"Contopus virens. Wood Pewee. Olivaceous-brown, rather darker on head; with sides washed with a paler shade of the same, reaching nearly or quite across the breast; throat and belly whitish, more or less tinged with dull yellowish; under tail-coverts the same, usually streaked with dusky; tail and wings blackish, the former unmarked, the inner wing-quills edged, and the greater and middle coverts tipped, with whitish; feet and upper mandible black, under mandible usually yellow, sometimes dusky; iris brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Wood Pewee

"Contopus virens. Wood Pewee. Olivaceous-brown, rather darker on head; with sides washed with a paler…

"Steganopus wilsoni. Wilson's Phalarope. Bill and feet black. Crown of head pale ash, passing into white along a narrow stripe in the nape. A narrow, distinct, pure white line over the eye. Sides of neck intense purplish-chestnut, or dark wine-red; anteriorly deepening upon the auriculars into velvety-black; posteriorly continued, somewhat duller in tint, as a stripe along each side of the back to the tips of the scapulars. Other upper parts pearly-ash, blanching on the rump and upper tail-coverts. Wings pale grayish-brown; coverts slightly white-tipped; primaries dusky-brown, their shafts brownish-white, except at tip. Tail marbled with pearly-gray and white. All the under parts pure white, but the fore part and sides of the breast washed with pale chestnut-brown, as if with a weak solution of the rich color on the neck, and a faint tinge of the same along the sides of the body to the flanks. Bill and feet black. Iris brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Wilson's Phalarope

"Steganopus wilsoni. Wilson's Phalarope. Bill and feet black. Crown of head pale ash, passing into white…

Pheasant, a long-tailed game bird related to the partridge.


Pheasant, a long-tailed game bird related to the partridge.

The pheasant prefers wooded slopes or marshy plains. They eat grain, berries, worms and insects.


The pheasant prefers wooded slopes or marshy plains. They eat grain, berries, worms and insects.

"Phasianus colchicus, Pheasant, ...has a white collar and slaty lower back with dark green barring; while the former has the rump feathers buff, with black mottlings and purplish-red tips. The females, hardly separable from one another, lack the red face-wattles, the long ear-tufts, and the pair of spurs of a male." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Phasianus colchicus, Pheasant, ...has a white collar and slaty lower back with dark green barring;…

"Fig. 19 - A partly pennaceous, partly plumulaceous feather, from Argus pheasant; after Nitzsch. ad, main stem; d, calamus; a, rhachis; c, c, c, vanes, cut away on left side in order not to interfere with b, the after-shaft, the whole of the right vane of which is likewise cut away." Elliot Coues, 1884

Feather from a Argus Pheasant

"Fig. 19 - A partly pennaceous, partly plumulaceous feather, from Argus pheasant; after Nitzsch. ad,…

An Asian pheasant of great beauty.

Argus Pheasant

An Asian pheasant of great beauty.

"The Argus-Pheasant is a bird with magnificent plumage, and inhabits the forests of Java and Sumatra."


"The Argus-Pheasant is a bird with magnificent plumage, and inhabits the forests of Java and Sumatra."

English Pheasant. Common Pheasant. Phasianus colchicus. Adult plumage: Maroon breast, orangey flanks, white ring round neck; tail brown with dark brownish barring, rump gray; green iridescent head with lighter tufts and a bare red face

English Pheasant

English Pheasant. Common Pheasant. Phasianus colchicus. Adult plumage: Maroon breast, orangey flanks,…

The pheasant prefers wooded slopes or marshy plains. They eat grain, berries, worms and insects.

Golden Pheasant

The pheasant prefers wooded slopes or marshy plains. They eat grain, berries, worms and insects.

"Panurus biarmicus, the "Bearded Tit" or "Reed-Pheasant" plumage is orange-brown above, with grey crown and a black streak from the lores down the cheeks, where the feathers are elongated and point backwards; the wings are varied with black and white; the throat is greyish, the breast pinkish; the abdomen coloured like the back; the under tail-coverts are black, the bill is yellow. The hen has a buff head, while she lacks the black "moustache" and under tail-coverts." A. H. Evans, 1900

Reed Pheasant

"Panurus biarmicus, the "Bearded Tit" or "Reed-Pheasant" plumage is orange-brown above, with grey crown…

"The Pheasant is remarkable for the extraordinary length of its tail, the middle feathers of which in one species sometimes attain a length of seven or eight feet."

