(1751-1815) He served in the Revolution as lieutenant Colonel in the Georgia Continental Lines

Joseph Habersham

(1751-1815) He served in the Revolution as lieutenant Colonel in the Georgia Continental Lines

Quarte parry. The thrust <em>in quarte</em> for the left side of the body, on the high lines, is parried by striking down to the left the opponent's foil by assuming the attitude shown in the left-hand figure.


Quarte parry. The thrust in quarte for the left side of the body, on the high lines, is parried…

Tierce parry. The thrust <em>in tierce</em> for the right side of the body, on the high lines, is parried by raising the foil and striking the opponent's weapon to the right, as shown in the left-hand figure.


Tierce parry. The thrust in tierce for the right side of the body, on the high lines, is parried…

If you fix your eyes on the two white spaces between the lines it will appear as if the top space becomes wider at the ends, and as if the bottom space becomes wider in the middle. But both lines are perfectly straight.

Visual Illusion: Sloping Lines

If you fix your eyes on the two white spaces between the lines it will appear as if the top space becomes…

Which line is longer? The black line on the right appears longer than the line beside it, but both lines are exactly the same length.

Visual Illusion: Line Length

Which line is longer? The black line on the right appears longer than the line beside it, but both lines…

The facial angle is an angle formed by two imaginary lines; one drawn fom the most prominent part of the forehead to a point opposite the incisor teeth; the other from the external ear to the same point, the object being to measure the elevation of the forehead.

Facial Angles

The facial angle is an angle formed by two imaginary lines; one drawn fom the most prominent part of…

Recapture of artillery by the First Ohio and other regiments under General Rousseau, April 7, 1862. The flight of the 53rd and 57th Ohio Regiments left Waterhouse's battery, which was planted on a hill to the left of Shiloh Chapel, unprotected; but the 43rd and 49th Illinois Regiments came to his aid, and supported it until Colonel Wreish of the 43rd was killed, when they fell back in tolerable order. The Confederates now charged and took Waterhouse's battery, thus flanking General Sherman, who fell back to the Purdy Road in good order. Here the sudden death of Captain Behr, who was getting his battery in position on the left wing of the new line, created a panic in his company, which broke and left five guns. Not being supported by any other division, General Sherman was forced back to the right of McClernand, where he again formed and shared the fortunes of the day.

Battle of Pittsburg Landing

Recapture of artillery by the First Ohio and other regiments under General Rousseau, April 7, 1862.…

Voluted capitals from Haramston Church, Lines.


Voluted capitals from Haramston Church, Lines.

"Escorting Major Taylor, of New Orleans, the bearer of a flag of truce, blindfolded, to the Confederate lines, after his unsuccessful mission. On the 8th of July, 1861, the pickets of the Eight New York Regiment, Colonel Lyons, observed a small party of Confederate soldiers approaching with a flag of truce. This proved to be from Manassas junction, and protected Major Taylor, of New Orleans, who bore letters from Jefferson Davis and General Beauregard to President Lincoln and General Scott. Colonel Lyons telegraphed to Washington, and in reply received orders to send the dispatches on. A council was held, when the dispatches from the eminent Confederates were read. It is sufficient to say that no answer was given, and Major Taylor was conducted to the Confederate lines in the manner portrayed in our sketch." &mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Major Taylor

"Escorting Major Taylor, of New Orleans, the bearer of a flag of truce, blindfolded, to the Confederate…

"Storming of Fort Donelson- decisive bayonet charge of the Iowa Second Regiment on the Confederate intrenchments at Fort Donelson, February 15th, 1862, resulting in the capture of the works on the following morning. The Iowa Second Regiment led the charge, followed by the rest in their order. The sight was sublime. Onward they sped, heedless of the bullets and balls of the enemy above. The hill was so steep, the timber cleared, that the Confederates left a gap in their lines of rifle pits on this crest of hill. Through this gap they were bound to go. Right up they went, climbing upon all fours, their line of dark-blue clothing advancing regularly forward, the white line of smoke from the top of the works opposed by a line of the Federal troops. "They reach the top. Numbers fall. The surprise was breathless. See, they climb over the works- they fall- they are lost! Another group, and still another and another, close up the gap. All is covered in smoke. The lodgment is made; the troops swarm up the hillside, their bright bayonets glittering in the sun. The firing slackens. Close behind the brigade Captain Stone's batery of rifled 10-pounders was tugging up the hill, the horses plunging, the riders whipping. Upward they go, where never vehicle went before- up the precipitous and clogged sides of the hill. No sooner on the crest than the guns were unlimbered, the men at their posts. Percussion shells and canister were shot spitefully from the Parrott guns at the flying enemy. The day was gained, cheers upon cheers rent the air, and in a few minutes all was hushed."" &mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Storming of Fort Donelson

"Storming of Fort Donelson- decisive bayonet charge of the Iowa Second Regiment on the Confederate intrenchments…

"Battle of Pea Ridge, Ark., fought March 6th, 7th and 8th, 1862, between the Federal forces, 13,000 strong, under Generals Curtis, Sigel, and Asboth, and the combined Confederate army of the Southwest, 25,000 strong, under Generals Van Dorn, Price and McCulloch- total defeat of the Confederates. The official report of this battle by General Curtis is as follows: "On Thursday, March 6th, the enemy commenced an attack on my right wing, assailling and following the rear guard of a detachment under General Sigel to my main lines on Sugar Creek Hollow, but ceased firing when he met my re-enforcements about 4 P.M. Early on the 7th I ordered an immediate advance of the cavalry and light artillery, under Colonel Osterhaus, with orders to attack and break what I supposed would be the re-enforced line of the enemy. This movement was in progress when the enemy commenced an attack on my right. The fight continued mainly at these points during the day, the enemy having gained the point held by the command of Colonel Carr at Cross Timber Hollow, but was entirely repulsed, with the fall of the commander, McCulloch. At sunrise on the 8th my right and centre renewed the firing, which was immediately answered by the enemy with renewed energy. I immediately ordered the centre and right wing forward, the right turning the left of the enemy and cross firing on his centre. This final position of the enemy was in the arc of a circle. A charge of infantry extending throughout the whole line completely routed the entire Confederate force, which retired in great confusion, but rather safely through the deep, impassable defiles of cross timber."" — Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Pea Ridge

