Bones of the Wrist and Hand. Labels: m, metacarpal bones; p, phalanges; 3, bones of wrist.

The Human Wrist and Hand Bones

Bones of the Wrist and Hand. Labels: m, metacarpal bones; p, phalanges; 3, bones of wrist.

Diagram of two hepatic lobules of the liver. "The left hand lobule is represented with the intralobular vein cut across; in the right hand one the section takes the course of the intralobular vein. p, interlobular branches of the portal vein; h, intralobular branches of the hepatic veins; s, sublobular vein; c, capillaries of the lobules. The arrows indicate the direction of the course of the blood. The liver cells are only represented in one part of each lobule." — Kimber, 1907.

Hepatic Lobules of the Liver

Diagram of two hepatic lobules of the liver. "The left hand lobule is represented with the intralobular…

"The electrophorus and meethod of using. Charge B; place A in contact with B, and touch A (left illustration). The disc is now charged by induction and will yield a spark when touched by the hand (right illustration)." -Hawkins, 1917


"The electrophorus and meethod of using. Charge B; place A in contact with B, and touch A (left illustration).…

"The Leyden jar and discharger. Its discovery is attributed to the attempt of Musschenbrock and his pupil Cuneus to collect the supposed electric 'fluid' in a bottle half filled with water. The bottle was held in the hand and was povided with a nail to lead the 'fluid' down through the cork to the water from the electric machine. The invention of the Leyden jar is also claimed by Kleist, Bishop of Pomerania." -Hawkins, 1917

Leyden Jar

"The Leyden jar and discharger. Its discovery is attributed to the attempt of Musschenbrock and his…

"Right hand rule to determine the direction of magnetic field around a conductor carrying a current. The thumb of the right hand is placed along the conductor, pointing in the direction in which the current is flowing, then...the finger tips will point in the direction of the magnetic whirls." -Hawkins, 1917

Right Hang Rule

"Right hand rule to determine the direction of magnetic field around a conductor carrying a current.…

"Right hand palm rule to determine the direction of the magnetic field around a conductor carrying a current." -Hawkins, 1917

Right Hand Rule

"Right hand palm rule to determine the direction of the magnetic field around a conductor carrying a…

"Lines of force of a circular loop. If a current flow through the loop in the direction indicated, the lines of force both inside and outside the loop, will cross the plane of the loop at right angles, and all those which cross the loop on the inside will pass through the plane in one direction...while all on the outside will return through the plane in the opposite direction." -Hawkins, 1917

Lines of Force

"Lines of force of a circular loop. If a current flow through the loop in the direction indicated, the…

"Right hand rule for polarity of a solenoid: If the solenoid be grasped in the right hand, so that the fingers point in the direction in which the current is flowing in the wires, the thumb extended will point in the direction of the north pole [of the solenoid]." Hawkins, 1917

Right Hand Rule, Solenoid

"Right hand rule for polarity of a solenoid: If the solenoid be grasped in the right hand, so that the…

"Fleming's rule for direction of induced current. Extend the thumb, forefinger and middle finger of the right hand [as shown]. Place the hand [so that] the thumb will point in the direction in which the conductor moves, the forefinger in the direction of the lines of force (N to S), then will the middle finger point in the direction in which the induced current flows." -Hawkins, 1917

Right Hand Rule of Induced Current

"Fleming's rule for direction of induced current. Extend the thumb, forefinger and middle finger of…

"A rule for direction of induced current which in some cases, is more conveniently applied than Fleming's rule." -Hawkins, 1917

Right Hand Rule

"A rule for direction of induced current which in some cases, is more conveniently applied than Fleming's…

"The palm rule for direction of induced current: If the palm of the right hand be held against the direction of the lines of force, the thumb in the direction of the motion, then the fingers will point in the direction of the induced current." -Hawkins, 1917

Right Hand Rule, Palm

"The palm rule for direction of induced current: If the palm of the right hand be held against the direction…

"Suppose a cannon ball, tied with a string to the centre of a slab of smooth marble, and suppose an attempt be made to push this ball with the hand in the direction of b; it is obvious that the string would prevent its going to that point; but would keep it in thei circle. n this case, the string is the centripedal force." -Comstock 1850

