinal brown strips along the back. Between the size of a field mouse and a black rat." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Barbary Mouse

"It is of a grayish-fawn color, with ten longitudinal brown strips along the back. Between the size…

Dendromys Typicus. "Size of the common mice, and are of a pearly-gray color, and have a black band running along the back." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Free Mouse

Dendromys Typicus. "Size of the common mice, and are of a pearly-gray color, and have a black band running…

"In this carapace covers the body above and low down on the sides, but leaves the belly unprotected; the bands across the back are twelve to fourteen. It is the largest of the family, being three feet three inches long, with a tail nearly half the length of the body; its head is very small; its ears are of a moderate size, pointed, and habitually crouched backward." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Giant Tatou

"In this carapace covers the body above and low down on the sides, but leaves the belly unprotected;…

"Second battle of Bull Run, fought Saturday, August 30th, 1862, between the Federal forces commanded by Major General Pope, and the Confederate forces by Generals Lee, Jackson and Longstreet. The battle began about twelve o'clock noon, and was waged with unwavering success for the Federal forces until about four o'clock in the afternoon. The fighting on both sides was desperate and destructive, either party frequently firing shrapnel and grape from the artillery. At about four o'clock the whole of General Pope's troops, save those under General Banks, were engaged at close quarters with the Confederate forces. The conflict was a desperate one. The firing on both sides was terrific, and the whole line of General Pope's command, from generals commanding army corps down to enlisted men, behaved with wonderful coolness, courage and determination, and fought with the most heroic valor from the beginning to the end. The tide of battle turned adversely for the Federals about half-past five o'clock, overwhelming numbers of re-enforcements being precipitated against the left wing under General McDowell, who was compelled to fall back."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Second Battle of Bull Run

"Second battle of Bull Run, fought Saturday, August 30th, 1862, between the Federal forces commanded…

"General Hatch, born in Bangor, Me., December 22nd, 1832. In April, 1861, he was a member of the District of Columbia Volunteers, who were enlisted to defend the national capital, and subsequently had charge of the camp of instruction at Davenport, La. He was commissioned captain in the Second Iowa Cavalry August 12th, 1861; major, September 5th, and lieutenant colonel, December 11th, the same year. He commanded his regiment at New Madrid, Island No. 10, the battle of Corinth, the raid of Booneville and the battle of Iuka. He was promoted colonel, June 13th, 1862, and commanded a brigade of cavalry in General Grant's Mississippi campaign. He was afterward placed at the head of the cavalry division of the Army of the Tennessee and was present at the various engagements in which it took part. He was disabled by wounds in December, 1863, and on April 27th, 1864, was made brigadier general. Under General A. J. Smith, and still in command of a cavalry division, he was engaged in the battles of Franklin (for bravery in which he was brevetted brigadier general in the regular service) and Nashville, and in the pursuit of Hood's Confederate Army. For gallantry at Nashville he was, in 1864, brevetted major general of volunteers, and three years later promoted to the same rank by brevet in the United States Army. On January 15th, 1866, he was honorably mustered out of the volunteer service, and on July 6th following he was promoted colonel of the Ninth United States Cavalry."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

General Edward Hatch

"General Hatch, born in Bangor, Me., December 22nd, 1832. In April, 1861, he was a member of the District…

"Its head is small, pointed, and conic; muzzle elongated and narrow; body rather stout; tail short and very broad at its base; dorsal scales disposed in longitudinal rows to the number of eleven; under part of the body, head, and feet naked; some long fair-colored hairs spring from under the scales; the middle claw of the fore-feet exceeds the others in its proportions." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Indian Pangolin

"Its head is small, pointed, and conic; muzzle elongated and narrow; body rather stout; tail short and…

"The color of this animal in the wild and take, is black; the back and tail often white; the hair is thick and long; and the tail long, silky, and beautiful." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"The color of this animal in the wild and take, is black; the back and tail often white; the hair is…