"Battle of Pea Ridge, Ark., fought March 6th, 7th and 8th, 1862, between the Federal forces, 13,000…

"Taking away the colors of the Seventy-ninth New York Regiment for insubordination and mutiny, Washington, D. C., August 14th, 1861. The scene during the reading of the order of General McClellan was exceedingly impressive. The sun was just going down, and in hazy mountain twilight the features and forms of officers and men could scarcely be distinguished. Immediately behind his aid was General Porter, firm and self-possessed. Colonel Stevens was in front of the regiment, endeavoring to quiet his rather nervous horse. In the rear of the regulars, and a little distance apart, General Sickles sat carelessly on horseback, cooly smoking a cigar and conversing with some friends. At one time during the reading a murmur passed through the lines of the mutineers; and when the portion of the order directing the regiment to surrentder its colors was read a private in one of the rear lines cried out, in broad Scotch tones, "Let's keep the colors, boys!" No response was made by the remainder of the regiment. Major Sykes at once rode up the line to where the voice was heard. It would have been more than the soldier's life was worth had he been discovered at the moment in pistol range by any of the officers." &mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Seventy-ninth Regiment

"Taking away the colors of the Seventy-ninth New York Regiment for insubordination and mutiny, Washington,…

"Battle at Willis Church, Monday, June 30th, 1862- the Federal forces, under General Heintzelman, engaged with the enemy. This desperate battle between the Confederates on one hand and the divisions of General Heintzelman and Franklin on the other was fought on the morning of Monday, June 30th, 1862, at Willis Church, a place midway between the White Oak Swamp Bridge and Turkey Bend, where, later in the day, another fierce fight raged, the week of combat being closed next day by the deadly but drawn battle of Malvern Hill. Our sketch represents the position of part of the Federal army at ten o'clock in the morning, just as the battle was commencing. The baggage train is in the foreground, and the enemy is advancing upon the Federal lines, and covering the advance with a heavy shower of shells. Willis Church is on the left of the illustration, being what most of the Southern places of worship were, mere wooden barns." &mdash;Leslie, 1896

Battle at Willis Church

"Battle at Willis Church, Monday, June 30th, 1862- the Federal forces, under General Heintzelman, engaged…

"Repulse of the Confederates at James Island, near Charleston, S. C., June 10th, 1862, in the attempt to capture the pickets of General Wright's division. Our correspondent wrote: "General Benham conceived the design of making a dash across James Island and taking Fort Johnson by surprise. After due deliberation General Hunter agreed to his plan, and troops were transported from Port Royal and taken up Stono River, which was occupied by our gunboats. Two camps were formed on the shore of James Island, about two miles apart, one commanded by General Stevens, and the other by General Wright. Between these camps and Charleston a large force of Confederates, said to be eight thousand men, under command of Colonel Lamar, was stationed to check the advance of the Federals. The advance of this force held possession of a powerful earthwork, about two miles from the Federal camp. The first collision between the hostile forces took place on the 4th of June, in which the Confederates captured about twenty of our men. Later in the day we drove them from their position, and captured a battery of four guns. Things remained quiet until the 10th, when a reconnoissance in force was made for the purpose of advancing our picket lines and taking an earthern fort the Confederates had erected at a place called Secessionville, whose guns threw their shells into our camps, and even into the river where the gunboats were lying, while they were beyond our range. On the afternoon of the 10th the Confederates attacked General Wright's pickets, and were repulsed with heavy loss, our loss being very slight."" —Leslie, 1896

James Island

"Repulse of the Confederates at James Island, near Charleston, S. C., June 10th, 1862, in the attempt…

"Village of Clarksburg, Western Virginia, headquarters of General Rosecrans. Clarksburg, a post village, capital of Harrison County, is situated on the west fork of the Monongahela River, at the mouth of Elk Creek, about two hundred and twenty miles northwest of Richmond. It is built on a high tableland environed by hills. It had in 1861 several churches, academies, two printing offices and many fine stores. Stove coal abounded in its vicinity. The Northwestern Railroad, a branch of the Baltimore and Ohio, passed through it. It has about two thousand inhabitants. For a short time Clarksburg was the headquarters of General Rosecrans. The situation was briefly this: The Cheat Mountain Gaps, the key to the whole country, were held by a strong force, a portion of General Reynolds's brigade, the remainder of which was stationed at Bevery, Huttonsville, and in that vicinity. Other portions of General Rosecrans's command were scattered over almost the whole northwestern part of Virginia, guarding the railroad lines from Wheeling and Parkersburg down to Grafton, and then eastward through the Cheat River country, Oakland, Altamont, and almost to Cumberland, occupying the Kanawha Valley by General Cox's brigade, and holding towns like Weston, Buckhannon, Summerville, Philippi and Bealington." —Leslie, 1896

Village of Clarksburg

"Village of Clarksburg, Western Virginia, headquarters of General Rosecrans. Clarksburg, a post village,…

"It is the size of a large bear; girth at the sholder, five feet, near the tail, twenty inches; fur brown. acquiring a grayish tint at the point of the hairs in old age; external ears one inch eight lines long, conical, erect, covered with short hair, and open by an oblong slit, which is shut in the water; nail very slender and minute." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Sea Bear

"It is the size of a large bear; girth at the sholder, five feet, near the tail, twenty inches; fur…

"The investment of Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, Ark., by the Federal troops under General McClernand, and its bombardment by the Federal gunboats commanded by Rear Admiral D. D. Porter, January 11th, 1863. Fort Hindman was what is known in military parlance as a star fort, with four angles- two on the river and two extending nearly to the morass in the rear. In front of the southwestern angle was a cluster of small houses, into which the enemy had thrown their sharpshooters, and from which a most galling fire was poured upon Burbridge's brigade, which stormed them and carried them by assault. At the given signal, on went the splendid brigade with a shout and a yell, now floundering like bemired horses in the morass, then pausing to dress their lines as if on parade, and anon charging again, regardless of the storm of grape and shell, shot and canister that pelted pitilessly around them. For three long hours they fought ere the houses were carried and made to screen the Federal troops. All that while sharpshooters were picking off, from their secure hiding places, officers and men; 10-pound Parrotts were sending their hissing messengers of death through the lines of the devoted brigade, crushing its bones, spattering its brains, and strewing its path with mangeled corpses and dying men. At last the houses were gained and occupied by the Eighty-third Ohio, which, with the Ninety-sixth Ohio, the Sixteenth, the Sixtieth and Sixty-seventh Indiana and the Twenty-third Wisconsin, had fought for them so gallantly."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Fort Hindman

