The Rhamphastus ariel, or Ariel Toucan, is black with a yellow or orange rump and throat. The brilliant…
"a, an inch of trachea, contracted to the utmost, the rings looking like alternating half-rings; b,…
"Last entire tracheal ring, viewed from below, crossed by the pessulus." Elliot Coues, 1884
"Bifurcation of trachea, and bronchi, viewed from below; a, pessulus, the bolt-bar, or "bone of divarication";…
"1, 2, left, two tracheal rings, separate. b; 1, 2, right hand, the same put together." Elliot Coues,…
Illustration of a tree branch with 7 birds and one flying away. It can be used to write mathematics…
This is a fruit tree drawing, possibly and apple tree. Its roots are shown in the shape of a ball and…
This is a fruit tree drawing, possibly and apple tree. Its roots are shown in the shape of a ball and…
Torgons, like Barbets have the bases of their beaks covered with hairs. Their soft and silky plumage…
Torgons, like Barbets have the bases of their beaks covered with hairs. Their soft and silky plumage…
Torgons, like Barbets have the bases of their beaks covered with hairs. Their soft and silky plumage…
"Trogon ambiguus. Copper-tailed Trogon. Metallic golden-green; face and sides of head black; below from…
"Psophia crepitans, the Agami, ranging from British Guiana to Amazonia, is a black bird with velvety…
"The Gallirex chlorochlyamys, Green-mantled Turaco, has a general coloration of metallic blue and green…
"Meleagris gallipavo. Turkey. Upper tail-coverts chestnut, with paler or whitish tips; tail-feathers…
"Catheturus lathami, the "Brush Turkey" of Eastern Australia, is blackish-brown with greyish under surface,…
"The turkey is indigenous to America; and it may still be found in some parts of our country in the…
"Strepsilas interpres. Turnstone. Brant Bird. Calico-back. Pied above with black, white, brown, and…
"Fig. 31. - Ulna of Colaptes mexicanus, showing points of attachment of the secondaries. (Dr. R. W.…
This vase is designed with birds. It is footed and has a wide body and a narrow neck that flares out…
"Similar to V. gilvus, but smaller; colors paler; bill more depressed; upper mandible almost black;…
"The first change in the parent-cell is that by which it becomes broken up into a mass of cells, each…
"Catharista atrata. Black Vulture. Carrion Crow. Adult: Entire plumage, including skin of head, and…
The Turkey vulture is found over the whole United States, but is more numerous in the southern region…
Vultures are carrion eaters. The head and neck are usually bare, and the bill and claws weaker than…
A group of vultures, three on the ground, eat their prey. Several vultures are approaching those already…
"Motacilla raii, the Yellow Wagtails, are generally black and white, grey and white, grey with a yellow…
A (Motacilla alba) or White Wagtail (upper) and a (Motacilla flava) Yellow Wagtail (lower) sitting on…
"The Yellow Wagtail or Motilla flava has characters of the Motacilla alva; tail shorter, not exceeding…
Pedionomus torquatus differs in structure from Turnix by the presence of a small hind-toe. The lax upper…
"Mniotilta varia, the Black and White Warbler, The general coloration is olive-green, grey, or slaty-blue,…
"Myiodioctes pussies. Blacked-capped Fly-catching Warbler. Upper parts, including exposed edging of…
"Black-poll Warbler or Dendroica striata. Back, rump, tail-coverts grayish-olive, heavily streaked with…
"Black-throated Gray Warbler or Dendroica nigrescens. Above, bluish-ash, the interscapular region, and…
"Blue Golden-Winged Warbler or Helminthophila chrysoptera. Upper parts slaty-blue, or or fine bluish-gray;…
"Myiodioctes canadensis. Canadian Fly-catching Warbler. Canada Warbler. Bluish-ash; crown speckled with…
"Chestnut-sided Warbler, Dendroica pensylvanica. Back streaked with black and pale yellow (sometimes…
"Myiodioctes mitratus. Hooded Fly-catching Warbler. Hooded Warbler. Clear yellow-olive above; below,…
"Kentucky Warbler. Oporornis formosus. Clear olive-green; entire under parts bright yellow, olive-shaded…
"Black -and-Yellow Warbler. Magnolia Warbler. Back black, usually quite pure and uninterrupted in the…
"Worm-Eating Warbler or Helmitheros vermivorus. Olive, below buffy, paler or whitish on the belly; head…
"Yellow-rumped Warbler or Dendroica coronata. Yellow-crowned Warbler. Myrtle Bird. Slaty-blue, streaked…
This bohemian waxwing has more plumage than the typical Cedar waxwing of the U.S. Waxwings have a red…
"Both sexes of our irregular winter-visitor the Waxwing (Ampelis garrulus) are silky greyish-brown,…
"Ampelis garrulus. Bohemian Waxwing. General color brownish-ash, shading insensibly from the clear ash…
"Ampelis cedrorum. Cedar Waxwing. Carolina Waxwing. Cedar-bird. Cherry Bird. General color shading from…
"The Whidah-Birds have long, drooping tail feathers. They are natives of South Africa and Senegal."
An American bird, allied to the nighthawk and nightjar, so called from its note, or the sounds of its…
"Antrostomus vociferus. Whippoorwill. Night-jar. Upper parts variegated with gray, black, whitish, and…
"Antrostomus vociferus. Whippoorwill. Night-jar. Upper parts variegated with gray, black, whitish, and…
"Mareca americana. American Wigeon. Bald-pate. Bill grayish-blue, with black tip and extreme base; feet…
The semipalmated (half-webbed) bases of toes on the foot of a Willet. "... basal webs generally run…
"Symphemia semipalmata. Semipalmated Tattler. Willet. Adult in summer: Upper parts ashy, confoundedly…