"The European species of the bison. Has a very broad head and arched forehead; the eyes large and dark; the hair on the forehead is long and wavy, and under the chin and breasts forms a kind of beard. In the winter, the whole of the neck, hump, and shoulders are covered with long dusky-brown hair, intermingled with a soft fur." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"The European species of the bison. Has a very broad head and arched forehead; the eyes large and dark;…

"The head is very large and carried low; the eyes are small, black, and piercing; the horns are short, small, sharp, set far apart, and directed outward and backward, so as to be erect, with a slight curve toward the outward pointing tips." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

American Bison

"The head is very large and carried low; the eyes are small, black, and piercing; the horns are short,…

"They frequent rocky regions desitute of woods, living on grass in the mild season and on lichens in the winter. They are about one third the size of the common ox, one of them weighing three to four hundred pounds. The horns are broad at the base, and meet and cover hte brow and crown of the head. General color of the hair is brown." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Musk Ox

"They frequent rocky regions desitute of woods, living on grass in the mild season and on lichens in…

"The battle of the Wilderness, between General Grant and General Lee, May 5th and 6th, 1864. Our sketch of the first of the great battles of General Grant in Virginia will give a striking idea of the battleground, to be henceforth forever famous, like Manassas, Gettysburg, Pittsburg Landing or Fair Oaks. The eye can take in the five-mile line of battle, which for two days advanced and met hostile advances, gaining ground to be lost in a moment, but holding steadily to their lines till the furious Confederate charge on the Sixth Corps swept away Seymour's and Shaler's brigade of the Third Division and had well-nigh won the day. Sedgwick, soon to fall, saved the right; but the Federal loss in two days was not far from 15,000. Our correspondent gives this interesting account of General Grant during the battle: 'General Grant's headquarters were located in a field between the plank road and a small road leading to a little hamlet known as Parker's Store. During the fight, however, he was principally with General Meade, whose headquarters were on a piny knoll in the rear of Warren's corps. I had seen Grant at Vicksburg and in Tennessee, and his appearance was familiar; but as I strolled through the group of officers reclining under the trees at headquarters, I looked for him some time in vain, such was his insignificant, unpretending aspect and conduct while the battle was raging in all its fury. A stranger to the insignia of military rank would have little dreamed that the plain, quiet man who sat with his back against a tree, apparently heedless and unmoved, was the one upon whom the fortunes of the day, if not of the age and country, were hanging. It was only when some aid or orderly rode up in hot haste with a communication from some portion of the battlefield that his eyes upturnd to seek in those of the messenger the purport of the message. The consultation with General Meade, or the direct suggestion or command, all took place with the same imperturbability of countenance for which he has always been remarkable. No movement of the enemy seemed to puzzle or disconcert him. Fertile in resources, the petition for re-enforcement was speedily answered. And while all this transpired he stood calmly in the group, at times smoking his favorite cigar, a more vigorous or a more frequent puffing only indicating the inward working of his mind.'"— Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of the Wilderness

"The battle of the Wilderness, between General Grant and General Lee, May 5th and 6th, 1864. Our sketch…

"The head is small and finely formed, the eye bright and clear, the horn light in substance and waxy in color; the chest dep, broad, and full, the brisket set prominently forward, the crops or spaces behind the shoulders full, hips wide, lions broad, the hair soft, the skin mellow and elastic; the colors full red, full white, or any combination of these." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Short Horn Cattle

"The head is small and finely formed, the eye bright and clear, the horn light in substance and waxy…

"The hereford breed are of a medium or dark red color, with white faces and sometimes white on the throat, back and bellies. They mature early, are not excelled for grazing, and make beef of the best quality." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Hereford Cattle

"The hereford breed are of a medium or dark red color, with white faces and sometimes white on the throat,…