"The investment of Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, Ark., by the Federal troops under General McClernand,…

"Siege of Vicksburg, attack on the Confederate Works, May 22nd, 1863. Our sketch represents the terrible but fruitless assault made on Pemberton's last line of defense around the city of Vicksburg. On May 22nd, 1863, a tremendous assault was made on the grass-covered fortifications held by the Confederate army. These works consisted of a chain of forts about eight hundred yards apart, connected by deep intrenchments and extending for seven miles. Lawler's brigade rushed up amid a cross fire, and with heavy loss planted the Stars and Stripes on the edge of a parapet; but the enemy gathered there, and the Federals were overpowered. Landrum's brigade came to the relief, but faltered. McClernand ordered up Benton and Burbridge on the right. Sherman and McPherson also advanced, and at point after point the old flag fluttered for awhile on the works. On the extreme right Steele's division, with Blair on his left, advanced as Pemberton fell back, and, like the others, could only display the bravery of the men. Covered by the ravines which intersected the ground the Federal troops would get near the works and make a gallant rush onward, reach the parapet, yet when the edge of the fort was gained the interior was swept by a line of the rifle pits in the rear and a partition breastwork, so that the Federals, even when in the fort, were almost as far from victory as before. In one case a party of twelve Iowans led by a youth named Griffiths, took and held a fort, but all finally fell under the fire of their assailants except Griffiths, who, with musket and revolver, captured fourteen Confederates when had discharged their pieces, and brought them off. The Confederates used for almost the first time hand grenades, which they rolled down the sides of the works on the assaulting party in the ditch or clinging to the side. This dreadful day swept away thousands of gallant Federals. The siege now began in earnest. No army could stand such losses. Closer were the lines drawn around the enemy. Siege guns were mounted. The mines began their work, and the fortifications were assailed from beneath."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Attack on Confederate Works

"Siege of Vicksburg, attack on the Confederate Works, May 22nd, 1863. Our sketch represents the terrible…

"Battle of Gettysburg, Thursday evening, July 2nd, 1863, as seen from Rocky Hill, on Meade's left. Our illustration shows the fight on Thursday evening, July 2nd, 1863, and we almost may say on Friday evening, from Rocky Hill, on the left of General Meade's position, where the Fifth Corps was posted. The lines of the enemy can be seen coming over the hill and out of the woods, in their fierce onset on the Federal line in the rocky field. The fire that met the Confederates at the foot of the ridge was so hot that the entire line of the now fairly exhausted Confederates for a moment wavered and then recoiled. Seeing this, Meade ordered a general advance, in which the remainder of Doubleday's force participated. After another spirited contest it succeeded just before sunset in driving back the Confederates nearly up to their line of reserves, and in taking some of the guns that had been previously captured. Thus ended the engagement on the left centre. A new line was then formed with the divisions of Doubleday and Robinson, and by part of the Twelfth Corps, then under General Williams, who had taken Slocum's place when the latter assumed command of the entire right wing. Contrary to Lee's expectation, Ewell on the extreme left did not advance until quite a while after Longstreet had attacked Birney's division. Johnson's force crossed Rock Creek, and with its extreme right moved against Wadsworth and Green, the latter being the only brigade of Geary's division left at Culp's Hill. Geary's other brigades, under Colonel Charles Candy and George Cobham, had previously been ordered away by Meade toward Little Round Top."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Gettysburg

"Battle of Gettysburg, Thursday evening, July 2nd, 1863, as seen from Rocky Hill, on Meade's left. Our…

"Battle of Chancellorsville, Sunday, May 3rd, 1863. General Hooker repulsing the attack of the enemy. Early on May 3rd, Stuart renewed the attack upon Hooker's force, with the battle cry, 'Charge and remember Jackson!' and the advance was made with such impetuosity that in a short time he was in possession of the crest from which the Eleventh Corps had been driven the preceding day. No time was lost in crowning that eminence with all the heavy artillery obtainable, and as soon as this could be made to play upon the Federal lines a charge was successively ordered upon the position held by Generals Berry and French, both of whom were supported by the divisions of Williams and Whipple. After a severe struggle the Confederates succeeded in capturing the high ground where the Federals had posted some more heavy artillery, and in turning the latter upon the Federals, who soon had to fall back to their second and third lines of intrenchments. The Confederates followed close upon them, and made charge after charge in order to capture the new positions, but unayailingly and when re-enforcements arrived from Meade's corps they were forced to abadon the attack."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Chancellorsville

"Battle of Chancellorsville, Sunday, May 3rd, 1863. General Hooker repulsing the attack of the enemy.…

"Government buildings for 'Contrabands,' erected at Hilton Head, S. C., in 1862. Among the many singular questions that arose during the Civil War were, What was to be done with the contrabands? The government, from the first, took the only view a Christian one could take, and without encouraging their advent to our lines gave orders to receive them, as a mere question of humanity. Among the things which we owe to General Butler is the term contraband, and to his legal sagacity we are also indebted for the practical use to which they were applied. At Hilton Head they were employed to build fortifications, and after careful drilling made very efficient soldiers. Their numbers became so large that it necessitated the erection of new buildings for their accommodation. They were very comfortable and well ventilated, and had the great architectural merit of being perfectly adapted to their purpose."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Government Buildings - Contraband Camp

"Government buildings for 'Contrabands,' erected at Hilton Head, S. C., in 1862. Among the many singular…

