The name of various species of fish belonging to the salmon family, and abundant in almost all the rivers and lakes of the temperate and colder zones.


The name of various species of fish belonging to the salmon family, and abundant in almost all the rivers…

A genus of bulbous plants of the lily family, including several hundred species.


A genus of bulbous plants of the lily family, including several hundred species.

A biennial plant of the mustard family, which is cultivated for its fleshy globular, edible root.


A biennial plant of the mustard family, which is cultivated for its fleshy globular, edible root.

A family of insect-catching birds. They are restricted to the American continent and range from Canada to Paraguay.


A family of insect-catching birds. They are restricted to the American continent and range from Canada…

The name applied to a family of perching birds, most of which are shy, small, and active, and have a clear and beautiful song.


The name applied to a family of perching birds, most of which are shy, small, and active, and have a…

The name commonly applied to several species of fishes of the salmon family. They are found mostly in the lakes of the northern regions of North America, and are generally favored among the food fishes.


The name commonly applied to several species of fishes of the salmon family. They are found mostly in…

An animal of the marmot family, which is native to the eastern part of North America, ranging from Alabama to Hudson Bay. The color is blackish above and chestnut-red below.


An animal of the marmot family, which is native to the eastern part of North America, ranging from Alabama…

A genus of plants of the lily family, having woody stems, lanceolate leaves, and a large panicle of showy, whitish, bell-shaped, drooping flowers.


A genus of plants of the lily family, having woody stems, lanceolate leaves, and a large panicle of…

A class of animals of the ox family, which are reared extensively from Japan to East Africa, but they attain the greatest perfection in India.


A class of animals of the ox family, which are reared extensively from Japan to East Africa, but they…

The Ostiaks are a tribe who inhabit the basin of the Ob in western Siberia belonging to the Finno-Ugric group and related to the Voguls.

Ostiak Family

The Ostiaks are a tribe who inhabit the basin of the Ob in western Siberia belonging to the Finno-Ugric…

Medium-sized mammals with black-and-white-fur belonging to the family Mephitidae and the order Carnivora.

Common Skunk

Medium-sized mammals with black-and-white-fur belonging to the family Mephitidae and the order Carnivora.

A member of the horse family native to central and souther Africa.


A member of the horse family native to central and souther Africa.

Large colorful New World parrots. They are the largest birds in the parrot family in length and wingspan.


Large colorful New World parrots. They are the largest birds in the parrot family in length and wingspan.

Venomous snakes belonging to the Viperidae family. They are characterised by long erectile fangs, which are folded back when not in use.


Venomous snakes belonging to the Viperidae family. They are characterised by long erectile fangs, which…

A plant belonging to the Fabaceae, that is, pea family. It is often used as fodder.

Red Clover

A plant belonging to the Fabaceae, that is, pea family. It is often used as fodder.

A genus of the plant family Araliaceae, consisting of about 30 species of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs.


A genus of the plant family Araliaceae, consisting of about 30 species of deciduous and evergreen trees…

A bee of the family Apidae.

Cuckoo Bee

A bee of the family Apidae.

This illustration shows a family having dinner.


This illustration shows a family having dinner.

This is an illustration of oneidium papilio and comparettia rosea, two epiphytes of the Orchis family. It is ment to show the mode in which these air-plants grow.

Orchis Family

This is an illustration of oneidium papilio and comparettia rosea, two epiphytes of the Orchis family.…

The genus Mammillaria is one of the largest in the cactus family Cactaceae. the distinctive feature of the genus is the specific development of an areole, that is split into two clearly separated parts, one occurring at the tubercules apex, the other at its base.


The genus Mammillaria is one of the largest in the cactus family Cactaceae. the distinctive feature…

The viol is a family or musical instruments and is related to and descending from the vihuela and rebec.

Bass Viol

The viol is a family or musical instruments and is related to and descending from the vihuela and rebec.

Cleodora refers to a genus of plants in the family Euphorbiaceae. The best known member of this genus is probably Croton tiglium, commonly called croton, a tree or shrub native to Southeast Asia.


Cleodora refers to a genus of plants in the family Euphorbiaceae. The best known member of this genus…

This is an illustration of the Yellow Perch. A perch is a freshwater bony fish belonging to the family Osteichthyes.

Yellow Perch

This is an illustration of the Yellow Perch. A perch is a freshwater bony fish belonging to the family…

A group of herbivorous African animals of the family Bovidae, distinguished by a pair of hollow horns on their heads.


A group of herbivorous African animals of the family Bovidae, distinguished by a pair of hollow horns…

A Greek soldier with his family.