Centrifugal Force

"Suppose a cannon ball, tied with a string to the centre of a slab of smooth marble, and suppose an…

"In the third and last kind of lever, the weight is placed at one end, the fulcrum at the other end and the power between them, or the hand s between the fulcrum and the weight." -Comstock 1850

Third-class Lever

"In the third and last kind of lever, the weight is placed at one end, the fulcrum at the other end…

"Tie one end of a soft cotton rope about 20 feet long to a fixed support, and hold the other end in the hand. Move the hand up and down with a quick, sudden motion, so as to set up a series of waves in the rope, as shown, in which each curved line may be considered an instantaneous photograph of a rope thus shaken." -Avery 1895

Form of Waves

"Tie one end of a soft cotton rope about 20 feet long to a fixed support, and hold the other end in…

"If the conducting wire is bent into the form shown, the lines of force will pas around the wire from one face of the loop to the other, and in the direction indicated by the 'rule of thumb' just given." -Avery 1895

Magnetic Field Around a Current Carrying Wire

"If the conducting wire is bent into the form shown, the lines of force will pas around the wire from…

Demonstration of the movement of a pivot joint. Labels: A, arm in supination (palm uppermost); B, arm in pronation (back of hand upward). H, humerus; R, radius; U, ulna.

Arm Bones

Demonstration of the movement of a pivot joint. Labels: A, arm in supination (palm uppermost); B, arm…

The muscles on the back of the hand, forearm, and lower half of the arm, as exposed on dissecting away the skin.

Arm Muscles

The muscles on the back of the hand, forearm, and lower half of the arm, as exposed on dissecting away…

"As the piston ascends, as shown in the left-hand figure, the pressure of the atmosphere forces the water up the suction pipe P; the water opens the suction valve V and flows into the pump cylinder. When the piston moves down, as shown in the right-hand figure, the suction valve is closed and the delivery valve V' opened. The water in the pump cylinder is now forced up the delivery pipe P'." —Hallock 1905

Forcing Pump

"As the piston ascends, as shown in the left-hand figure, the pressure of the atmosphere forces the…

"A double-acting pump of the piston pattern is shown [here]. Such a pump has two sets of suction valves and delivery valves, one set for each side of the piston. With the piston moving in the direction of the arrow, the pressure of the atmosphere forces the water up the suction pipe P into the left-hand end of the pump cylinder, the left-hand suction valve opens and the left-hand delivery valve is closed...The water now flows up the delivery pipe P'." —Hallock 1905

Double-acting Force Pump

"A double-acting pump of the piston pattern is shown [here]. Such a pump has two sets of suction valves…

Villi of the small intestine, magnified about 80 diameters. In the left-hand figure the lacteals, a,b,c, are filled with white injection; d, blood-vessels. In the right-hand figure the lacteals alone are represented, filled with a dark injection. The epithelium covering the villi, and their muscular fibers are omitted.

Small Intestine Villi

Villi of the small intestine, magnified about 80 diameters. In the left-hand figure the lacteals, a,b,c,…

Blood corpuscles. Labels: A, magnified about 400 diameters. The red corpuscles have arranged themselves in rouleaux; a, a, colorless corpuscles; B, red corpuscles more magnified and seen in focus; E, a red corpuscle slightly out of focus. Near the right-hand top corner is a red corpuscle seen in three-quarter face, and at C one seen edgewise. F,G,kH,I, white corpuscles highly magnified.

Blood Cells

Blood corpuscles. Labels: A, magnified about 400 diameters. The red corpuscles have arranged themselves…

Circulation in frog's foot under a microscope. Labels: A, walls of capillaries; B, tissue of web lying between the capillaries; C, cells of epidermis covering web (these are only shown in the right-hand and lower part of the field; in the other parts of the field the focus of the microscope lies below the epidermis); D, nuclei of these epidermic cells; E, pigment cells contracted, not partially expanded; F, red blood corpuscle (oval in the frog) passing along capillary -- nucleus not visible; G, another corpuscle squeezing its way through a capillary, the canal of which is smaller than its own transverse diameter; H, another bending as it slides round a corner; K, corpuscle in capillary seen through the epidermis; I, white blood corpuscle.