"Desperate hand-to-hand combat between Federal cavalry, commanded by General Averill and the daring Confederate general Fitzhugh Lee belong the chief honors of this brilliant affair. Once across the river, a regular cavalry and artillery fight took place between General Averill's command and the Confederate forces under the command of Generals Stuart and Fitzhugh Lee; and for once during the war there was a fair cavalry fight.  The forces opposed to each other were about equal in numbers and similarly appointed and equipped. The Confederates, made desperate by the advance of Federal troops across the Rappahannock and upon soil which they had sworn to defend with the last drop of their blood, disputed every rood of ground. Again and again they charged on the Federal lines, formed <em>en echelon</em>, and as often were they repulsed in the most gallant manner. When the Federals charged upon the enemy's lines it was done with such impetuosity that successful resistance was impossible. Sword in hand they dashed upon the foe, who, after attempting to stand up against the first charges, doggedly retired before them. The object of the expedition having been accomplished, General Averill retired to the left bank of the river without molestation from the enemy."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Hand-to-hand Combat

"Desperate hand-to-hand combat between Federal cavalry, commanded by General Averill and the daring…

"Grant's Campaign in Virginia. The Battle of Bethesda Church, between Crawford's division, Fifth Corps, and the Confederates, May 30th, 1864. At two P. M. the enemy attacked Crawford's division, and he, in accordance with instructions, fell back, and a line of battle was formed, Griffin on the right, Cutler in the centre, Crawford on the left, General Burnside's corps being to the right of Warren's. At six P. M. the enemy assaulted Griffin on the right. It was a general and sudden attack. They advanced in two lines of battle and heavy skirmish line. Simultaneous with their opening volley of musketry came solid shot and shell from the angry mouths of a score and more of hostile cannon. Firm and unshaken as a wall of brass stood the Federal troops. Schooled to such sudden attacks and ready for it, the Federals coolly waited to return the fire. It was a most murderous volley. The assaulting column were staggered and fell back. Upon General Crawford's division the assaults were more repeated and more fierce. The enemy sought to turn his left, but each time was handsomely repulsed, and more than special glory was won by the men meeting and expelling these assaults.'"— Frank Leslie, 1896

Grant's Campaign

"Grant's Campaign in Virginia. The Battle of Bethesda Church, between Crawford's division, Fifth Corps,…

"The war in Virginia. General Butler's lines south of the James, Va., with troops in position near the Federal centre, awaiting an attack previous to the arrival of General Grant's army, June 3rd, 1864. The sudden transfer of operations by General Grant from the old battle ground on the Chickahominy, historic from the bloody campaign of 1862, and laden with the deadly miasm of the Chickahominy swamps, to the point south of the James River occupied by General Butler, gave that comparatively fresh locality additional interest to the public. We lay before our readers a sketch of the fortifications between the James and the Appomattox. Our view is taken from within, showing the shelter tents inside the works, and the men manning the line, awaiting an attack of the enemy."— Frank Leslie, 1896

War in Virginia

"The war in Virginia. General Butler's lines south of the James, Va., with troops in position near the…

"The war in Georgia. Capture of Lost Mountain by General Hooker, June 16th, 1864. On June 14th General Hooker pushed forward, with Geary in the advance, and soon came up with the enemy. Having driven the Confederates from two hills, Geary, being without support upon his right, was forced to halt. Butterfield and Williams having arrived and formed in open fields on the right of Geary's position, about three o'clock P. M., General Hooker ordered an advance of the corps. The lines moved forward, driving the enemy's pickets rapidly before them, halting now and then a moment to dislodge some of the more stubborn of the Confederates, who maintained their fire until almost under the feet of the advancing troops. General Geary's division was the first to encounter the enemy in strong force, with whom one or two sharp volleys were exchanged, and they then fell back to their strongly intrenched lines, from which they opened a terrible fire. This was the commencement of a fierce struggle, which lasted until after dark. Under the cover of darkness the enemy threw out a strong line of skirmishers. The morning of the 15th opened with heavy firing, resulting in repelling an attack of the Confederates to break the picket lines of Geary's Second and Third Brigades. Artillery was placed along the lines, and took a prominent part in the struggle, which continued with varying intensity till after nightfall. Early on the morning of the 16th the skirmishers of Geary's First Brigade discovered that the enemy had evacuated, and they immediately pushed into the works."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Capture of Lost Mountain

"The war in Georgia. Capture of Lost Mountain by General Hooker, June 16th, 1864. On June 14th General…

"The Siege of Petersburg. Battle of Ream's Station- the attempt of the enemy to regain the Weldon Railroad on the evening of August 25th, 1864. The enemy having been repulsed, the Federal skirmishers followed, advancing to the position they had formerly held, and capturing a number of prisoners. Shortly after the enemy again advanced, and were again driven back with heavy loss; and their third assault, made about four o'clock P. M., was attended with a like satisfactory result. In the first three charges the enemy used no artillery, but about five o'clock P. M. they opened a heavy, concentrated fire from a number of batteries, pouring a storm of shell and other missiles over the entire ampitheatre included within the Federal lines. After about twenty minutes of this artillery fire the enemy again made their appearance in front of General Miles's division, their assault being directed mainly against his centre. Emerging from the woods, they advanced in two lines of battle. The Federal artillery and musketry greeted them, as before, with a rapid fire, but without checking their progress. On they came, with bayonets fixed and without firing a shot. They approached the Federal lines, gained the outside of their intrenchments, and at some points a hand-to-hand conflict ensued over the top of the breastworks, the Federals beating back the Confederates with their bayonets as they atempted to climb over. But soon it was found that the Federal line was broken near the centre, and the gap once made rapidly grew wider, until nearly the entire line was swept back, leaving the Federal breastworks and artillery in the hands of the enemy. General Miles, with great coolness, set to work to rally the men, and in a short time succeeded in forming a line with its right resting against the breastworks. At the same time General Hancock ordered the Second Division to be faced about, and cheering and urging the men forward, ledthem in person in a charge at double-quick. This charge, which was made under a heavy fire, was gallantly executed, and in conjunction with the line rallied by General Miles instantly checked the enemy and regained the intrenchments for some distance further toward the left. After the enemy had been checked in the centre and along that portion of the line against which they had chiefly directed their attack the graetest part of the Second Division returned to their own intrenchments. By this time it was dark and the fighting ended. Our sketch shows the repulse of the last Confederate assault."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Ream's Station