Greek Soldier

A Greek soldier with his family.

This illustration shows how putrefying animal matters from a leaky drain and an overflowing cess-pool soak diagonally into the well and contaminate the well-water, which is pumped up and used by the family without, perhaps, a thought of danger from this terrible sanitary defect.

Leaky Drain

This illustration shows how putrefying animal matters from a leaky drain and an overflowing cess-pool…

A family of spiders on a web with one caught in it.

Spider Web

A family of spiders on a web with one caught in it.

A family watching a bear invade their home and eat their jam.

Bear Eating

A family watching a bear invade their home and eat their jam.

The Washington family coat of arms. It is possible that this design had an influence on the creation of the American flag.

Washington Coat of Arms

The Washington family coat of arms. It is possible that this design had an influence on the creation…

"The fruit of various species of Vaccinium and Gaylussacia, genera which belong to the heath family and are sometimes considered as forming a family" — Beach, 1909


"The fruit of various species of Vaccinium and Gaylussacia, genera which belong to the heath family…

"A genus of saurian reptiles, constituting a distinct family, of very peculiar form and structure, and on various accounts highly interesting. The body is much compressed; the dorsal line sharp, in some of the species rising into an elevated crest; the back of the head is also elevated into a sort of cone. The neck is very short, and does not admit of the head being turned, for which, however, compensation is found in the remarkable powers of motion possessed by the large prominent eyes, which move independently of one another, and are covered with a membrane pierced only with a small hole for the pupil to look through." — Chambers, 1881


"A genus of saurian reptiles, constituting a distinct family, of very peculiar form and structure, and…

"A species of Hawk-moth or lepidopterous insect of the family Sphingidae, not uncommon in some parts of England and of the continent of Europe, and very widely distributed over the world, being found in Africa, the Mauritius, and the East Indies. It measures almost five inches from tip to tip of the extended wings; is of a dark color, the body yellow with black markings, the thorax with pale markings which have some resemblance to a skull, and from which it derives its name." — Chambers, 1881

Death's Head Moth

"A species of Hawk-moth or lepidopterous insect of the family Sphingidae, not uncommon in some parts…

"A genus of spiders, the type of a family called Epeirdae. They are of those spiders which have only a pair of pulmonary sacs and spiracles; construct webs with regular meshes, formed by concentric circles and straight radii; and are furnished with a pair of almost contiguous eyes on each side; other four eyes forming a quadrangle in the center." — Chambers, 1881

Epeira Diadema

"A genus of spiders, the type of a family called Epeirdae. They are of those spiders which have only…

"A genus of insects, the type of a very numerous family, which forms the order Parasita or Auoplura. The body is flattened, almost transparent; the segments both of the thorax and abdomen very distinct; the mouth is small and tubular, enclosing a sucker; there are no wings; the legs are short, and are terminated by a claw adapted for taking hold of hairs or feathers. The eyes are simple, one or two on each side of the head. All the species are small, and live parasitically, on human beings, terrestrial mammalia, and birds." — Chambers, 1881

Magnified Louse

"A genus of insects, the type of a very numerous family, which forms the order Parasita or Auoplura.…

Parnassius Apollo, a butterfly of the Papilionidae family. Also known as the Apollo Mountain Apollo. It is usually found in flowery meadows and pastures.

Apollo Butterfly

Parnassius Apollo, a butterfly of the Papilionidae family. Also known as the Apollo Mountain Apollo.…

A butterfly of the Pieridae family.

Colias Hyale Butterfly

A butterfly of the Pieridae family.

"The family Morphidae contains the largest and most splendid of the South American butterflies. Their wings, often 7 inches in expanse, are generally of a brilliant metallic blue, which, as the insect flies, flashes in the sunlight so as to be visible, it is said, a quarter of a mile off." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893


"The family Morphidae contains the largest and most splendid of the South American butterflies. Their…

"The Pyralidina are a group of small moths readily distinguished by their long slender bodies and large forewings. One of these, Pyralis vitis, is very destructive to vines, and another, Pyralis farinalis, feeds upon meal and flour. The Galleridae, a family of Pyralidine moths, deposit their eggs in the hives of bees, where the caterpillars, enclosed in silken cases, devour the wax; but the Hydrocampidae, which also belong to this section, are probably the most wonderful of all Lepidopterous insects, their larva being aquatic, living and feeding in the water, and many of them beathing by gills similar to those of caddisworms." — Encyclopedia Britanica; 1893


"The Pyralidina are a group of small moths readily distinguished by their long slender bodies and large…