Reeves' Pheasant (Phasianus Reevesii)

"The Pheasant is remarkable for the extraordinary length of its tail, the middle feathers of which in…

"The Pheasant is remarkable for the extraordinary length of its tail, the middle feathers of which in one species sometimes attain a length of seven or eight feet."

Common Pheasants

"The Pheasant is remarkable for the extraordinary length of its tail, the middle feathers of which in…

Woman and birds

Pictorial banner

Woman and birds

Woman with birds

Pictorial banner

Woman with birds

Internal anatomy of a pigeon.


Internal anatomy of a pigeon.

Pigeons are distinguished by their slender feet which are adapted for perching, whilst the voice is of a gentle, soft and melancholy character (Nicholson, 1871)


Pigeons are distinguished by their slender feet which are adapted for perching, whilst the voice is…

A Pigeon in a loft


A Pigeon in a loft

A Pigeon house

Pigeon House

A Pigeon house

"The Crowned Pigeon is very common in New Guinea and the Moluccas."

Crowned Pigeon

"The Crowned Pigeon is very common in New Guinea and the Moluccas."

"Goura coronata, the Crowned Pigeon, discovered by Dampier in 1699, is bluish-slate -coloured, with darker wings, and some black on the chin and side of the head; a broad chestnut band crossing the back, one of white shewing conspicuously on the wing, and one of grey terminating the tail." A. H. Evans, 1900

Crowned Pigeon

"Goura coronata, the Crowned Pigeon, discovered by Dampier in 1699, is bluish-slate -coloured, with…

The plumage of this bird is of a beautiful grayish blue; its head is ornamented with a pretty plume of straight, long, and tapering feathers, (Figuier, 1869).

Great-crowned Pigeon

The plumage of this bird is of a beautiful grayish blue; its head is ornamented with a pretty plume…

The passenger pigeon became extinct in 1914.

Passenger Pigeon

The passenger pigeon became extinct in 1914.

"Ectopistes migratorius. Passenger Pigeon. Wild Pigeon Adult: Upper parts, including head all around, slaty-blue, bright and pure on head and rump, shaded with olivaceous-gray on the back and wings; the back and sides of the neck glittering with golden and violet iridescence, the wing-coverts with velvety-clack spots. Below, from the throat, light purplish-chestnut, paler behind and fading into white on the lower belly and crissum. Tibiae, sides of body, and lining of wings like upper parts. Quills blackish, with rufous-white edging. Two middle tail-feathers blackish; others fading from pearly-bluish into white, their extreme bases with black and chestnut spots. Bill black; feet lake red, drying and undefinable color; iris orange; skin about eye red." Elliot Coues, 1884

Passenger Pigeon

"Ectopistes migratorius. Passenger Pigeon. Wild Pigeon Adult: Upper parts, including head all around,…

The wood pigeons are the largest species of this family; their plumage is slaty grey, with bluish, green, and rose-coloured reflections, (Figuier, 1869).

Wood Pigeon

The wood pigeons are the largest species of this family; their plumage is slaty grey, with bluish, green,…

A group of different varieties of domestic pigeons including the tumbler, the pouter, and the carrier pigeon.

Domestic Pigeons

A group of different varieties of domestic pigeons including the tumbler, the pouter, and the carrier…

The Fantail is a popular breed of Fancy Pigeon which are domesticated varieties of the Rock Pigeon (Columba livia).

Two Fantail Pigeons

The Fantail is a popular breed of Fancy Pigeon which are domesticated varieties of the Rock Pigeon (Columba…

"These birds have as distinctive features a short beak, a small head, a round and massive body, bare tarsi, with spurs more or less developed, and a medium-sized back toe."