"The Siege of Petersburg. Battle of Ream's Station- the attempt of the enemy to regain the Weldon Railroad…

"The Battle of Bentonville, N. C.- Major General Mower, commanding First Division, Seventeenth Corps, turning the Confederate left, half a mile from Bentonville, March 20th, 1865. This pretty and thriving little town, in Johnston County, N. C., was the scene of a desperate struggle between a portion of General Sherman's army and the rear of the Confederate army on the 20th of March, 1865. Our artist has given a spirited sketch of a brilliant dash upon the Confederate forces by a division of the Seventeenth Corps, commanded by General Mower, and spoke with great admiration of the dogged valor of a Confederate captain who refused to surrender his gun. A sharp encounter ensued between him and one of the Federal soldiers, in which the unfortunate Confederate got his brains dashed out with the butt-end of a musket. The defeat of the Confederates was very much attributed to the brilliant charge made upon their lines by which their right was flanked. When the Federal troops entered, it was found that the retreating Confederates had fired a large quantity of rosin and turpentine. The flames were, however, subdued, before all was destroyed."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Bentonville

"The Battle of Bentonville, N. C.- Major General Mower, commanding First Division, Seventeenth Corps,…

"Sherman's Campaign. The capture of Buzzard's Roost at Hovey Gap, Ga., May 8th, 1864. Among the strongholds selected by the Confederates for the defense of Atlanta against the Federals was Buzzard's Roost, carried in spite of all their endeavors, on the 8th of May, by the indomitable courage of Sherman's men. It is a high, rocky elevation on Mill Creek, a branch of the Oostanaula, between Ringgold and Dalton. Our artist said: 'Our advance engaged in some very heavy skirmishing, which lasted for several hours. At first our lines were slowly forced back by the vastly superior numbers of the enemy, who resisted with a stubborn desperation our attempted advance. From out their long lines of concealed rifle-pits they showered their leaden messengers of death with terrible effect upon our troops. A charge was finally ordered, and then ensued one of those furious encounters that can only occur in a hand-to-hand conflict. They drove the Confederates from the fortress, leaving only the dead and wounded in their rifle-pits.'"&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Buzzard's Roost

"Sherman's Campaign. The capture of Buzzard's Roost at Hovey Gap, Ga., May 8th, 1864. Among the strongholds…

"The campaign in Georgia. A baggage train crossing the mountains in a storm. General Sherman, after the capture of Atlanta, prepared for the next move of his antagonist. Hood suddenly moved north, assailing Sherman's lines of communication; but he was repulsed at important points, and, being followed closely by Sherman, retreated southward. The mountain region was again the scene of operations just as winter was approaching. The immense labor and fatigue attendant on operations in that district may be conceived by our sketch of a baggage train crossing the mountains in a storm."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Campaign in Georgia

"The campaign in Georgia. A baggage train crossing the mountains in a storm. General Sherman, after…

"Sheridan's campaign in the valley of the Shenandoah- view of the front from the Federal lines on Jackson Hill, Va."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Jackson Hill

"Sheridan's campaign in the valley of the Shenandoah- view of the front from the Federal lines on Jackson…

"Major General Sheridan riding along the lines after the Battle of Fisher's Hills, Va., September 22nd, 1864. Our illustration representing General Sheridan riding along the lines after his victory at Fisher's Hill is indeed a spirited one. General Sheridan's whole force was soon in possession of the enemy's works, driving them like sheep. The Confederates threw down their arms and fled in confusion, abandoning most of their artillery, twenty pieces and 1,100 prisoners, with caissons and ammunition. General Sheridan was no boaster, but he was heard to say: 'I do not think there ever was an army so badly routed.' And the men who were thus beaten were the veterans whom Stonewall Jackson had so often led to battle in this very valley, who should have been inspired by past victory."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

General Sheridan

"Major General Sheridan riding along the lines after the Battle of Fisher's Hills, Va., September 22nd,…

"The battle of the Wilderness, between General Grant and General Lee, May 5th and 6th, 1864. Our sketch of the first of the great battles of General Grant in Virginia will give a striking idea of the battleground, to be henceforth forever famous, like Manassas, Gettysburg, Pittsburg Landing or Fair Oaks. The eye can take in the five-mile line of battle, which for two days advanced and met hostile advances, gaining ground to be lost in a moment, but holding steadily to their lines till the furious Confederate charge on the Sixth Corps swept away Seymour's and Shaler's brigade of the Third Division and had well-nigh won the day. Sedgwick, soon to fall, saved the right; but the Federal loss in two days was not far from 15,000. Our correspondent gives this interesting account of General Grant during the battle: 'General Grant's headquarters were located in a field between the plank road and a small road leading to a little hamlet known as Parker's Store. During the fight, however, he was principally with General Meade, whose headquarters were on a piny knoll in the rear of Warren's corps. I had seen Grant at Vicksburg and in Tennessee, and his appearance was familiar; but as I strolled through the group of officers reclining under the trees at headquarters, I looked for him some time in vain, such was his insignificant, unpretending aspect and conduct while the battle was raging in all its fury. A stranger to the insignia of military rank would have little dreamed that the plain, quiet man who sat with his back against a tree, apparently heedless and unmoved, was the one upon whom the fortunes of the day, if not of the age and country, were hanging. It was only when some aid or orderly rode up in hot haste with a communication from some portion of the battlefield that his eyes upturnd to seek in those of the messenger the purport of the message. The consultation with General Meade, or the direct suggestion or command, all took place with the same imperturbability of countenance for which he has always been remarkable. No movement of the enemy seemed to puzzle or disconcert him. Fertile in resources, the petition for re-enforcement was speedily answered. And while all this transpired he stood calmly in the group, at times smoking his favorite cigar, a more vigorous or a more frequent puffing only indicating the inward working of his mind.'"— Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of the Wilderness

"The battle of the Wilderness, between General Grant and General Lee, May 5th and 6th, 1864. Our sketch…

The eider duck is found throughout the northern regions of Europe and North America. The female lines the nest with down from her breast, which is collected by intrepid hunters.

