"General Edward Ferrero was born in Granada, Spain, January 18th, 1831. His parents were Italian, and he was brought to the United States when an infant. At the beginning of the war he was lieutenant colonel of the Eleventh New York Militia Regiment. In 1861 he raised the fifty-first New York Regiment, called the "Shepard Rifles," and led a brigade in Burnside's expedition to Roanoke Island, where his regiment took the first fortified redoubt captured in the war. He was in the battles of South Moutain and Antietam, and for his bravery in the latter engagement was appointed brigadier general, September 19th, 1862. He served with distinction at Fredericksburg, Vicksburg and the siege of Petersburg. He was brevetted a major general, December 2nd, 1864, and mustered out in 1865." — Frank Leslie, 1896

Edward Ferrero

"General Edward Ferrero was born in Granada, Spain, January 18th, 1831. His parents were Italian, and…

"The siege of Petersburg- the Fifth Corps awaiting the order to advance, July 30th, 1864."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Fifth Corps

"The siege of Petersburg- the Fifth Corps awaiting the order to advance, July 30th, 1864."— Frank…

"Fort built around the officer's quarters of the First Minnesota Regiment, Colonel Sully, near Fair Oaks, VA. The peculiarities of the States and nationalities as were represented in the Federal Army developed themselves in a variety of ways. At Fortress Monroe the German regiments erected bowers in which they quaffed their lager and smoked, while their regimental bands played airs which led them back by the ear to Das Vaterland; and the Garibaldi Guard made their tents as much like Swiss cottages as possible. The First Minnesota Regiment, Colonel A. Sully, little dreaming how soon they would have to abandon their handiwork to the enemy, erected a fort around the commodious farm house near Fair Oaks, which, after the battle of Seven Pines, May 31st, 1862, had been given to their captains and lieutenants for their quarters. The appearance was so strange that an officer of General McClellan's staff made a sketch and sent it to us." — Frank Leslie, 1896

First Minnesota Regiment

"Fort built around the officer's quarters of the First Minnesota Regiment, Colonel Sully, near Fair…

"First naval battle in Hampton Roads between the Confederate iron-plated steamers <em>Merrimac, Yorktown</em>, and <em>Jamestown</em>, and the Federal wooden sailing frigates <em>Cumberland</em> and <em>Congress</em>- sinking of the <em>Cumberland</em> by a blow from the <em>Merrimac</em>, March 8th, 1862- sketched by our special artist. About noon on the 8th, a suspicious-looking vessel, looking like a submerged house, with the roof only above water, was discovered, moving down from Norfolk, by the channel in front of Sewall's Point batteries. There was nothing protruding above the water but a flagstaff flying the Confederate flag and a short smokestack. She moved along slowly, and turned into the channel leading to Newport News, and steamed direct for the wooden sailing frigates <em>Cumberland</em> and <em>Congress</em>, which were lying at the mouth of James River. As soon as she came within range of the <em>Cumberland</em>, the latter opened on her with her heavy guns; but the balls struck and glanced off without effect. In the meantime, as the <em>Merrimac</em> was approaching the two frigates on one side, the Confederate ironclad steamers <em>Yorktown</em> and <em>Jamestown</em> came down James River, and engaged the frigates on the other side. The batteries at Newport News also opened on the <em>Yorktown</em> and <em>Jamestown</em>, and did all in their power to assist the <em>Cumberland</em> and <em>Congress</em>, which, being sailing vessels, were at the mercy of the approaching steamers. The <em>Merrimac</em>, in the meantime, kept steadily on her course, and slowly approached the <em>Cumberland</em>, when she and the <em>Congress</em>, at a distance of one hundred yards, rained full broadsides on the ironclad monters without effect. After receiving the first broadside of the two frigates, she ran on to the <em>Cumberland</em>, striking her about midship, and literally laying open her bow, left her to sink, while she engaged the <em>Congress</em>, which lay about a quarter of a mile distant. The <em>Congress</em>, having no regular crew on board of her, and seeing the hopelessness of resisting the ironclad steamer, at once struck her colors." &mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

First naval battle

"First naval battle in Hampton Roads between the Confederate iron-plated steamers Merrimac, Yorktown,…

"First and last review of the First Regiment, South Carolina [African American] Volunteers, on Hilton Head, S. C., under Colonel Fessenden, U. S. A., June 25th, 1862. Our correspondent at Hilton Head wrote us: "I witnessed the parade entire, as well as the company drills in the manual of arms, etc., afterward, and I must acknowledge my complete surprise at the discipline and even vim evinced by the sable crowd. Dressed in the regulation uniform of the United States Army, tall and strong men generally speaking, they, considering that the regiment had not been fully armed but about ten days, spoke well for officers and men."" &mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

