(1795-1849) US President 1845-1849

James Knox Polk

(1795-1849) US President 1845-1849

(1742-1817) American artist known for his horse portraiture

Earl Percy

(1742-1817) American artist known for his horse portraiture

God of the Sea


God of the Sea

God of the Sea


God of the Sea

Part-human and part-horse creature.


Part-human and part-horse creature.

Roman personification of death


Roman personification of death

Trojan priest who warned the Trojans about the Greek horse. He and his two sons were killed by serpents.


Trojan priest who warned the Trojans about the Greek horse. He and his two sons were killed by serpents.

Knight in the lists

Knight in the lists

Knight in the lists

Charles I and armor-bearer

Charles I and armor-bearer

Charles I and armor-bearer

Coach at the time of Elizabeth I

Coach at the time of Elizabeth I

Coach at the time of Elizabeth I

A hoofed, herbivorous mammal found in Africa. It is known for its distinct and regular stripes of black or brown on a white background.


A hoofed, herbivorous mammal found in Africa. It is known for its distinct and regular stripes of black…

The oryx is a native of S. Africa. It is one of the fastest animals in that region. It is similar in appearance to the antelope but its tail is like that of the horse, and its horns are dark and perfectly straight.


The oryx is a native of S. Africa. It is one of the fastest animals in that region. It is similar in…

The seahorse is the only fish as yet known to have a prehensile tail. It has been found in the Hudson River of this country, about five or six inches in length, (Hooker, 1882).


The seahorse is the only fish as yet known to have a prehensile tail. It has been found in the Hudson…

Wreath with cherubs and horse

Wreath with cherubs

Wreath with cherubs and horse

Horse-drawn coach of the 1870s

Coach, 1870s

Horse-drawn coach of the 1870s

The Brett is a long, four-wheeled pleasure carriage, with a calash top, and seats 4 and a driver.


The Brett is a long, four-wheeled pleasure carriage, with a calash top, and seats 4 and a driver.

A Chaise is a two-wheeled vehicle with a calash top and a body slung on leather straps.


A Chaise is a two-wheeled vehicle with a calash top and a body slung on leather straps.

A Rockaway seats two and has a full standing top.


A Rockaway seats two and has a full standing top.

A Victoria is a four-wheeled carriage and seats 2 persons.


A Victoria is a four-wheeled carriage and seats 2 persons.

A Berlin is a four-wheeled carriage, invented in Berlin.

Berlin coach

A Berlin is a four-wheeled carriage, invented in Berlin.

A Break is a large four-wheeled carriage with a straight body, a calash top, and seats for 4 and for a driver and a footman.


A Break is a large four-wheeled carriage with a straight body, a calash top, and seats for 4 and for…

The Clarence is a closed four-wheeled carriage with one seat inside and one outside for the driver.


The Clarence is a closed four-wheeled carriage with one seat inside and one outside for the driver.

A Calash is a light carriage on low wheels, seats 4 inside, and can, through a movable top and front, be used as either a closed or open vehicle.


A Calash is a light carriage on low wheels, seats 4 inside, and can, through a movable top and front,…

The Coupe is a four-wheeled closed carriage, with seats for two and a driver.


The Coupe is a four-wheeled closed carriage, with seats for two and a driver.

A Jump-seat is a convenient four-wheeled vehicle with a falling top, and so constructed that it can be changed readily from a one to a two-seat form

Jump-seat, one seat form

A Jump-seat is a convenient four-wheeled vehicle with a falling top, and so constructed that it can…

A Jump-seat is a convenient four-wheeled vehicle with a falling top, and so constructed that it can be changed readily from a one to a two-seat form

Jump-seat, two seat form

A Jump-seat is a convenient four-wheeled vehicle with a falling top, and so constructed that it can…

A Chariotee is a four-wheeled pleasure carriage with two seats and a movable top.


A Chariotee is a four-wheeled pleasure carriage with two seats and a movable top.