"The Pyralidina are a group of small moths readily distinguished by their long slender bodies and large forewings. One of these, Pyralis vitis, is very destructive to vines, and another, Pyralis farinalis, feeds upon meal and flour. The Galleridae, a family of Pyralidine moths, deposit their eggs in the hives of bees, where the caterpillars, enclosed in silken cases, devour the wax; but the Hydrocampidae, which also belong to this section, are probably the most wonderful of all Lepidopterous insects, their larva being aquatic, living and feeding in the water, and many of them beathing by gills similar to those of caddisworms." — Encyclopedia Britanica; 1893


"The Pyralidina are a group of small moths readily distinguished by their long slender bodies and large…

"The Pyralidina are a group of small moths readily distinguished by their long slender bodies and large forewings. One of these, Pyralis vitis, is very destructive to vines, and another, Pyralis farinalis, feeds upon meal and flour. The Galleridae, a family of Pyralidine moths, deposit their eggs in the hives of bees, where the caterpillars, enclosed in silken cases, devour the wax; but the Hydrocampidae, which also belong to this section, are probably the most wonderful of all Lepidopterous insects, their larva being aquatic, living and feeding in the water, and many of them beathing by gills similar to those of caddisworms." — Encyclopedia Britanica; 1893


"The Pyralidina are a group of small moths readily distinguished by their long slender bodies and large…

"The Pyralidina are a group of small moths readily distinguished by their long slender bodies and large forewings. One of these, Pyralis vitis, is very destructive to vines, and another, Pyralis farinalis, feeds upon meal and flour. The Galleridae, a family of Pyralidine moths, deposit their eggs in the hives of bees, where the caterpillars, enclosed in silken cases, devour the wax; but the Hydrocampidae, which also belong to this section, are probably the most wonderful of all Lepidopterous insects, their larva being aquatic, living and feeding in the water, and many of them beathing by gills similar to those of caddisworms." — Encyclopedia Britanica; 1893


"The Pyralidina are a group of small moths readily distinguished by their long slender bodies and large…

"The Pyralidina are a group of small moths readily distinguished by their long slender bodies and large forewings. One of these, Pyralis vitis, is very destructive to vines, and another, Pyralis farinalis, feeds upon meal and flour. The Galleridae, a family of Pyralidine moths, deposit their eggs in the hives of bees, where the caterpillars, enclosed in silken cases, devour the wax; but the Hydrocampidae, which also belong to this section, are probably the most wonderful of all Lepidopterous insects, their larva being aquatic, living and feeding in the water, and many of them beathing by gills similar to those of caddisworms." — Encyclopedia Britanica; 1893


"The Pyralidina are a group of small moths readily distinguished by their long slender bodies and large…

"The Tortricina include a great number of small moths exceedingly injurious to orchard and other trees. They are known as "leaf-rollers" from the habit which most of their larva have of rolling up the leaves on which they feed, and thus forming a shelter for themselves. The Green Tortrix occurs in the larva state on the oak, to which it often does great injurt by stripping the trees of their leaves in the month of June. Throughout Southern Europe the vine is liable to the ravages of another species, Aenectra pillariana, while few of our fruit trees are exempt from the occasional attacks of some species or other of the Carpocapsidae, the fruit-eating family of this group." — Encyclopedia Britanica; 1893


"The Tortricina include a great number of small moths exceedingly injurious to orchard and other trees.…

A European beetle in the family of dung beetles. It is also callled the May Bug.


A European beetle in the family of dung beetles. It is also callled the May Bug.

"A genus of carnivorous mammals belonging to the Viverridae or family of civets. It contains six species, all of which are found exclusively in Africa, with the exception of the common genet, which occurs also throughout the south of Europe and in Palestine, where Tristram notes it as occurring on Mount Carmel. The fur of this species is of a dark grey color, thickly spotted with black, and having a dark streak along the back, while the tail, which is nearly as long as the body, is prettily ringed with black and white." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"A genus of carnivorous mammals belonging to the Viverridae or family of civets. It contains six species,…

"This primitive-looking instrument was played horizontally, being born upon the performer's shoulder. between it and the grand vertical harps in the frescos of the time of Rameses III, More than 3000 years old, paintings discovered by the Laveller Bruce, there are varieties that permit us to bind the whole, from the simplest bow-form to the almost triangular harp, in to one family." — Encyclopediia Britannica, 1893


"This primitive-looking instrument was played horizontally, being born upon the performer's shoulder.…