First Regiment

"First and last review of the First Regiment, South Carolina [African American] Volunteers, on Hilton…

"Flag of Truce from the Confederates for a suspension of firing, to bury their dead, at Port Royal, S. C."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Flag of Truce

"Flag of Truce from the Confederates for a suspension of firing, to bury their dead, at Port Royal,…

"Scene on the floating battery, Charleston Harbor, during the bombardment of Fort Sumter. A very important factor in the bombardment of Fort Sumter was an immense floating battery, which did effective work in the silencing of the fort's guns. Major Anderson directed many of his shots at the floating battery; but while it was struck fifteen or eighteen times, not the slightest impression was made upon its iron-cased sides."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Floating Battery

"Scene on the floating battery, Charleston Harbor, during the bombardment of Fort Sumter. A very important…

Andrew Hull Foote (1806 - 1863) was an admiral in the United States Navy who served during the Civil War.

Admiral Andrew Hull Foote

Andrew Hull Foote (1806 - 1863) was an admiral in the United States Navy who served during the Civil…

Farmers and soldiers having a foraging party during the Civil War.

Foraging Party

Farmers and soldiers having a foraging party during the Civil War.

"Return of a foraging party of the Twenty-fourth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, with their spoils, to Baton Rouge, having captured horses, carts, wagons, mules, contrabands, provisions, etc. On January 29th, 1863, General Grover, who commanded at Baton Rouge, having received intelligence that a large quantity of supplies had been gathered at a place some miles away, sent a foraging party, consisting of the Twenty-fourth Connecticut Regiment, to capture them. This was happily accomplished without losing a man, the Confederate guard flying at the first sight of the Federal party. The spoils were several horses, carts, wagons, mules, corn and potatoes, saying nothing of a few 'contrabands' who came to enjoy 'Massa Linkum's' proclomation."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Foraging spoils

"Return of a foraging party of the Twenty-fourth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, with their spoils,…

"Return of a foraging party of the Twenty-fourth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, with their spoils, to Baton Rouge, having captured horses, carts, wagons, mules, contrabands, provisions, etc. On January 29th, 1863, General Grover, who commanded at Baton Rouge, having received intelligence that a large quantity of supplies had been gathered at a place some miles away, sent a foraging party, consisting of the Twenty-fourth Connecticut Regiment, to capture them. This was happily accomplished without losing a man, the Confederate guard flying at the first sight of the Federal party. The spoils were several horses, carts, wagons, mules, corn and potatoes, saying nothing of a few 'contrabands' who came to enjoy 'Massa Linkum's' proclomation."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Foraging Spoils - Startled Horse

"Return of a foraging party of the Twenty-fourth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, with their spoils,…

"Return of a foraging party of the Twenty-fourth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, with their spoils, to Baton Rouge, having captured horses, carts, wagons, mules, contrabands, provisions, etc. On January 29th, 1863, General Grover, who commanded at Baton Rouge, having received intelligence that a large quantity of supplies had been gathered at a place some miles away, sent a foraging party, consisting of the Twenty-fourth Connecticut Regiment, to capture them. This was happily accomplished without losing a man, the Confederate guard flying at the first sight of the Federal party. The spoils were several horses, carts, wagons, mules, corn and potatoes, saying nothing of a few 'contrabands' who came to enjoy 'Massa Linkum's' proclomation."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Foraging Spoils near Baton Rouge

"Return of a foraging party of the Twenty-fourth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, with their spoils,…

Civil War soldiers crossing Ely's Ford and the Rapidan river. Ely's Ford was a major battle of the river. It is located in Virginia near Fredericksburg.

Ely's Ford

Civil War soldiers crossing Ely's Ford and the Rapidan river. Ely's Ford was a major battle of the river.…

"'The Forlorn Hope.' Volunteers storming party, consisting of portions of the Seventh Michigan and Nineteenth Massachusetts crossing the Rappahannock in advance of the Grand Army, to drive off the Confederate riflemen who were firing upon the Federal pontioniers, Wednesday, December 10th, 1862. We illustrate one of those numerous acts of daring which have raised the character of the Federal soldier to the highest position in the military world. When the fire of the enemy from the rifle pits on the south side of the Rappahannock became so deadly that the pontoniers could not carry on their work, General Burnside called for 100 volunteers to cross and dislodge, at the bayonet's point, the concealed sharpshooters. Thousands sprang forward, but only the number required was chosen. These consisted of men from the Seventh Michigan and Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiments. With the utmost alacrity this gallant 'forlorn hope' sprang into the boats, and, on reaching the other side, drove the Confederates from their posts at the point of the bayonet, capturing 39 prisoners. Only one man was killed and give wounded in this desperate duty. The bridge was soon finished, and a sufficient force passed over to hold the town."— Frank Leslie, 1896