Pin-Tailed Sand-Grouse

"These birds have as distinctive features a short beak, a small head, a round and massive body, bare…

"Meadow Pipit or Anthus pratensis. Upper parts greenish-brown distinctly marked with blackish-brown centres of the feathers; wing-quills and coverts clove-brown, edged with greenish-gray. Tail-feathers dark brown, edged with the greenish shade of the back, the outer one obliquely white for nearly half its length, and others with white at the end. Cheeks olivaceous, speckled with dusky. Under parts brownish-white with a tinge of green, marked on the breast and sides with brownish-black streaks running forward as a maxillary chain; chin, belly, and under tail-coverts unmarked. Bill dusky above and at end, the rest livid flesh-color; feet obscure flesh-color; iris blackish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Meadow Pipit

"Meadow Pipit or Anthus pratensis. Upper parts greenish-brown distinctly marked with blackish-brown…

"Pitta brachyura, the Indian Pitta, has plumage that exhibits vivid scarlet, blue, and green tints, in addition to yellow, purple, black, brown, and white. They are stout, strong-billed form, with short rounded wings and tail, the long metatarsus being more or less scutellated all round; the primaries number ten- the secondaries eight, the rectrices twelve." A. H. Evans, 1900

Indian Pitta

"Pitta brachyura, the Indian Pitta, has plumage that exhibits vivid scarlet, blue, and green tints,…

"Philepitta, peculiar to Madagascar, which have bare orbits surmounted by a green caruncle in the male, and metatarsi with a regular series of scale behind (taxaspidean). P. Jala, is black, with yellow at the bend of the wing; the female is olive green with yellow markings below." A. H. Evans, 1900

Wattled Pittas

"Philepitta, peculiar to Madagascar, which have bare orbits surmounted by a green caruncle in the male,…

The golden plover is the size of a turtle dove.


The golden plover is the size of a turtle dove.

"Squatarola. Four-toed Plover. A small but distinct hind toe, contrary to the rule in this family. Tail less than half as long as wing. Tarsus much longer than middle toe and claw. Tibia bare below, reticulate like the tarsus. Basal web between outer and middle toes. Upper plumage speckled, lower black or white; no rings or bars of color about head or neck. Legs dark-colored. Tail fully barred. Seasonal changes of plumage very; sexes alike." Elliot Coues, 1884

Four-toed Plover Bill and Hind Toe

"Squatarola. Four-toed Plover. A small but distinct hind toe, contrary to the rule in this family. Tail…

"Charadrius dominicus. American Golden Plover. Field Plover. Bull-head Plover. Upper parts black, everywhere speckled with golden-yellow, and mostly also white, the brighter color in excess. The markings of individual feathers are a tipping and one or several paired scollops. Hind neck less strongly marked than crown or back. Forehead, and long stripe over eye snowy-white. Region immediately around bill, sides of head to include eyes, and entire under parts, glossy brownish-black. Lining of wings, and axillars, sooty-gray or ashy. Tail dusky grayish-brown, with numerous irregular pale gray bars, and reddish-brown shafts; upper tail-coverts and rump like back. Primaries fuscous, blackening at tips and whitening at bases of inner webs, though without definite white spaces; shafts white for space. Secondaries and many of the coverts, like the primaries, plain fuscous, without the golden and white fretwork of the back. Bill and feet black." Elliot Coues, 1884

American Golden Plover

"Charadrius dominicus. American Golden Plover. Field Plover. Bull-head Plover. Upper parts black, everywhere…

"Squatarola helvetica. Swiss Plover. Black-bellied Plover. Bull-head Plover. Whistling Field Plover. Ox-eye. Upper parts fretted with blackish and ashy-white, the feathers being basally, then black, tipped and usually scalloped with white. Upper tail-coverts mostly white, with few dark touches. Fore-head, line over eye and thence more broadly over side of neck, the lining of wings, tibiae, vent and under tail-coverts, white. Sides of head to an extent embracing the eyes, axillary plumes, and entire under parts (except as said), black. Tail closely barred with black and white. Primaries dark brown, blackening at tips, with large basal areas and a portion of their shafts, white. Bill and feet black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Black-bellied Plover

"Squatarola helvetica. Swiss Plover. Black-bellied Plover. Bull-head Plover. Whistling Field Plover.…

Plover, a shore-bird with long wings and slender legs, related to the snipe.