Circulation in a Frog's Foot

Circulation in frog's foot under a microscope. Labels: A, walls of capillaries; B, tissue of web lying…

"... balance a card with a penny placed upon it on the tip of one of the fingers of the left hand, and strike it suddenly with the middle finger of the right hand, as represented [here]." —Quackenbos 1859

Inertia Demonstration

"... balance a card with a penny placed upon it on the tip of one of the fingers of the left hand, and…

"[This illustration] shows the path of a stone thrown obliquely from the hand. The propelling force sends it in a straight line to A, and would take it on in the same direction to B, were it not that, as soon as its velocity becomes sufficiently diminished, gravity and the air's resistance give it a circular motion to C, and finally bring it to the earth at D." —Quackenbos 1859

Projectile Motion of a Stone

"[This illustration] shows the path of a stone thrown obliquely from the hand. The propelling force…

"The steelyard is a kind of balance, which, though not so sensitive as the one being described above, answers very well for heavy bodies, and is conveniently carried, as it requires but a single weight, and may be held in the hand or suspended anywhere." —Quackenbos 1859


"The steelyard is a kind of balance, which, though not so sensitive as the one being described above,…

"Instead of having a rope attached to it, the wheel is often provided with projecting pins, as shown, to which the hand is directly applied." —Quackenbos 1859

Wheel and Axle with Spokes

"Instead of having a rope attached to it, the wheel is often provided with projecting pins, as shown,…

"[This illustration] shows a third form of the wheel and axle. Here the axle A is vertical, instead of horizontal. A bar inserted in its head, at the extremity of which the hand is applied, takes the place of the wheel." —Quackenbos 1859

Vertical Wheel and Axle

"[This illustration] shows a third form of the wheel and axle. Here the axle A is vertical, instead…

The muscles on the back of the arm, forearm and hand.

Muscles on the Back of the Arm, Forearm and Hand

The muscles on the back of the arm, forearm and hand.

A view of the nerves of the back of the forearm and hand.

Nerves of the Forearm and Hand

A view of the nerves of the back of the forearm and hand.

The bones of the hand (carpus, metacarpus, and phalanges).

Bones of the Hand

The bones of the hand (carpus, metacarpus, and phalanges).

An illustration of hands depicting 0 European Style

European Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 0 European Style

An illustration of hands depicting 1 European Style

European Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 1 European Style

An illustration of hands depicting 2 European Style

European Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 2 European Style

An illustration of hands depicting 3 European Style

European Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 3 European Style

An illustration of hands depicting 4 European Style

European Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 4 European Style

An illustration of hands depicting 5 European Style

European Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 5 European Style

An illustration of hands depicting 6 European Style

European Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 6 European Style

An illustration of hands depicting 7 European Style

European Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 7 European Style

An illustration of hands depicting 8 European Style

European Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 8 European Style

An illustration of hands depicting 9 European Style

European Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 9 European Style

An illustration of hands depicting 10 European Style

European Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 10 European Style

An illustration of hands depicting 0 US Style

United States Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 0 US Style

An illustration of hands depicting 1 US Style

United States Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 1 US Style

An illustration of hands depicting 2 US Style

United States Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 2 US Style

An illustration of hands depicting 3 US Style

United States Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 3 US Style

An illustration of hands depicting 4 US Style

United States Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 4 US Style

An illustration of hands depicting 5 US Style

United States Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 5 US Style

An illustration of hands depicting 6 US Style

United States Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 6 US Style

An illustration of hands depicting 7 US Style

United States Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 7 US Style

An illustration of hands depicting 8 US Style

United States Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 8 US Style

An illustration of hands depicting 9 US Style

United States Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 9 US Style

An illustration of hands depicting 10 US Style

United States Style Counting Hands

An illustration of hands depicting 10 US Style

A Pacinian Corpuscle, one of the organs of touch in the skin, which is composed of lamellae (3), consisting of connective tissue fibers, arranged concentrically around a central clear space (m), in which the nerve fiber (n) terminates at the distal extremity in a rounded end (a), which is often bifid or even trifid. They are found chiefly on the nerves of the palm of the hand and sole of the foot, the ends of the fingers, and the genital organs, lying in the subcutaneous tissue.