Eider Ducks

The eider duck is found throughout the northern regions of Europe and North America. The female lines…

Cross Section of umbrella train shed, showing clearance lines, Union Terminal, Washington, D.C.

Union Terminal

Cross Section of umbrella train shed, showing clearance lines, Union Terminal, Washington, D.C.

"View of the lines on Boston neck."&mdash;Lossing, 1851

Boston Neck

"View of the lines on Boston neck."—Lossing, 1851

"Twelve to sixteen inches long; it feeds on curstaceous animals; spawns in May or June; it is esteemed for food, taken in deep water with a trawl-net, affords excellent amusement in fishing with hand-lines; common in European and American waters" &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Red Gurnard

"Twelve to sixteen inches long; it feeds on curstaceous animals; spawns in May or June; it is esteemed…

"Is two feet long, and is common in the Mediterranean and other European waters; its flesh is good, though rather dry; it is caught with long lines, called <em>culters.</em>" &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Sapphire Gurnard

"Is two feet long, and is common in the Mediterranean and other European waters; its flesh is good,…

"Twelve inches long, abundant in the Mediterranean, and found on the coasts of Africa and Europe, from France to the Cape of Good Hope. It frequents deep water on bold rocky coasts, and is occasionally taken both by nets and lines." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859


"Twelve inches long, abundant in the Mediterranean, and found on the coasts of Africa and Europe, from…

"Twelve inches long, body of a pale yellow color, with numerous oblique, brownish-purple lines. Inhabits the coasts of Ceylon." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Wandering Chaetodon

"Twelve inches long, body of a pale yellow color, with numerous oblique, brownish-purple lines. Inhabits…

"Van Wart's monument. The following are the inscriptions upon this monument: North Side: 'Here repose the mortal remains of Isaac Van Wart, an elder in the Greenburgh church, who died on the 23d of May, 1828, in the 69th year of his age. Having lived the life, he died the death, of the Christian. South Side: 'The citizens of the county of West Chester erected this tomb in testimony of the high sense they entertained for the virtuous and patriotic conduct of their fellow-citizen, as a memorial sacred to public graditute.' East Side: 'Vincent, Amor Patriae. Nearly half a century before this monument was built, the conscript fathers of America had, in the Senate chamber, voted that Isaac Van Wart was a faithful patriot, one in whom the love of country was invincible, and this tomb bears testimony that the record is true.' West Side: 'Fidelity. On the 23d of September, 1780, Isaac Van Wart, accompanied by John Paulding and David Williams, all farmers of the county of West Chester, intercepted Major Andre, on his return from the American lines in the character of a spy, and, notwithstanding the large bribes offered them for his release, nobly disclaimed to sacrifice their country for gold, secured and carried him to the commanding officer of the district, whereby the dangerous and traitorous conspiracy of Arnold was brought to light, the insiduous designs of the enemy, baffled, the American army saved, and our beloved country free.'"—Lossing, 1851

Van Wart's Monument

"Van Wart's monument. The following are the inscriptions upon this monument: North Side: 'Here repose…

"Battle at Willis Church, Monday, June 30th, 1862- the Federal forces, under General Heintzelman, engaged with the enemy. This desperate battle between the Confederates on one hand and the divisions of General Heintzelman and Franklin on the other was fought on the morning of Monday, June 30th, 1862, at Willis Church, a place midway between the White Oak Swamp Bridge and Turkey Bend, where, later in the day, another fierce fight raged, the week of combat being closed next day by the deadly but drawn battle of Malvern Hill. Our sketch represents the position of part of the Federal army at ten o'clock in the morning, just as the battle was commencing. The baggage train is in the foreground, and the enemy is advancing upon the Federal lines, and covering the advance with a heavy shower of shells. Willis Church is on the left of the illustration, being what most of the Southern places of worship were, mere wooden barns." &mdash;Leslie, 1896

Battle at Willis Church

"Battle at Willis Church, Monday, June 30th, 1862- the Federal forces, under General Heintzelman, engaged…

"Battle of Pea Ridge, Ark., fought March 6th, 7th and 8th, 1862, between the Federal forces, 13,000 strong, under Generals Curtis, Sigel, and Asboth, and the combined Confederate army of the Southwest, 25,000 strong, under Generals Van Dorn, Price and McCulloch- total defeat of the Confederates. The official report of this battle by General Curtis is as follows: 'On Thursday, March 6th, the enemy commenced an attack on my right wing, assailling and following the rear guard of a detachment under General Sigel to my main lines on Sugar Creek Hollow, but ceased firing when he met my re-enforcements about 4 P.M. Early on the 7th I ordered an immediate advance of the cavalry and light artillery, under Colonel Osterhaus, with orders to attack and break what I supposed would be the re-enforced line of the enemy. This movement was in progress when the enemy commenced an attack on my right. The fight continued mainly at these points during the day, the enemy having gained the point held by the command of Colonel Carr at Cross Timber Hollow, but was entirely repulsed, with the fall of the commander, McCulloch. At sunrise on the 8th my right and centre renewed the firing, which was immediately answered by the enemy with renewed energy. I immediately ordered the centre and right wing forward, the right turning the left of the enemy and cross firing on his centre. This final position of the enemy was in the arc of a circle. A charge of infantry extending throughout the whole line completely routed the entire Confederate force, which retired in great confusion, but rather safely through the deep, impassable defiles of cross timber.'" — Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Pea Ridge

"Battle of Pea Ridge, Ark., fought March 6th, 7th and 8th, 1862, between the Federal forces, 13,000…