Golden Plover

Plover, a shore-bird with long wings and slender legs, related to the snipe.

"Aegialites vociferus. Kildeer Plover. Above, grayish-brown, with an olive shade, and in high plumage a slight bronzy lustre. Rump and upper tail-coverts bright-colored, very variable in tint, from tawny or orange-brown to cinnamon-brown or chestnut. Forehead with a white band from eye to eye, more or less prolonged as a superciliary streak, and a black band above it. A white collar around hind neck, continuous with white of the throat. A black collar around back of neck, continuous with a black pectoral band. Back of the latter a black pectoral belt. Thus the fore-parts are encircled with one complete black ring, behind which is a black half-ring on breast, before which is a complete white ring. A white stripe over and behind eye; a dusky stripe below eye. Under parts entirely pure white, except the two pectoral belts. Primary quills blackish; a white space on the outer webs of the most of them, forming an oblique series, and a longer white space on their inner webs. Secondaries mostly white, but with black areas in increasing size from within outward. Long inner secondaries, or tertiaries, like the back. Tail-feathers singularly variegated; several inner pairs like the back, insensibly blackening towards ends, then lightning again, and usually with rusty tips; lateral ones gaining more and more of the bright color of the rump, with more definite black subterminal bars, and pure white tips; outermost pair mostly white, with the rufous shade, and several broken black bars. The effect of all this variegation is very striking when the pairs are displayed in flight. Bill black; eye black, with a bright ring around it; legs pale." Eliot Coues, 1884

Kildeer Plover

"Aegialites vociferus. Kildeer Plover. Above, grayish-brown, with an olive shade, and in high plumage…

"Aegialitis hiaticola, the Ringed Plover, Sand-Lark, or Stone-runner, mistakenly called the "Ring-Dotterel" which is common on the British coasts and even inland, extends from Smith's Sound eastward to Bering Strait, and migrates to South Africa, North India, or accidentally, Australia. It breeds as far south as the Atlantic Islands, North Africa, and Turkestan. The plumage is light brown, with white forehead, post-ocular streak, upper neck, alar bar, outer rectrices, and under surface; the crown, lores, cheeks, and a collar-broader in front-being black. The young lack the black crown." A. H. Evans, 1900

Ringed Plover

"Aegialitis hiaticola, the Ringed Plover, Sand-Lark, or Stone-runner, mistakenly called the "Ring-Dotterel"…

The Ptarmigans have feet much like those of a hare. Their legs and toes and soles of the feet are covered with feathers.


The Ptarmigans have feet much like those of a hare. Their legs and toes and soles of the feet are covered…

"Lagopus albus. Willow Grouse. Willow Ptarmigan. Bill very stout and convex, its depth at base as the distance from nasal fossa to tip; whole culmen 0.75; bill black at all seasons. Male in summer: The head and fore parts rich chestnut or orange-brown, more tawny-brown on back and rump; the richer brown parts sparsely, the tawny-brown more closely, barred with black; most of the wings and under parts remaining white. Female similar, wholly colored excepting the wings, the color more tawny than in the male, and more heavily, closely, and uniformly barred with black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Willow Ptarmigan in Summer

"Lagopus albus. Willow Grouse. Willow Ptarmigan. Bill very stout and convex, its depth at base as the…

"Lagopus albus. Willow Grouse. Willow Ptarmigan. Bill very stout and convex, its depth at base as the distance from nasal fossa to tip; whole culmen 0.75; bill black at all seasons. Male and female in winter: Snow white; 14 tail feathers black, white-tipped; the middle pair (which most resemble and perhaps are true rectrices, having no after-shafts) together with all the coverts, one pair of which reach to end of tail, white; shafts of several outer wing-quills black; no black stripe on head." Elliot Coues, 1884

Willow Ptarmigan in Winter

"Lagopus albus. Willow Grouse. Willow Ptarmigan. Bill very stout and convex, its depth at base as the…

