This Skull Head was a design found on the shield of death, monuments, tombs and often represented over…
"Transverse Section through Side Walls of Skull, showing the Inner Parts of the Ear. Co, concha or external…
"Cartilaginous Cranium of the Pike (Esox lucius), with its intrinsic ossifications. A, top view; 3,…
"Cartilaginous Cranium of the Pike (Esox lucius), with its intrinsic ossifications. B, side view: V,…
"Skull of Cat (Felis catus), showing the following bones, viz. : na, nasal; pm, premaxillary; m, maxillary;…
"Typical Skull of Common Fowl (Galliformes). A, side view: sa, surangular bone of mandible; ar, articular…
"Typical Skull of Common Fowl (Galliformes). B, vertical longitudinal section: sa, surangular bone of…
"Skull of a Wild Duck (Anus boscas), from the side. ag, Angular; als, alisphenoid; ar, articular; bt,…
"Hesperornis regalis, (a fossilized restoration) which stood about three feet high, had blunt teeth…
"Ichthyornis victor and I. dispar, ...were small forms of about the size of a Partridge, with the habits…
Lancelet fish (Branchiostoma) is sometimes called amphioxus, the type of the class Leptocardii, is a…
"Hesperornis regalis, (a fossilized restoration) which stood about three feet high, had blunt teeth…
The Arms of Death is an engraving that was created by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1503. It…
St. Jerome in his Cell is an engraving that was created by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1514.…
"Fig 56 - Axial skeleton, minus the skull, of an owl, Asio wilsonianus, life size; from nature by Dr.…
An illustration of the skull of a megalosaurus. Megalosaurus is a genus of large meat-eating theropod…
"Fig. 62 Skull of common fowl, enlarged. from nature by Dr. R.W. Shufeldt, U.S.A. The names of bones…
"Fig 63 - Skull of a duck (Clangula islandica), nat. size; Dr. R.W. Shufeldt, U.S.A. a, premaxillary…
"Scops. Little Horned Owls. Screech Owls. Like the miniature Bubo in form (all our species under a foot…
Scops. Little Horned Owls. Screech Owls. Like the miniature Bubo in form (all our species under a foot…
"Nyctala - Saw-whet Owls. Skull and ear-parts highly unsymmetrical, the the latter of great size, and…
"Fig 64 - Skull of chick, fifth day of incubation, x 9 diameters. Seen from above, the membranous roof…
"Skull of a chick, but seen from below. cv1, anterior cerebral vesicle; e, eye; m, mouth; pts, pituitary…
"Fig 66 - Head of a chick, second stage, after five days of incubation, section in profile; x6 diameters.…
"The post-oral arches of the house martin, at middle of period of incubation, lateral view, X14 diameters.…
"Skull of chick, second stage, in profile, brain and membranes removed to show cartilaginous formations,…
"Skull of chick, third stage, viewed from below, x6 & 2/3 diameters. pn, prenasal cartilage, running…
"Phalacrocorax bicristatus. Red-Faced Cormorant. Skull showing sto, occipital style or nuchal bone;…
"Ripe chick's skull, longitudinal section, vied inside, x 3 diameters; after parker. In the mandible…
"Ripe chick's skull, longitudinal section, vied inside, x 3 diameters; after Parker. px, premaxillary;…
"Side view of a woodpecker's skull, showing the long slender basihyal (bh), bearing slight elements…
"Top view of skull of Cloaptes, (flickers) showing thyrohyals running along the skull and into right…
"Dromaeognathous skull of ostrich, nat. size specimen no. 16,629, U.S. Nat Museum, by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt,…
"Dromaeognathous skull of a tinamou (Tinamus robustus); copies by Shufeldt from Huxley. Letters as before;…
"Schizognathous skull of common fowl, nat. size, from nature, by Dr. R.W. Shufeldt, U.S.A. Letters as…
"Desmognathous skull of mallard duck, Anas boscas, nat. size, from nature, by Dr. R.W. Shufeldt, U.S.A.…
"Saurognathous skull of a nesting Picus minor. x4 diameters, after Parker. Px premaxillary: dpx, its…
"Aegithognathous skull of raven, Corvus corax, nat. size, from nature, by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt, U.S.A.…
A full fossil skeleton of the Megatherium, an elephant sized ground sloth. The animal was extinct during…
Skull of langur monkey viewed at the side and bottom view. The eyes of the monkey is surrounded by bone…
"The skeleton, more especially in the higher forms, is in the main similar to that of man, so that only…
A side view of the howler monkey skull. The monkey have four sharp canines, long teeth on skull, on…
An illustration of an adult male orangutan viewed from the side. The orbit part of the skull is more…
"In the other forms the number (vertebrae) varies between twenty and thirty three, the latter being…
"The existing members of the family are referable to at least two genera, the one Africa and the other…
This insect is easily identified by the vaguely human skull-shaped pattern of markings on the thorax.
"One of two skulls discovered in 1886 in the cave of Spy (Belgium). Notice the prominent eyebrow ridges,…
The Greyhound as a show dog is judged as follows: height and weight, ranging from 23 to 27 in. and from…
A sperm-whale (Physeter macrocephalus) or cachalot (French). A, top view of a fetal sperm-whale skull.
An old man wearing an academic or ecclesiastical robe and skull cap stands and points to a paper on…
Saint Matthew sitting an a cloth-covered table writing the Gospel. The Holy Spirit, represented as a…
" And they bring him unto the place Golgotha, which is, being interpreted, The place of a skull. And…
"They took Jesus therefore: and he went out, bearing the cross for himself, unto the place called The…
"A plant of the genus Scutellaria: so called from the helmet-like appendage to the upper lip of the…
Two skullcaps used for defense of the head in the 16th century. The caps fit closely to the head. The…
"Skull of Spatularia, with the long beak removed, the anterior (asc) and posterior (psc) semicircular…