"The Jersey cattle has a small deer-like head, muzzle fine and dark and encircled by a light color, horns small, crumpled, and of amber color, chest broad and deep, back straight, tail fine, udder full in form, well up behind and running well forward, milk veins prominent, escutcheon or milk mirror high and broad and full on thighs." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Jersey Cattle

"The Jersey cattle has a small deer-like head, muzzle fine and dark and encircled by a light color,…

"It has a long head, short, blunt horns, drooping ears, and a hump on its sholders sometimes weighing fifty pounds. Its temper is gently, and in its qualities resembles the common ox." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Indian Ox

"It has a long head, short, blunt horns, drooping ears, and a hump on its sholders sometimes weighing…

"It has a long head, short, blunt horns, drooping ears, and a hump on its sholders sometimes weighing fifty pounds. Its temper is gently, and in its qualities resembles the common ox." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Indian Ox

"It has a long head, short, blunt horns, drooping ears, and a hump on its sholders sometimes weighing…

"All noted for their large horns bending over the back, their love of the wild, rocky heights of the mountainous regions, and the activity and daring with which they bound along the verges of the most lofty precipices." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"All noted for their large horns bending over the back, their love of the wild, rocky heights of the…

"Battle of Belmont, Mo., opposite Columbus, Ky, November 7th, 1861- Federal forces commanded by U. S. Grant; Confederate forces, by Leonidas Polk. Explanation: 1. Brigadier General Grant and staff directing the movements of the troops. 2. Brigadier General McClernand leading the charge at the head of the Thirty-first Illinois. 3. Thirty-first Illinois, Colonel Logan. 4. Body of Lieutenant Colonel Wendtz, Seventh Ohio. 5. Body of Captain Pulaski, aid-de-camp to McClernand, killed while leading the charge. 6. Caisson ordered to the field from the rear. 7. Twenty-seventh Illinois, Colonel Buford, taking the camp colors of the Confederates. 8. Thirtieth illinois, colonel Fouke. 8A. Twenty-second Illinois, Colonel Dougherty. 9. Light artillery, Captain Taylor. 10. Seventh Ohio, Colonel 11. Captain Schwartz, acting chief of artillery, taking the Confederate battery. 12. Watson's Louisiana field battery. 13. Confederate artillery horses. 14. Battery of heavy ordinance at Columbus. 15. Encampment near Columbus. 16. Confederate ferryboat. 17. Columbus"— Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Belmont

"Battle of Belmont, Mo., opposite Columbus, Ky, November 7th, 1861- Federal forces commanded by U. S.…

"The morning detail of the Fourth New Hampshire Volunteers going to work on the Hilton Head Fortifications. The morning detail of a regiment going to work on the fortifications was rather a merry and a peculiar sight. Instead of rifles and cannon, the heroes were armed with shovels, hoes, spades, pickaxes and trowels, while their train of artillery was a battery of wheelbarrows. Above all the troubles, ravages and cares of a campaign rose that indomitable cheerfulnes and willingness so characteristic of the American."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Morning Detail

"The morning detail of the Fourth New Hampshire Volunteers going to work on the Hilton Head Fortifications.…

Feeding primarily on fruits, the umbrella-bird has two dstinctive crests of feathers, one rising from the back of its head and the other hanging off of its neck.


Feeding primarily on fruits, the umbrella-bird has two dstinctive crests of feathers, one rising from…

"About the size of a common deer, of a reddish-fawn color, but marked with white stripes along the back and sides, and with white spots on the haunches. These markings are prominent in both sexes; and as they resemble a hardness, the species has been called the <em> Hardnessed Antilope</em>." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Guib Antelope

"About the size of a common deer, of a reddish-fawn color, but marked with white stripes along the back…

"Is one of the most celebrated of antilopes; it is about two feet high at the shoulder; its limbs are slender but vigorous, and all its actions are light and spirited. In full flight it lays the horns back nearly on the shoulders, and seems to skim over the level plain almost without touching it." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Female Gazelle