"Lagopus leucurus. White-tailed Ptarmigan. Rocky Mountain Snow Grouse. Male and Female in winter: Entirely snow-white; bill black, rather slender, and general size and proportions nearly as in L. rupestris. Male and female, in summer: Tail, most of the wing, and lower parts from the breast, remaining white; rest of the plumage minutely marked with black, white, and tawny or grayish-brown, varying in precise character almost with every specimen; but there is no difficulty in recognizing this whit-tailed species, of alpine distribution in Western N. A. from the Arctic regions to New Mexico (lat. 37 degrees)." Elliot Coues, 1884

White-tailed Ptarmigan

"Lagopus leucurus. White-tailed Ptarmigan. Rocky Mountain Snow Grouse. Male and Female in winter: Entirely…

"Bucco hyperrhynchus, or Puff-bird, is blue-black, with a white under surface crossed by a broad black band, and a white forehead and nape, with a large bill." A. H. Evans


"Bucco hyperrhynchus, or Puff-bird, is blue-black, with a white under surface crossed by a broad black…

A marine diving bird, allied to the auk, and having a short, thick beak like that of the parrot.


A marine diving bird, allied to the auk, and having a short, thick beak like that of the parrot.

"Fratercula arctica. Common Puffin. Sea Parrot. Crown of head grayish-black, sharply defined against color of sides of head, separated by a slight ashy cervical collar from the dark color of the upper parts. Sides of head, with chin and throat, ashy-white nearly white between eyes and bill, with a dark ashy patch on side of throat. Upper parts glossy blue-black, continuous with a broad collar around the neck in front, not extending to the bill. A narrow line of white along border of fore-arm. Under parts from the neck pure white, the long feathers of the sides and flanks blackish. Under surface of wings pearly-gray; inner webs of primaries and secondaries grayish-brown, the shafts brown, with black ends and whitish bases. Iris brown. Eyelids vermilion-red, the excrescences grayish-blue. Basal collar of bill and first ridge dull yellowish; nasal saddle and corresponding shoe of lower mandible grayish-blue; rest of bill vermilion-red, the tip of the lower mandible and two terminal grooves often yellowish; rosette of mouth orange-yellow; feet coral or vermilion-red; claws black." Elliot Coues, 1884


"Fratercula arctica. Common Puffin. Sea Parrot. Crown of head grayish-black, sharply defined against…

"Lunda cirrata. Tufted Puffin. Crests about 4 inches long, straw-yellow, some of the posterior feathers black at base; these bundles of silky, glossy feathers with very delicate shafts and loosened webs; they chiefly sprout from what corresponds to the furrow in the plumage of F. artica. Face white, broadly of this color on sides of head to beyond eyes (as far as the crests), narrowly across forehead and chin, the bill being thus entirely surrounded by white. Crown between the crests, and entire upper parts, excepting the extreme forehead and a line along the forearm, glossy blue-black. Entire under parts, excepting extreme chin, and including sides of hind head and sides of neck, sooty brownish-black, more grayish on the belly, the lining of wings smoky-gray, the under tail-coverts quite black. Wings and tail black, their inner webs brownish-black, the shaft of the primary whitish underneath near base. Bill, feet, and eye-ring vermilion-red; the basil parts of the bill when about to desquamate showing more yellowish or enamel color, or even showing the living color of the subjacent membrane. Rosette of mouth yellow. Claws black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Tufted Puffin Bill

"Lunda cirrata. Tufted Puffin. Crests about 4 inches long, straw-yellow, some of the posterior feathers…