"This primitive-looking instrument was played horizontally, being born upon the performer's shoulder. between it and the grand vertical harps in the frescos of the time of Rameses III, More than 3000 years old, paintings discovered by the Laveller Bruce, there are varieties that permit us to bind the whole, from the simplest bow-form to the almost triangular harp, in to one family." — Encyclopediia Britannica, 1893


"This primitive-looking instrument was played horizontally, being born upon the performer's shoulder.…

"Medusiform person (Lizzia), one of the Anthomedusae, detached from a hydroid colony of the family Endendridae. Ocelli are seen at the base of the tentacles, and two medusiform buds on the sides of the manubrium." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"Medusiform person (Lizzia), one of the Anthomedusae, detached from a hydroid colony of the family Endendridae.…

"Medusiform person (Sarsia), one of the Anthomedusae, detached from a hydroid colony of the family Corynidae. b, the long manubrium, bearing (as an exception) medusiform buds; a, mouth." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"Medusiform person (Sarsia), one of the Anthomedusae, detached from a hydroid colony of the family Corynidae.…

"A genus of Zoophytes, the type of family called Alcyonide, belonging to the class anthozoa, and order Asteroida, and consisting of a polype-mass with starlike pores and protrusive polypes." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"A genus of Zoophytes, the type of family called Alcyonide, belonging to the class anthozoa, and order…

"A genus of Zoophytes, the type of family called Alcyonide, belonging to the class anthozoa, and order Asteroida, and consisting of a polype-mass with starlike pores and protrusive polypes." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"A genus of Zoophytes, the type of family called Alcyonide, belonging to the class anthozoa, and order…

"A genus of Zoophytes, the type of family called Alcyonide, belonging to the class anthozoa, and order Asteroida, and consisting of a polype-mass with starlike pores and protrusive polypes." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Alcyonium Digitatum

"A genus of Zoophytes, the type of family called Alcyonide, belonging to the class anthozoa, and order…

"A genus of Zoophytes, the type of family called Alcyonide, belonging to the class anthozoa, and order Asteroida, and consisting of a polype-mass with starlike pores and protrusive polypes." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Alcyonium Digitatum

"A genus of Zoophytes, the type of family called Alcyonide, belonging to the class anthozoa, and order…

"A genus of Zoophytes, the type of family called Alcyonide, belonging to the class anthozoa, and order Asteroida, and consisting of a polype-mass with starlike pores and protrusive polypes." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Alcyonium Digitatum

"A genus of Zoophytes, the type of family called Alcyonide, belonging to the class anthozoa, and order…

"A fish of the family Cyprinidae, of the same genus with the roach, dace, bleak and minnow. The color is bluish-black on the upper parts, passing in to silvey white on the belly; the cheeks and gill-covers rich golden yellow. The chub rarely attains a weight exceeding 5 lbs. It is plentiful in many of the rivers of England, and occurs in some of those of the south-west of Scotland." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"A fish of the family Cyprinidae, of the same genus with the roach, dace, bleak and minnow. The color…

A seeding bird of the cardinal family having a red breast.

Rose Breasted Grosbeak

A seeding bird of the cardinal family having a red breast.

"A wood-wind instrument, not a "horn," member of the clarinet family, of which it is the tenor. The basset horn consists of a nearly cylindrical tube of wood (generally cocus or box-wood), having a cylindrical bore and terminating in a metal bell wide than that of the clarinet. For convenience in reaching the keys and holes, the modern instrument is usually bent or curved either near the mouthpiece or at the bell, which is turned upwards." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Basset Horn

"A wood-wind instrument, not a "horn," member of the clarinet family, of which it is the tenor. The…

"The sacred name of the founder of Buddhism, an Indian sage who appears to have lived in the 5th century B.C. His personal name was Siddhartha, and his family name Gautama; and he is often called also Sakya-muni. His father was the king of Kapilavastu, a few days' journey north of Benares. Siddhartha, filled with a deep compassion for the human race, left his father's court, and lived for years in solitude and contemplation till he had penetrated the mysteries of life and become the Buddha. He then began to teach his new faith, in opposition to the prevailing Brahmanism, commencing at Benares. Among his earliest converts where the monarchs of Magadha and Kosala, in whose kingdoms he chiefly passed the latter portion of his life, respected, honored, and protected." — Winston's Encyclopedia, 1919


"The sacred name of the founder of Buddhism, an Indian sage who appears to have lived in the 5th century…

A male lion, mammal of the family Felidae.


A male lion, mammal of the family Felidae.

Poor Irish family.

Poor family

Poor Irish family.