"Is one of the most celebrated of antilopes; it is about two feet high at the shoulder; its limbs are…

"Is one of the most celebrated of antilopes; it is about two feet high at the shoulder; its limbs are slender but vigorous, and all its actions are light and spirited. In full flight it lays the horns back nearly on the shoulders, and seems to skim over the level plain almost without touching it." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Ariel Gazelle

"Is one of the most celebrated of antilopes; it is about two feet high at the shoulder; its limbs are…

"Its length is four feet; its height two and a half; the legs are long and delicate; the body round, but light and well formed; the head small; the eyes large, lively, and expressive; the ears long, cylindrical, and in continual motion; and the horns forming a complete spiral of two or three turns, wrinkled at the base, distinctly annulated in the middle, and smooth for a couple of inches next the points." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Common Antelope

"Its length is four feet; its height two and a half; the legs are long and delicate; the body round,…

"The body is five feet long, and height three feet. The general color is gray-ish-white, though the head and neck are of a reddish-brown." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"The body is five feet long, and height three feet. The general color is gray-ish-white, though the…

"The horns are six or seven inches long, the body about three feet three inches, and the height at the shoulders about two feet. The whole body covered with long hair, hanging down over the sides, of a deep brown color in winter and brownish-fawn color in summer, being in spring slightly mixed with gray; head is of a pale yellow or straw color, with dark band son each side, passing from the root of the ears to the corners of the mouth, and encircling the eyes and base of the horns." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"The horns are six or seven inches long, the body about three feet three inches, and the height at the…

"The giraffe is the tallest of all ruminants, the males not uncommonly measuring fourteen and sometimes eighteen feet from the top of the head to the ground. The females are usually a foot or two shorter." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"The giraffe is the tallest of all ruminants, the males not uncommonly measuring fourteen and sometimes…

"The giraffe is the tallest of all ruminants, the males not uncommonly measuring fourteen and sometimes eighteen feet from the top of the head to the ground. The females are usually a foot or two shorter." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"The giraffe is the tallest of all ruminants, the males not uncommonly measuring fourteen and sometimes…

"This animal is the largest of the deer kind, being taller than thehorse. Its horns weigh fifty or sixty pounds, and the whole carcass seven hundred to twelve hundred pounds. The head, measuring above two feet in length, is narrow and clumsily shaped by the swelling upon the upper part of the nose and nostrils; the eye is proportinallly small and sunk; the ears long, hairy, and asinie; the neck and withers are surmouned by a heavy mane, and the throat furnished with long course hair." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"This animal is the largest of the deer kind, being taller than thehorse. Its horns weigh fifty or sixty…

The purple finch, also known as the American linnet, has a habit of erecting the feathers of its head like a crest.

Purple Finch

The purple finch, also known as the American linnet, has a habit of erecting the feathers of its head…

The green-headed bunting (also known as the ortolan) perched on a branch.

Green-Headed Bunting

The green-headed bunting (also known as the ortolan) perched on a branch.

"Its color is reddish yellow on the back and whitish on the belly. It is a wild species, which is principally sought after for the sake of its fine wool, from which esteemed stuffs are largely woven." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"Its color is reddish yellow on the back and whitish on the belly. It is a wild species, which is principally…

A famous horse that won many races back in the day.

Goldsmith Maid

A famous horse that won many races back in the day.

Found in Southern Europe, the middle spotted woodpecker has a black coat, with a crimson underside and a red spot on its head.