"Fratercula corniculata Horned Masking Puffin. Crown of head grayish-black, narrowing to a point at base of culmen. Sindes of head white; the postocular furrow and sides of lower jaw ashy. A distinct narrow line of white along edge of fore-arm. Entire upper parts glossy blue-black; a sootier shade of black encircling the fore-neck, running forward on throat to bill. Other under parts white, except a few elongated blackish feathers on sides of flanks. Lining of wings pearly-ash. Bill entirely vermilion-red, even the basal collar; edges of eyelids red; excrescences of eyelids bluish-gray; iris brown; feet orange-red, the webs tinged with vermilion; claws brownish-black; rosette of mouth bright yellow-orange. Lunda cirrata. Tufted Puffin. Crests about 4 inches long, straw-yellow, some of the posterior feathers black at base; these bundles of silky, glossy feathers with very delicate shafts and loosened webs; they chiefly sprout from what corresponds to the furrow in the plumage of F. artica. Face white, broadly of this color on sides of head to beyond eyes (as far as the crests), narrowly across forehead and chin, the bill being thus entirely surrounded by white. Crown between the crests, and entire upper parts, excepting the extreme forehead and a line along the forearm, glossy blue-black. Entire under parts, excepting extreme chin, and including sides of hind head and sides of neck, sooty brownish-black, more grayish on the belly, the lining of wings smoky-gray, the under tail-coverts quite black. Wings and tail black, their inner webs brownish-black, the shaft of the primary whitish underneath near base. Bill, feet, and eye-ring vermilion-red; the basil parts of the bill when about to desquamate showing more yellowish or enamel color, or even showing the living color of the subjacent membrane. Rosette of mouth yellow. Claws black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Horned and Tufted Puffins

"Fratercula corniculata Horned Masking Puffin. Crown of head grayish-black, narrowing to a point at…

The quail has a small beak, a short back toe inserted high up, tarsi furnished with a rudimentary spur in the shape of a horny tubercle.


The quail has a small beak, a short back toe inserted high up, tarsi furnished with a rudimentary spur…

"Ortyx. Quail. Outstretched feet reaching beyond end of tail. Bill black or blackish-brown. " Elliot Coues, 1884

Quail Foot and Bill

"Ortyx. Quail. Outstretched feet reaching beyond end of tail. Bill black or blackish-brown. " Elliot…

"Coturnix dactylisonans. Messina Quail. Migratory Quail. Common Quail of Europe. Upper parts variegated with buff or whitish and black upon a mixed reddish-brown and gray ground, the most conspicuous markings being sharp lance-lineal lengthwise stripes of buff or whitish over most of the upper parts, these dashes mostly edged with black; other less prominent buff or whitish cross-bars, several to a feather, likewise framed in black. Crown mixed brown and black, with sharp median and lateral buff stripes. Throat white, bounded before by a dark bar curving down behind the auriculars; behind, by a necklace of ruddy-brown, blackish, or whitish spots; chin varied with dark marks n advance of the auricular bar. Under parts fading to whitish from the buff or pale yellowish-brown breast, without any dark crossbars, but the long feathers of the sides and flanks with large and conspicuous white shaft-stripes and otherwise variegated with black, brown, and buff. Primaries fuscous, spotted with light brown on outer webs; secondaries similar, but the markings becoming bars on both webs. Tail-feathers brownish-black, much varied with shaft-lines, cross-bars, and edgings of buff; crissum immaculate, like the abdomen. Bill dark; feet pale; iris dark brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Common Quail of Europe

"Coturnix dactylisonans. Messina Quail. Migratory Quail. Common Quail of Europe. Upper parts variegated…

An illustration of two adult quail and six baby quail.

Group of Adult & Baby Quail

An illustration of two adult quail and six baby quail.

"Cyrtonyx massena. Massena Partridge. Male: Upper parts intimately waved with black and reddish-brown and tawny-brown, and marked with sharp buff or whitish shaft-lines; on the wings the irregular black variegation changing to black bars and round spots, in regular paired series on each feather. Outer quills fuscous, their outer webs spotted with white or buff. Under parts crowded with innumerable round white spots on a dark ground, several pairs on each feather; the middle line of the breast and belly mahogany-colored, the flanks, vent, and crissum velvety-black. Top of head black in front, with slight white touches, changing on the crest to brown. Sides of the head and throat fantastically striped with black and white; a broad black throat-patch; another on the cheeks, across lored alongside of crown; a third on the ear-coverts; a fourth bordering the white all around behind." Elliot Coues, 1884