"Battle of Pea Ridge, Ark., fought March 6th, 7th and 8th, 1862, between the Federal forces, 13,000 strong, under Generals Curtis, Sigel, and Asboth, and the combined Confederate army of the Southwest, 25,000 strong, under Generals Van Dorn, Price and McCulloch- total defeat of the Confederates. The official report of this battle by General Curtis is as follows: 'On Thursday, March 6th, the enemy commenced an attack on my right wing, assailling and following the rear guard of a detachment under General Sigel to my main lines on Sugar Creek Hollow, but ceased firing when he met my re-enforcements about 4 P.M. Early on the 7th I ordered an immediate advance of the cavalry and light artillery, under Colonel Osterhaus, with orders to attack and break what I supposed would be the re-enforced line of the enemy. This movement was in progress when the enemy commenced an attack on my right. The fight continued mainly at these points during the day, the enemy having gained the point held by the command of Colonel Carr at Cross Timber Hollow, but was entirely repulsed, with the fall of the commander, McCulloch. At sunrise on the 8th my right and centre renewed the firing, which was immediately answered by the enemy with renewed energy. I immediately ordered the centre and right wing forward, the right turning the left of the enemy and cross firing on his centre. This final position of the enemy was in the arc of a circle. A charge of infantry extending throughout the whole line completely routed the entire Confederate force, which retired in great confusion, but rather safely through the deep, impassable defiles of cross timber.'" — Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Pea Ridge

"Battle of Pea Ridge, Ark., fought March 6th, 7th and 8th, 1862, between the Federal forces, 13,000…

"Village of Clarksburg, Western Virginia, headquarters of General Rosecrans. Clarksburg, a post village, capital of Harrison County, is situated on the west fork of the Monongahela River, at the mouth of Elk Creek, about two hundred and twenty miles northwest of Richmond. It is built on a high tableland environed by hills. It had in 1861 several churches, academies, two printing offices and many fine stores. Stove coal abounded in its vicinity. The Northwestern Railroad, a branch of the Baltimore and Ohio, passed through it. It has about two thousand inhabitants. For a short time Clarksburg was the headquarters of General Rosecrans. The situation was briefly this: The Cheat Mountain Gaps, the key to the whole country, were held by a strong force, a portion of General Reynolds's brigade, the remainder of which was stationed at Bevery, Huttonsville, and in that vicinity. Other portions of General Rosecrans's command were scattered over almost the whole northwestern part of Virginia, guarding the railroad lines from Wheeling and Parkersburg down to Grafton, and then eastward through the Cheat River country, Oakland, Altamont, and almost to Cumberland, occupying the Kanawha Valley by General Cox's brigade, and holding towns like Weston, Buckhannon, Summerville, Philippi and Bealington." —Leslie, 1896

Village of Clarksburg

"Village of Clarksburg, Western Virginia, headquarters of General Rosecrans. Clarksburg, a post village,…

"Village of Clarksburg, Western Virginia, headquarters of General Rosecrans. Clarksburg, a post village, capital of Harrison County, is situated on the west fork of the Monongahela River, at the mouth of Elk Creek, about two hundred and twenty miles northwest of Richmond. It is built on a high tableland environed by hills. It had in 1861 several churches, academies, two printing offices and many fine stores. Stove coal abounded in its vicinity. The Northwestern Railroad, a branch of the Baltimore and Ohio, passed through it. It has about two thousand inhabitants. For a short time Clarksburg was the headquarters of General Rosecrans. The situation was briefly this: The Cheat Mountain Gaps, the key to the whole country, were held by a strong force, a portion of General Reynolds's brigade, the remainder of which was stationed at Bevery, Huttonsville, and in that vicinity. Other portions of General Rosecrans's command were scattered over almost the whole northwestern part of Virginia, guarding the railroad lines from Wheeling and Parkersburg down to Grafton, and then eastward through the Cheat River country, Oakland, Altamont, and almost to Cumberland, occupying the Kanawha Valley by General Cox's brigade, and holding towns like Weston, Buckhannon, Summerville, Philippi and Bealington." —Leslie, 1896

Village of Clarksburg

"Village of Clarksburg, Western Virginia, headquarters of General Rosecrans. Clarksburg, a post village,…

"Battle of Chancellorsville, Sunday, May 3rd, 1863. General Hooker repulsing the attack of the enemy. Early on May 3rd, Stuart renewed the attack upon Hooker's force, with the battle cry, 'Charge and remember Jackson!' and the advance was made with such impetuosity that in a short time he was in possession of the crest from which the Eleventh Corps had been driven the preceding day. No time was lost in crowning that eminence with all the heavy artillery obtainable, and as soon as this could be made to play upon the Federal lines a charge was successively ordered upon the position held by Generals Berry and French, both of whom were supported by the divisions of Williams and Whipple. After a severe struggle the Confederates succeeded in capturing the high ground where the Federals had posted some more heavy artillery, and in turning the latter upon the Federals, who soon had to fall back to their second and third lines of intrenchments. The Confederates followed close upon them, and made charge after charge in order to capture the new positions, but unayailingly and when re-enforcements arrived from Meade's corps they were forced to abadon the attack."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Chancellorsville

"Battle of Chancellorsville, Sunday, May 3rd, 1863. General Hooker repulsing the attack of the enemy.…

"Battle of Chancellorsville, Sunday, May 3rd, 1863. General Hooker repulsing the attack of the enemy. Early on May 3rd, Stuart renewed the attack upon Hooker's force, with the battle cry, 'Charge and remember Jackson!' and the advance was made with such impetuosity that in a short time he was in possession of the crest from which the Eleventh Corps had been driven the preceding day. No time was lost in crowning that eminence with all the heavy artillery obtainable, and as soon as this could be made to play upon the Federal lines a charge was successively ordered upon the position held by Generals Berry and French, both of whom were supported by the divisions of Williams and Whipple. After a severe struggle the Confederates succeeded in capturing the high ground where the Federals had posted some more heavy artillery, and in turning the latter upon the Federals, who soon had to fall back to their second and third lines of intrenchments. The Confederates followed close upon them, and made charge after charge in order to capture the new positions, but unayailingly and when re-enforcements arrived from Meade's corps they were forced to abadon the attack."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Chancellorsville

"Battle of Chancellorsville, Sunday, May 3rd, 1863. General Hooker repulsing the attack of the enemy.…