The Forlorn Hope

"'The Forlorn Hope.' Volunteers storming party, consisting of portions of the Seventh Michigan and Nineteenth…

"'The Forlorn Hope.' Volunteers storming party, consisting of portions of the Seventh Michigan and Nineteenth Massachusetts crossing the Rappahannock in advance of the Grand Army, to drive off the Confederate riflemen who were firing upon the Federal pontioniers, Wednesday, December 10th, 1862. We illustrate one of those numerous acts of daring which have raised the character of the Federal soldier to the highest position in the military world. When the fire of the enemy from the rifle pits on the south side of the Rappahannock became so deadly that the pontoniers could not carry on their work, General Burnside called for 100 volunteers to cross and dislodge, at the bayonet's point, the concealed sharpshooters. Thousands sprang forward, but only the number required was chosen. These consisted of men from the Seventh Michigan and Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiments. With the utmost alacrity this gallant 'forlorn hope' sprang into the boats, and, on reaching the other side, drove the Confederates from their posts at the point of the bayonet, capturing 39 prisoners. Only one man was killed and give wounded in this desperate duty. The bridge was soon finished, and a sufficient force passed over to hold the town."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

The Forlorn Hope

"'The Forlorn Hope.' Volunteers storming party, consisting of portions of the Seventh Michigan and Nineteenth…

"'The Forlorn Hope.' Volunteers storming party, consisting of portions of the Seventh Michigan and Nineteenth Massachusetts crossing the Rappahannock in advance of the Grand Army, to drive off the Confederate riflemen who were firing upon the Federal pontioniers, Wednesday, December 10th, 1862. We illustrate one of those numerous acts of daring which have raised the character of the Federal soldier to the highest position in the military world. When the fire of the enemy from the rifle pits on the south side of the Rappahannock became so deadly that the pontoniers could not carry on their work, General Burnside called for 100 volunteers to cross and dislodge, at the bayonet's point, the concealed sharpshooters. Thousands sprang forward, but only the number required was chosen. These consisted of men from the Seventh Michigan and Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiments. With the utmost alacrity this gallant 'forlorn hope' sprang into the boats, and, on reaching the other side, drove the Confederates from their posts at the point of the bayonet, capturing 39 prisoners. Only one man was killed and give wounded in this desperate duty. The bridge was soon finished, and a sufficient force passed over to hold the town."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

The Forlorn Hope

"'The Forlorn Hope.' Volunteers storming party, consisting of portions of the Seventh Michigan and Nineteenth…

"Storming of Fort Donelson- decisive bayonet charge of the Iowa Second Regiment on the Confederate intrenchments at Fort Donelson, February 15th, 1862, resulting in the capture of the works on the following morning. The Iowa Second Regiment led the charge, followed by the rest in their order. The sight was sublime. Onward they sped, heedless of the bullets and balls of the enemy above. The hill was so steep, the timber cleared, that the Confederates left a gap in their lines of rifle pits on this crest of hill. Through this gap they were bound to go. Right up they went, climbing upon all fours, their line of dark-blue clothing advancing regularly forward, the white line of smoke from the top of the works opposed by a line of the Federal troops. "They reach the top. Numbers fall. The surprise was breathless. See, they climb over the works- they fall- they are lost! Another group, and still another and another, close up the gap. All is covered in smoke. The lodgment is made; the troops swarm up the hillside, their bright bayonets glittering in the sun. The firing slackens. Close behind the brigade Captain Stone's batery of rifled 10-pounders was tugging up the hill, the horses plunging, the riders whipping. Upward they go, where never vehicle went before- up the precipitous and clogged sides of the hill. No sooner on the crest than the guns were unlimbered, the men at their posts. Percussion shells and canister were shot spitefully from the Parrott guns at the flying enemy. The day was gained, cheers upon cheers rent the air, and in a few minutes all was hushed."" &mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Storming of Fort Donelson

"Storming of Fort Donelson- decisive bayonet charge of the Iowa Second Regiment on the Confederate intrenchments…