Massena Quail

"Cyrtonyx massena. Massena Partridge. Male: Upper parts intimately waved with black and reddish-brown…

"Orortyx picta. Plumed Partridge. Mountain Quail. Back, wings and tail olive-brown, the inner secondaries and tertiaries bordered with whitish or tawny, forming a lengthwise border in single line when the wings are folded; the primaries fuscous, the tail-feathers fuscous, minutely marbled with the color of the back. Fore-parts, above and below, slaty-blue (above more or less glossed with olive shade of the back, below minutely marbled with black); the throat chestnut, immediately bordered laterally with black, then framed in the firm white line, broken through the eye, reappearing around base of under mandible. Extreme forehead whitish, The arrow-plumes black. Belly chestnut, the sides banded with broad bars of black and white, or rufous-white; middle of the lower belly, tibia, and flanks, whitish or rufous; crissum velvety-black, streaked with chestnut. Bill dusky, paler below; feet brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Mountain Quail

"Orortyx picta. Plumed Partridge. Mountain Quail. Back, wings and tail olive-brown, the inner secondaries…

An endangered South American bird with vibrant red and green plumage. It is thought to be extinct.


An endangered South American bird with vibrant red and green plumage. It is thought to be extinct.

"Pharomacrus mocinno, the Quezal of the higher districts of Guatemala to Veragua, is brilliant iridescent green above, tinged with blue on the far extended tail-coverts; the throat is green, the under parts are gorgeous crimson, the remiges and the six median rectrices are black, the remainder chiefly white." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Pharomacrus mocinno, the Quezal of the higher districts of Guatemala to Veragua, is brilliant iridescent…

These birds are weak fliers, preferring to hide from predators.


These birds are weak fliers, preferring to hide from predators.

"Porzana carolina. Carolina Crake. Common Rail. "ortolan." Above, olive-brown, varied with black, with numerous sharp white streaks and specks; flanks, axilars and lining of wings, barred with white and blackish; belly whitish; crissum rufescent. Face and central line of throat black, the rest of the throat, line over eye, and especially the breast, more or less intensely slate-gray, the sides of the breast usually also with some obsolete whitish barring and speckling." Elliot Coues, 1884

Carolina Rail

"Porzana carolina. Carolina Crake. Common Rail. "ortolan." Above, olive-brown, varied with black, with…

"Rallus longirostris crepitans. Clapper Rail. Salt-water Marsh-hen. Mud-hen. Above, variegated with olive-brown and pale olive-ash, the latter edging the feathers, the variegation dull and blended. Below, pale dull ochrey-brown, whitening on the throat, frequently ashy-shaded on the breast, without decided cinnamon-brown shade. Flanks, axillars, and lining of wings, fuscous-gray, with sharp narrow white bars. Quills and tail plain dark-brown, without chestnut on the coverts. Eyelids and short superciliary line whitish. The general tone is that of a gray bird, without any reddishness." Elliot Coues, 1884

Clapper Rail

"Rallus longirostris crepitans. Clapper Rail. Salt-water Marsh-hen. Mud-hen. Above, variegated with…

"Porzana carolina. Carolina Crake. Common Rail. "ortolan." Above, olive-brown, varied with black, with numerous sharp white streaks and specks; flanks, axilars and lining of wings, barred with white and blackish; belly whitish; crissum rufescent. Face and central line of throat black, the rest of the throat, line over eye, and especially the breast, more or less intensely slate-gray, the sides of the breast usually also with some obsolete whitish barring and speckling." Elliot Coues, 1884

Small Carolina Rail

"Porzana carolina. Carolina Crake. Common Rail. "ortolan." Above, olive-brown, varied with black, with…

"Aegithognathous skull of raven, Corvus corax, nat. size, from nature, by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt, U.S.A. Letters as before. N.B. The reference line, V, goes to the ossified nasal septum borne upon the end of the vomer, which latter bone begins at the thickest part of the central projection. Mxp underlies V and overlies Pl, but touches neither." Elliot Coues, 1884

The Skull of a Raven

"Aegithognathous skull of raven, Corvus corax, nat. size, from nature, by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt, U.S.A.…