Middle Spotted Woodpecker

Found in Southern Europe, the middle spotted woodpecker has a black coat, with a crimson underside and…

"In this the fur is short, smooth, and bright red bay; the legs are straw color; there is a broad, longitudinal dorsal streaks, broadest over the small of the back, without any cross band on the shoulders." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"In this the fur is short, smooth, and bright red bay; the legs are straw color; there is a broad, longitudinal…

"Its general color is brown, the head, neck, and withers striped or zebraed wth blackish-brown; the lower part of the body, the legs and tail, white." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"Its general color is brown, the head, neck, and withers striped or zebraed wth blackish-brown; the…

"Is of a pale brown color; the underside of the body being whitish; head, body, and upper part of the legs black streaked; tail, inside and lower part of the legs white. This species is a tenant of the plains, and it found occuring in every district noth of the Orange River, as far as travelers have penetrated." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"Is of a pale brown color; the underside of the body being whitish; head, body, and upper part of the…

"The ground color is white, or yellowish white, but the head, body, and legs to the hoofs are regularly striped, mostly crosswise, with a deep brown-black bands, lighter in the middle. " &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"The ground color is white, or yellowish white, but the head, body, and legs to the hoofs are regularly…

"The head is rounded, the front convex instead of concave, and the nails on each hind-foot are three instead of four. It lives in large herds in Central and South Africa, where is it constantly hunted by the natives and also by Europeans." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885

African Elephant

"The head is rounded, the front convex instead of concave, and the nails on each hind-foot are three…

"The head and neck are rather short; the eye is small and lateral, and the snimal cannot see in front, more particularly when the horn is full grown, as it stands in the way of vision. The body is about nine feet long and give feet high; in its structure it is perculiarly massive, heavy, and hog-like, and often weighing six thousand pounds." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Indian Rhinoceros

"The head and neck are rather short; the eye is small and lateral, and the snimal cannot see in front,…

"Of this the muzzle is exceedingly thick and blunt, the head is very large, but the greater part of its bulk is made up of the facial bones, which are of enormous size when compared to the cranium. The legs are short and stount, and the feet have four toes, each terminated by a hoof. The eyes and ears are small." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"Of this the muzzle is exceedingly thick and blunt, the head is very large, but the greater part of…

"Front Royal, Manassas Gap Railroad, Blue Ridge Mountains in the distance- the Federal army entering the town. Front Royal is situated on the Manassas Gap Railroad, on the banks of the Shenandoah, is ten miles from Strasburg and fifty-one miles from Manassas Junction. General Banks, at the head of his troops, dashed down the mountain and through the romantic village of Front Royal, which resounded with the rumble of wagons and clatter of hoofs, mingled with the music of the church bells calling to morning service. Hastening on toward the scene of conflict, to his surprise he brought up against his own pickets, and found that, instead of his own column, Fremont was upon the enemy."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Front Royal

"Front Royal, Manassas Gap Railroad, Blue Ridge Mountains in the distance- the Federal army entering…

"John Paul Jones' medal, back side."&mdash;E. Benjamin Andrews, 1895

Jones' Medal

"John Paul Jones' medal, back side."—E. Benjamin Andrews, 1895

"General John C. Fremont was head of the Western department during the Civil War."&mdash;E. Benjamin Andrews 1895

General John C. Fremont

"General John C. Fremont was head of the Western department during the Civil War."—E. Benjamin…

"It is of the size of a common hog; has long, narrow, straight ears, with a pencil of hair at the tips. It is of a lively cinnamon-red, with white patches above the and below the eyes, and with longitudinal bands of white on the back. The face is partly black, and the tail is long, reaching below the knee." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Guinea Hog

"It is of the size of a common hog; has long, narrow, straight ears, with a pencil of hair at the tips.…

A large wart hog with large warts and the head uncouth in its form.

Cape Wart Hog

A large wart hog with large warts and the head uncouth in its form.

"It is the size of a small wolf, with short, smooth, hair of dusky yellowish-brown color, barred on the lower part of the back with sexteen black transverse stripes. It is the largest and most powerful carnivorous animal in Australia, is nocturnal in its habits, lives in retired caves, devours kangaroos and other small mammalia." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Tasmanian Wolf

"It is the size of a small wolf, with short, smooth, hair of dusky yellowish-brown color, barred on…