"First assault upon Fort Fisher, Sunday, January 15th, 1865. The One Hundred and Seventeenth New York troops, followed by the Third, planting the flag on the northern traverse of the fort. On the 13th of January the Federal fleet commenced the bombardment, which was continued with unabated vigor throughout the day. On the 15th it was resolved to take the place by storm. The boats containing the naval force intended to co-operate effected a landing on a shelving piece of beach about a mile and a half from the fort. At two o'clock, and when within eight hundred yards of the fort, the order to charge was given. The First Brigade of the Second Division of the Twenty-fourth Corps, headed by General Curtis, scaled the northeast salient of the fort, and forced a rapid entrance. Inch by inch they fought their way along the northeast face, the gallant First Brigade in the advance. It was a hand-to-hand struggle; bayonets were in general use; muskets were clubbed; and man stood up to man in deadly conflict. Night fell, and yet the fierce struggle raged unremittingly within the fort. About ten o'clock the final struggle took place, and, after a short but desperate hand-to-hand encounter, the Federals remained masters of the hitherto impregnable Fort Fisher."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Fort Fisher

"First assault upon Fort Fisher, Sunday, January 15th, 1865. The One Hundred and Seventeenth New York…

"General view of Forts Hatters and Clark, N. C., captured on the 29th of August, 1861, by the Federal naval and military forces, under command of Commodore Stringham and Major General Butler. Articles of stipulation were signed on the flagship by Commodore Stringham and General Butler on the part of the United States, and by Commodore Barron, Colonel Martin and Major Andrews on the Confederate side, and the swords of the latter delivered up. The two forts remained in possession of the Federal troops, Fort Hatteras under command of Colonel Weber, and Fort Clark under that of Colonel Hawkins. The enemy's loss in killed was 15, and wounded 42; on the Federal side not a single man was either killed or wounded." — Frank Leslie, 1896

Fort Hatteras

"General view of Forts Hatters and Clark, N. C., captured on the 29th of August, 1861, by the Federal…

"Bombardment of Fort Henry, Tennessee River, Tenn., by the Mississippi Flotilla, Flag Officer Foote, February 6th, 1862. Flag Officer Foote's official report- United States Flagship Cincinatti, off Fort Henry, Tennessee River, February 6th, 1862: 'The gunboats under my command- the <em>Essex</em>, Commander Porter; the <em>Carondelet</em>, Commander Walker; the <em>Cincinnati</em>, Commander Stembel; the <em>St. Louis</em>, Lieutenant Commanding Paulding; the <em>Conestoga</em>, Lieutenant Commanding Phelps; the <em>Taylor</em>, Lieutenant Commanding Gwin; and the <em>Lexington</em>, Lieutenant Commanding Shirk. After a severe and rapid fire of one hour and a quarter, have captured Fort Henry and have taken General Lloyd Tilghman and his staff as prisoners. The surrender to the gunboats was unconditional, as we kept an open fire upon the enemy until their flag was struck. In half an hour after the surrender I handed the fort and the prisoners over to General Grant, commanding the army, on his arrival at the fort in force. The <em>Essex</em> had a shot in her boiler, after fighting most effectually for two thirds of the action, and was obliged to drop down the river. She, with the other gunboats, officers and men, fought with the greatest gallantry. The <em>Cincinnati</em> received thirty-one shots and had one man killed and eight wounded, two seriously. The fort, with twenty guns and seventeen mortars, was defended by General Tilghman with the most determined gallantry.'" —Leslie, 1896

Bombardment of Fort Henry

"Bombardment of Fort Henry, Tennessee River, Tenn., by the Mississippi Flotilla, Flag Officer Foote,…

"Bombardment of Fort Henry, Tennessee River, Tenn., by the Mississippi Flotilla, Flag Officer Foote, February 6th, 1862. Flag Officer Foote's official report- United States Flagship Cincinatti, off Fort Henry, Tennessee River, February 6th, 1862: 'The gunboats under my command- the <em>Essex</em>, Commander Porter; the <em>Carondelet</em>, Commander Walker; the <em>Cincinnati</em>, Commander Stembel; the <em>St. Louis</em>, Lieutenant Commanding Paulding; the <em>Conestoga</em>, Lieutenant Commanding Phelps; the <em>Taylor</em>, Lieutenant Commanding Gwin; and the <em>Lexington</em>, Lieutenant Commanding Shirk. After a severe and rapid fire of one hour and a quarter, have captured Fort Henry and have taken General Lloyd Tilghman and his staff as prisoners. The surrender to the gunboats was unconditional, as we kept an open fire upon the enemy until their flag was struck. In half an hour after the surrender I handed the fort and the prisoners over to General Grant, commanding the army, on his arrival at the fort in force. The <em>Essex</em> had a shot in her boiler, after fighting most effectually for two thirds of the action, and was obliged to drop down the river. She, with the other gunboats, officers and men, fought with the greatest gallantry. The <em>Cincinnati</em> received thirty-one shots and had one man killed and eight wounded, two seriously. The fort, with twenty guns and seventeen mortars, was defended by General Tilghman with the most determined gallantry.'" —Leslie, 1896