A Cabriolet is a one-horse pleasure carriage with a calash top, a covering for the legs, and seats for 2.


A Cabriolet is a one-horse pleasure carriage with a calash top, a covering for the legs, and seats for…

A Buggy is a light four-wheeled vehicle in common use in the late 19th century.


A Buggy is a light four-wheeled vehicle in common use in the late 19th century.

A Buggy is a light four-wheeled vehicle in common use in the late 19th century.

Top Buggy

A Buggy is a light four-wheeled vehicle in common use in the late 19th century.

A Britska is a long carriage with a calash or movable top, and constructed to afford space for reclining on a journey.


A Britska is a long carriage with a calash or movable top, and constructed to afford space for reclining…

A Wagonette is a four-wheeled vehicle designed to carry 4 or 6 persons.


A Wagonette is a four-wheeled vehicle designed to carry 4 or 6 persons.

An English Barauch is a four-wheeled carriage with a falling top, and two seats inside, holding 4 persons who face each other. It has a seat for a driver and a footman.

English Barauch

An English Barauch is a four-wheeled carriage with a falling top, and two seats inside, holding 4 persons…

A Gladstone is a roomy four-wheeled pleasure carriage with a calash top, and seats for 4. It also has a seat for a driver and a footman.


A Gladstone is a roomy four-wheeled pleasure carriage with a calash top, and seats for 4. It also has…

A Gig is a light two-wheeled vehicle drawn by one horse.


A Gig is a light two-wheeled vehicle drawn by one horse.

A Landau is a kind of pleasure carriage whose top may be thrown open or be closed at pleasure.


A Landau is a kind of pleasure carriage whose top may be thrown open or be closed at pleasure.

A Stanhope is a  light two or four-wheeled carriage, named afer Lord Stanhope, for whom it was invented.


A Stanhope is a light two or four-wheeled carriage, named afer Lord Stanhope, for whom it was invented.

A Dog-cart is a sportsman's fourwheeled vehicle, with a place behind to carry dogs.


A Dog-cart is a sportsman's fourwheeled vehicle, with a place behind to carry dogs.

This is the bud of a Horse-Chestnut. This will open and the leaves will push out.

Horse-Chestnut Bud

This is the bud of a Horse-Chestnut. This will open and the leaves will push out.

Prince and Princess with horse and slain dragon.

Prince and Princess

Prince and Princess with horse and slain dragon.

Four men with one on horse gonig toward the King's house

Four Men

Four men with one on horse gonig toward the King's house

Catharine the Great on horseback

Catharine the Great

Catharine the Great on horseback

Man exercising on a vaulting horse.

Vaulting horse

Man exercising on a vaulting horse.

Nine boys sitting on a horse.

Boys sitting on horse

Nine boys sitting on a horse.

Boy on rocking horse.

Boy on rocking horse

Boy on rocking horse.

Children on a horse.

Children on a horse

Children on a horse.

Lumberjacks hauling logs.


Lumberjacks hauling logs.

Native American riding horse from an illustration by Frederick Remington.

Native American

Native American riding horse from an illustration by Frederick Remington.

Bellerophon and the Chimera

Bellerophon and the Chimera

Bellerophon and the Chimera

Constellation: The Winged Horse

The Winged Horse

Constellation: The Winged Horse

Horse with saddle.


Horse with saddle.

Mounting the horse.


Mounting the horse.

Doodad with Horse and rider.

Horse and rider

Doodad with Horse and rider.

Dollhouse, doll, sailboat, horse.


Dollhouse, doll, sailboat, horse.

Horse-drawn cab.


Horse-drawn cab.

Horse-drawn cab driver.


Horse-drawn cab driver.

Family in the cab.


Family in the cab.

Horse pulling.


Horse pulling.

Wooden horse is taken into the city of Troy.

Trojan horse

Wooden horse is taken into the city of Troy.

Taking of Troy.


Taking of Troy.