Pacinian Corpuscle

A Pacinian Corpuscle, one of the organs of touch in the skin, which is composed of lamellae (3), consisting…

Deep dissection of the front of the forearm and hand, showing the muscles, nerves, blood vessels, etc. Labels: 1, supinator longus (cut); 2, ulnar nerve; 3, brachialis anticus; 4, biceps; 5, musculo-spiral nerve; 6, median nerve; 7, posterior interosseous nerve; 8, pronator teres and flexor carpi radialis (cut); 9, extensor carpi radialis longior (cut); 10, brachial artery; 11, supinator brevis; 12, flexor sublimis digitorum (cut); 13, 13, radial nerve; 14, 14, flexor carpi ulnaris; 15, extensor carpi radialis brevior; 16, ulnar artery; 17, radial origin of flexor sublimis digitorum (cut); 18, flexor profundus digitorum; 19, tendon of pronator teres (cut); 20, 20, dorsal branch of ulnar nerve; 21, 21, radial artery; 22, 22, deep branch of ulnar nerve; 23, flexor longus pollicis; 24, abductor minimii digiti; 25, anterior interosseous nerve; 26, digital branches of ulnar nerve; 27, tendon of supinator longus (cut); 28, one of the lumbricales muscles (cut); 29, pronator quadratus (cut open); 31, tendon of flexor carpi radialis (cut); 33, digital branches of median nerve; 35, abductor pollicis.

Forearm and Hand

Deep dissection of the front of the forearm and hand, showing the muscles, nerves, blood vessels, etc.…

Bones of the arm and hand. Labels: a, large end of ulna; b, radius; c, small end of the ulna; d, carpal bones; e, metacarpal bones; f, first row of the bones of the fingers.

Bones of the Arm and Hand

Bones of the arm and hand. Labels: a, large end of ulna; b, radius; c, small end of the ulna; d, carpal…

Bones and ligaments of the hand. There are 27 bones in all, including 8 small bones called the carpal bones (d). These are tightly packed together, and lie next to the bones of the forearm. The metacarpal bones (e) make the framework of the flat part of the hand and are very much like the first row of the bones of the fingers (f) but they are firmly bound together by ligaments. Ligaments (d d) bind the metacarpal bones together at their beginning and other ligaments bind them at their ends (e e) where the bones of the fingers are jointed with them. Other ligaments bind the carpal bones together (a,b,c,g).

Bones and Ligaments of the Hand

Bones and ligaments of the hand. There are 27 bones in all, including 8 small bones called the carpal…

Half Dime (5 cents) United States coin from 1837. Obverse has right-facing Liberty seated beside a shield holding a staff with a cap in her left hand. Reverse shows the inscription HALF DIME surrounded by a wreath. Both images are surrounded by the inscription - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Silver Half Dime Coin, 1837

Half Dime (5 cents) United States coin from 1837. Obverse has right-facing Liberty seated beside a shield…

Fifth Dollar (20 cents) United States Coin from 1857. Obverse has the image of Liberty beside a shield holding a staff with a cap in her left hand and surrounded by 13 equally-spaced stars. Reverse is an eagle with NO shield with head right-facing surrounded by the inscription - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TWENTY CENTS.

Silver Fifth Dollar Coin, 1875

Fifth Dollar (20 cents) United States Coin from 1857. Obverse has the image of Liberty beside a shield…

Quarter (25 cents) United States coin from 1853. Obverse has the image of a Liberty seated beside a shield, holding a staff with a cap in her left hand surrounded by 13 stars and the date at the bottom. Reverse shows an eagle with a left-turned head, holding arrows and an olive branch with rays over its head surrounded by the inscription - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA QUAR. DOL.

Silver Quarter Coin, 1853

Quarter (25 cents) United States coin from 1853. Obverse has the image of a Liberty seated beside a…

Half Dollar (50 cents) United States coin from 1853. Obverse has the image of a Liberty seated beside a shield, holding a staff with a cap in her left hand surrounded by 13 stars and with arrowheads at the date below the image. Reverse shows an eagle with a left-turned head, holding arrows and an olive branch with rays over its head surrounded by the inscription - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA HALF DOL.

Silver Half Dollar Coin, 1853

Half Dollar (50 cents) United States coin from 1853. Obverse has the image of a Liberty seated beside…