Bombardment of Fort Henry

"Bombardment of Fort Henry, Tennessee River, Tenn., by the Mississippi Flotilla, Flag Officer Foote,…

"Bombardment of Fort Henry, Tennessee River, Tenn., by the Mississippi Flotilla, Flag Officer Foote, February 6th, 1862. Flag Officer Foote's official report- United States Flagship Cincinatti, off Fort Henry, Tennessee River, February 6th, 1862: 'The gunboats under my command- the <em>Essex</em>, Commander Porter; the <em>Carondelet</em>, Commander Walker; the <em>Cincinnati</em>, Commander Stembel; the <em>St. Louis</em>, Lieutenant Commanding Paulding; the <em>Conestoga</em>, Lieutenant Commanding Phelps; the <em>Taylor</em>, Lieutenant Commanding Gwin; and the <em>Lexington</em>, Lieutenant Commanding Shirk. After a severe and rapid fire of one hour and a quarter, have captured Fort Henry and have taken General Lloyd Tilghman and his staff as prisoners. The surrender to the gunboats was unconditional, as we kept an open fire upon the enemy until their flag was struck. In half an hour after the surrender I handed the fort and the prisoners over to General Grant, commanding the army, on his arrival at the fort in force. The <em>Essex</em> had a shot in her boiler, after fighting most effectually for two thirds of the action, and was obliged to drop down the river. She, with the other gunboats, officers and men, fought with the greatest gallantry. The <em>Cincinnati</em> received thirty-one shots and had one man killed and eight wounded, two seriously. The fort, with twenty guns and seventeen mortars, was defended by General Tilghman with the most determined gallantry.'" —Leslie, 1896

Bombardment of Fort Henry

"Bombardment of Fort Henry, Tennessee River, Tenn., by the Mississippi Flotilla, Flag Officer Foote,…

"Bombardment of Fort Henry, Tennessee River, Tenn., by the Mississippi Flotilla, Flag Officer Foote, February 6th, 1862. Flag Officer Foote's official report- United States Flagship Cincinatti, off Fort Henry, Tennessee River, February 6th, 1862: 'The gunboats under my command- the <em>Essex</em>, Commander Porter; the <em>Carondelet</em>, Commander Walker; the <em>Cincinnati</em>, Commander Stembel; the <em>St. Louis</em>, Lieutenant Commanding Paulding; the <em>Conestoga</em>, Lieutenant Commanding Phelps; the <em>Taylor</em>, Lieutenant Commanding Gwin; and the <em>Lexington</em>, Lieutenant Commanding Shirk. After a severe and rapid fire of one hour and a quarter, have captured Fort Henry and have taken General Lloyd Tilghman and his staff as prisoners. The surrender to the gunboats was unconditional, as we kept an open fire upon the enemy until their flag was struck. In half an hour after the surrender I handed the fort and the prisoners over to General Grant, commanding the army, on his arrival at the fort in force. The <em>Essex</em> had a shot in her boiler, after fighting most effectually for two thirds of the action, and was obliged to drop down the river. She, with the other gunboats, officers and men, fought with the greatest gallantry. The <em>Cincinnati</em> received thirty-one shots and had one man killed and eight wounded, two seriously. The fort, with twenty guns and seventeen mortars, was defended by General Tilghman with the most determined gallantry.'" —Leslie, 1896

Bombardment of Fort Henry

"Bombardment of Fort Henry, Tennessee River, Tenn., by the Mississippi Flotilla, Flag Officer Foote,…

"The investment of Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, Ark., by the Federal troops under General McClernand, and its bombardment by the Federal gunboats commanded by Rear Admiral D. D. Porter, January 11th, 1863. Fort Hindman was what is known in military parlance as a star fort, with four angles- two on the river and two extending nearly to the morass in the rear. In front of the southwestern angle was a cluster of small houses, into which the enemy had thrown their sharpshooters, and from which a most galling fire was poured upon Burbridge's brigade, which stormed them and carried them by assault. At the given signal, on went the splendid brigade with a shout and a yell, now floundering like bemired horses in the morass, then pausing to dress their lines as if on parade, and anon charging again, regardless of the storm of grape and shell, shot and canister that pelted pitilessly around them. For three long hours they fought ere the houses were carried and made to screen the Federal troops. All that while sharpshooters were picking off, from their secure hiding places, officers and men; 10-pound Parrotts were sending their hissing messengers of death through the lines of the devoted brigade, crushing its bones, spattering its brains, and strewing its path with mangeled corpses and dying men. At last the houses were gained and occupied by the Eighty-third Ohio, which, with the Ninety-sixth Ohio, the Sixteenth, the Sixtieth and Sixty-seventh Indiana and the Twenty-third Wisconsin, had fought for them so gallantly."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Fort Hindman