"Battle of Chancellorsville, Sunday, May 3rd, 1863. General Hooker repulsing the attack of the enemy. Early on May 3rd, Stuart renewed the attack upon Hooker's force, with the battle cry, 'Charge and remember Jackson!' and the advance was made with such impetuosity that in a short time he was in possession of the crest from which the Eleventh Corps had been driven the preceding day. No time was lost in crowning that eminence with all the heavy artillery obtainable, and as soon as this could be made to play upon the Federal lines a charge was successively ordered upon the position held by Generals Berry and French, both of whom were supported by the divisions of Williams and Whipple. After a severe struggle the Confederates succeeded in capturing the high ground where the Federals had posted some more heavy artillery, and in turning the latter upon the Federals, who soon had to fall back to their second and third lines of intrenchments. The Confederates followed close upon them, and made charge after charge in order to capture the new positions, but unayailingly and when re-enforcements arrived from Meade's corps they were forced to abadon the attack."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Chancellorsville

"Battle of Chancellorsville, Sunday, May 3rd, 1863. General Hooker repulsing the attack of the enemy.…

"That point in which a right line drawn from the eye parallel to another given right line cuts the picture of plane."-Whitney, 1902

Accidental Point

"That point in which a right line drawn from the eye parallel to another given right line cuts the picture…

"The Buffalo. As the game upon which they depended moved about the country, so the Indians roved in search of it. The buffalo was an animal every part of which the Indian used. He cooked or dried the flesh, for food. He tanned or otherwise dressed the skin and used it for his bed, and he cut it up for ropes and cords. The marrow served for fat. The sinews made bowstrings. The hair was twisted into ropes and halters, and spun and woven into a coarse cloth, the bones made war clubs, and the shoulder blades were used for hoes. They made canoes from the bark of trees, and paddled along the rivers and lakes. By looking at a map which has no State lines upon it, one can see what a network of waterways covers the country now occupied by the United States."&mdash;Scudder, 1897


"The Buffalo. As the game upon which they depended moved about the country, so the Indians roved in…

"Statue of Nathan Hale. It was during his treated that an event occurred which showed how much Americans were willing to venture and how bravely they could die for the cause in which they were engaged. A young Connecticut soldier, a Yale student, Captain Nathan Hale, had volunteered to go within the British lines on Long Island that he might learn the position of the enemy. On the way back he was arrested. No trial was allowed him. He was not shot as a soldier, but was hanged. 'I only regret,' he said, as he was about to die, 'that I have but one life to give for my country.'"—Scudder, 1897

Hale Statue

"Statue of Nathan Hale. It was during his treated that an event occurred which showed how much Americans…

"Agrilus ruficollis. a, anal end of body of larva; b, larva; c, beetle. (The vertical lines show natural sizes.)"-Whitney, 1902


"Agrilus ruficollis. a, anal end of body of larva; b, larva; c, beetle. (The vertical lines show natural…

"Some, of which the Common Garden Spider, <em>Epeira diadema</em> is an excellent example, construct a beautiful net, composed of stout radiating lines, intersected at tolerably regular intervals by circular filaments." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859


"Some, of which the Common Garden Spider, Epeira diadema is an excellent example, construct…

"The globular crest of this animal is made up of several hundred polygonal pieces of different sizes, of every variety of outline, and so accurately fitted to each other that the lines uniting them are nearly inperceptible." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Sea-urchin without spines

"The globular crest of this animal is made up of several hundred polygonal pieces of different sizes,…

"Little openings (Haversian canals) are seen, and around them are arranged rings of bone with little dark spaces (<em>lacunae</em>), from which branch out fine dark lines (<em>analiculi</em>)." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Cross-section from a shaft of a long bone

"Little openings (Haversian canals) are seen, and around them are arranged rings of bone with little…

"In each papilla are seen vascular loops (dark lines) running up from the vascular network below; the tactile corpuscules (white lines) which supply the papillae are also shown." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Papillae of the skin

"In each papilla are seen vascular loops (dark lines) running up from the vascular network below; the…

"The axis cylinder is in the center. On either side is seen the medullary sheath, represented by dark lines. The primitive sheath, or neurilemma, is on the outside and represented by white lines in which is a nerve corpuscle with an oval nucleus." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Portion of a medullated nerve fiber

"The axis cylinder is in the center. On either side is seen the medullary sheath, represented by dark…

"Nasal Cavities, seen from Below. The sense of smell is located in the membrane which lines the cavities of the nose. This delicate membrane, over which the fibers of the olfactory nerves, or the nerves of smell, are distributed, is kept continually mois by the mucus which it secretes." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Nasal cavities

"Nasal Cavities, seen from Below. The sense of smell is located in the membrane which lines the cavities…

"Palmistry, or Chiromancy, is the art which professes to discover the temperament and character of anyone, as well as the past and future events of his life, from an examination of the palm of his hand; and of the lines traced upon it. A, will; B, logic; C, mount of Venus; D, mount of Jupiter; E, mount of Saturn; F, mount of Apollo; G, mount of Mercury; H, mount of Mars; I, mount of the Moon; K, the rascette; <em>a,</em><em>a,</em> line of life; <em>b,</em><em>b,</em> line of the head; <em>c,</em><em>c,</em> line of heart; <em>d,</em><em>d,</em> line of Saturn or fate; <em>e,</em><em>e,</em> line of liver or health; <em>f,</em><em>f,</em> line of Apollo or fortune; <em>g,</em><em>g,</em> the girdle of Venus; R, the quadrangle; <em>m,</em><em>m,</em><em>m,</em> bracelets of life."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Palmistry, or Chiromancy, is the art which professes to discover the temperament and character of anyone,…

"A cart; also a two-wheeled carriage enclosed, and with an arched or sloping cover overhead. The carpentum was used to convey the Roman matrons in the public festal processions; and, as this was a high distinction, the privilege of riding in a carpentum on such occasions was allowed to particular females by special grant of the senate. This carriage contained seats for two, and sometimes for three persons, besides the coachman. It was commonly drawn by a pair of mules, but more rarely by oxen or horses, and sometimes by four horses like a quadriga. Carpenta, or covered carts, were much used by the Britons, the Gauls, and other northern nations. These, together with the carts of the more common form, including baggage waggons, appear to have been comprehended under the term carri, or carra, which is the Celtic name with a Latin termination. The Guals took a great multitude of them on their military expeditions, and when they were uncamped, arranged them in close oder, so as to form extensive lines of circumvallation." &mdash; Smith, 1873


"A cart; also a two-wheeled carriage enclosed, and with an arched or sloping cover overhead. The carpentum…