"The investment of Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, Ark., by the Federal troops under General McClernand,…

"Surrender of Fort Macon, GA., April 26th, 1862. Exterior on side facing the Federal Batteries, showing effect of shot on the glacis and walls." — Frank Leslie, 1896

Fort Macon

"Surrender of Fort Macon, GA., April 26th, 1862. Exterior on side facing the Federal Batteries, showing…

"Surrender of Fort Macon, GA., April 26th, 1862- lowering the Confederate flag."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Fort Macon

"Surrender of Fort Macon, GA., April 26th, 1862- lowering the Confederate flag."— Frank Leslie,…

"Old Fort Norfolk, built by the Federal government, but altered and strengthened by the Confederates." &mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Fort Norfolk

"Old Fort Norfolk, built by the Federal government, but altered and strengthened by the Confederates."…

"The harbor of Charleston, S. C.- Fort Pinckney."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Fort Pinckney

"The harbor of Charleston, S. C.- Fort Pinckney."— Frank Leslie, 1896

"Section of Fort Runyon, Va., guarding the road to Alexandria, occupied by the Twenty-first Regiment, New York Volunteers, August 1861. For Runyon, named after the commander of the New Jersey Regiments which were formerly stationed there, entirely commanded the road to Alexandria. Our sketch shows the battery erected on this important point. The spot was a most picturesque one, commanding a splendid view all around, the background being the Potomac and Washington." —Leslie, 1896

Fort Runyon

"Section of Fort Runyon, Va., guarding the road to Alexandria, occupied by the Twenty-first Regiment,…

Attack on Fort Sumter

Fort Sumter

Attack on Fort Sumter

Fort Sumter after its bombardment.

Fort Sumter

Fort Sumter after its bombardment.

"Interior of Fort Sumter after the bombardment in 1863." -Gordy, 1916

Fort Sumter

"Interior of Fort Sumter after the bombardment in 1863." -Gordy, 1916

Fort Sumter before the Civil War.

Fort Sumter

Fort Sumter before the Civil War.

Confederate forces bombarding Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861

Bombardment of Fort Sumter, April 12, 1861

Confederate forces bombarding Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861

"Fort Taylor, Key West, Fla. Key West, the most western of the Pine Islands, is about sixty miles southwest of Cape Sable, Florida. Its length is four miles, and its width is one mile. Its elevation from the sea does not exceed twenty feet. Its formation is of coral. The name is a corruption of Cago Hueso, or Bone Key, and has no relation to the position of the island, which is not the most western of the reef. On Whitehead's Point, the southwest extemity of the island, is a fixed light, eighty-three and a half feet above the level of the sea. Fort Taylor is a large, first-class fortification, commanding the harbor of Key West at its entrance. The foritication forms an irregular quadrangle, having three channel curtains. It is three hundred yards off the beach and on the southwest point of the island, and stands in a depth of seven or twelve feet of water. The foundation is granite, and the upper works are of brick. The scrap walls have a solidity of eight feet, rising forty feet above the water level. It is proyided with three tiers- two of casemate and one of barbette- and mounts one hundred and twenty-eight 10-inch Columbiad guns on the seaward front, and forty-five heavy pieces toward the beach."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Fort Taylor

"Fort Taylor, Key West, Fla. Key West, the most western of the Pine Islands, is about sixty miles southwest…

"Bombardment and capture of Fort Thompson, thirteen guns, near New Berne, on the Neuse River, by the Federal gunboats of General Burnside's expedition, commanded by Commander S. C. Rowan, U. S. N., March 14th, 1862. Extract from the official report of General Burnside. 'Early on the morning of the 12th, the entire force started for New Berne, and that night anchored off the mouth of Slocum's Creek, some eighteen miles from New Berne, where I had decided to make a landing. The landing commenced by seven o'clock the next morning under cover of the naval fleet, and was effected with the greatest enthusiasm by the troops. After a toilsome march through the mud, the head of the column marched within a mile and a half of the enemy's stronghold at eight o'clock, a distance of twelve miles from the point of landing, where we bivouached for the night. At daylight on the morning of the 14th I ordered an advance of the whole division, and, after an engagement of four hours, we succeeded in carrying a continuous line of field-works of over a mile in length. The position was finally carried by a most gallant charge of our men, which enabled us to gain the rear of all the batteries between this point and New Berne, which was done by a rapid advance of the entire force up the main road and railroad, the naval fleet meantime pushing its way up the river, throwing their shots into the forts in front of us. The enemy, after retreating in great confusion across the railroad bridge set fire to it, thus preventing further pursuit and causing detention in occupying the town by our troops. But the naval force had arrived at the wharves and commanded the town with their guns."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Fort Thompson

"Bombardment and capture of Fort Thompson, thirteen guns, near New Berne, on the Neuse River, by the…

"Fort Vulcan, Jones's Island, Savannah River, Ga.- one of the Federal batteries cutting off communication between Fort Pulaski and Savannah. This powerful battery was situated on Jones's Island, Savannah River, and was one of those erected by General Gilmore to cut off all communication between Fort Pulaski and the City of Savannah. It was built like all modern earthworks- perfectly bombproof magazine, heavy traverses and occupied a commanding position; was armed with four 8-inch sea-coast howitzers and give heavy guns on its water front."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Fort Vulcan

"Fort Vulcan, Jones's Island, Savannah River, Ga.- one of the Federal batteries cutting off communication…

The bombardment of Fort Wagner, infantry in trenches.

Bombardment of Fort Wagner

The bombardment of Fort Wagner, infantry in trenches.

Fort Washington was the only defense that the capital had at the beginning of the Civil War.

Fort Washington

Fort Washington was the only defense that the capital had at the beginning of the Civil War.

Depiction of the battle on the Mississippi between Confederate and Union forces at Forts Jackson and St. Philip.

Passage of Forts Jackson and St. Phillip

Depiction of the battle on the Mississippi between Confederate and Union forces at Forts Jackson and…

"General Foster, born in Whitefield, N. H., May 27th, 1823, died in Nashua, H. H., September 2nd, 1874, was graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1846, assigned to the Engineer Corps, and served in the Mexican War under General Scott. He received the brevets of first lieutenant and captain for gallantry. At the beginning of the Civil War he was stationed at Charleston, S. C., and safely removed the garrison of Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter during the night, December 26th-27th, 1860. He was made brigadier general of volunteers October 23rd, 1861, commanded a brigade in Burnside's North Carolina expedition, and received the brevet of lieutenant colonel for his services at Roanoke Island. While in command of the Department of North Carolina, in 1862-'3, he conducted several important expeditions. In 1865 he was brevetted brigadier general in the regular army for gallant services in the capture of Savannah, Ga., and major general for services in the field during the rebellion."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

General John G. Foster

"General Foster, born in Whitefield, N. H., May 27th, 1823, died in Nashua, H. H., September 2nd, 1874,…

(1823-1903) American general that served in the War with Mexico and in the Civil War.

General William B. Franklin

(1823-1903) American general that served in the War with Mexico and in the Civil War.

"General William B. Franklin was a general in the Civil War."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

General William B. Franklin

"General William B. Franklin was a general in the Civil War."— Frank Leslie, 1896

"General McClellan and the Federal troops passing through Frederick City, Md., in pursuit of the Confederate army- their enthusiastic reception by the inhabitants, September 12th, 1862. Most certainly it was distance that lent enchantment to the view of the eyes of the Marylanders, so far as the Confederate army was concerned, for it appeared that, instead of 50,000 recruits so confidently predicted by Mr. Miles, one of the Confederate Congress of Richmond, they did not actually realize more then 700, and of these nearly 300 refused to carry out their enlistments. All accounts proved that the Confederate army was of the Felstaffian regime, and not at all calculated to make a favorable impression upon the olfactory and pecuniary faculties of the Secessionists of Maryland. When the Confederate generals, with their staffs, entered Frederick City, they were at first welcomed, but when the ragged regiments made their appearance a change came over the spirit of their dream, and the inhabitants woke from their delusion. Our sketch reprsents the rapturous reception given to Gneral McClellan. It was a perfect ovation. Flowers were showered down upon the Federals, while the waving of flags and the cheers of the inhabitants completed the inspiring scene." —Leslie, 1896

Frederick City

"General McClellan and the Federal troops passing through Frederick City, Md., in pursuit of the Confederate…

Abner Doubleday (1819 - 1893) was a career United States Army office and Union General in the Civil War. This sketch depicts Doubleday's division during a skirmish at Fredericksburg.

Doubleday's Skirmishes at Fredericksburg

Abner Doubleday (1819 - 1893) was a career United States Army office and Union General in the Civil…

The Battle of Fredericksburg was fought in and around Fredericksburg, Virginia from December 11 to December 15, 1862 between General Robert E. Lee's Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and the Union Army of the Potomac, commanded by Major General Ambrose E. Burnside. It is remembered as one of the most one-sided battles of the Civil War.

Battle of Fredericksburg

The Battle of Fredericksburg was fought in and around Fredericksburg, Virginia from December 11 to December…

"Bombardment of Fredericksburg, Va., by the army of the Potomac, commanded by General Burnside, Thursday, December 11th, 1862. Our correspondent's report of this event: 'At ten o'clock General Burnside gives the order, "Concentrate the fire of all your guns on the city and batter it down!" You may believe they were not loath to obey. The artillery of the right- eight batteries- was commanded by Colonel Hays; Colonel Tompkins, right centre, eleven batteries; Colonel Tyler, left centre, seven batteries; Captain De Russy, left, nine batteries. In a few moments these thirty-five batteries forming a total of one hundred and seventy-nine guns, ranging from 10-pounder Parrotts to 41-inch siege guns, posted along the convex side of the arc of the circle formed by the bend of the river and land opposite Fredericksburg, opened on the doomed city. The effect was, of course, terrific, and, regarded merely as a phenomenon, was among the most awfully grand conceivable. Perhaps what will give you the liveliest idea of its effect is a succession, absolutely without intermission, of the very loudest thunder peals. It lasted thus for upward of an hour, fifty rounds being fired from each gun, and I know not how many hundred tons of iron were thrown into the town. The congregate generals were transfixed; mingled satisfaction and awe was upon every face. But what was tantalizing was, that though a great deal could be heard, nothing could be seen, the city being still eveloped in fog and mist. Only a denser pillar of smoke defining itself on the background of the fog indicated where the town had been fired by our shells. Another and another column showed itself, and we presently saw that at least a dozen houses must be on fire. Toward noon the curtain rolled up, and we saw that it was indeed so. Fredericksburg was in conflagration. Tremendous though this firing had been, and terrific though its effect obviously was on the town, it had not accomplished the object intended. It was found by our gunners almost impossible to obtain a sufficient depression of their pieces to shell the front part of the city, and the Confederate sharpshooters were still comparatively safe behind the thick stone walls of the houses.'"&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Bombardment of Fredericksburg

"Bombardment of Fredericksburg, Va., by the army of the Potomac, commanded by General Burnside, Thursday,…

"A street in Fredericksburg, Va., showing the result of the bombardment- federal soldiers grouped about. Our correspondent wrote: 'Considering the terrible nature of the bombardment, it is wonderful that not a single inhabitant was killed by it, although many families refused to avail themselves of the opportunity to leave before the firing commenced. These found shelter in the cellars of the houses, and thus escaped. The rest of the building, in many cases, was so shattered as to be perfectly uninhabitable. A fine old mansion in Main Street presented a melancholy spectacle, no less than thirty round shot having gone right through it, leaving the appearance of so many portholes. In the street the Federals bivouacked the night before the battle and the night after.'"&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Street in Fredericksburg

"A street in Fredericksburg, Va., showing the result of the bombardment- federal soldiers grouped about.…

"Gathering of Fremont's troops on the prairie, near Tipton, Mo., on the eve of its departure in pursuit of General Price." &mdash;Leslie, 1896

Freemont's troops

"Gathering of Fremont's troops on the prairie, near Tipton, Mo., on the eve of its departure in pursuit…

"General John C. Fremont was head of the Western department during the Civil War."&mdash;E. Benjamin Andrews 1895

General John C. Fremont

"General John C. Fremont was head of the Western department during the Civil War."—E. Benjamin…

"Front Royal, Manassas Gap Railroad, Blue Ridge Mountains in the distance- the Federal army entering the town. Front Royal is situated on the Manassas Gap Railroad, on the banks of the Shenandoah, is ten miles from Strasburg and fifty-one miles from Manassas Junction. General Banks, at the head of his troops, dashed down the mountain and through the romantic village of Front Royal, which resounded with the rumble of wagons and clatter of hoofs, mingled with the music of the church bells calling to morning service. Hastening on toward the scene of conflict, to his surprise he brought up against his own pickets, and found that, instead of his own column, Fremont was upon the enemy."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Front Royal

"Front Royal, Manassas Gap Railroad, Blue Ridge Mountains in the distance- the Federal army entering…

"The funeral cortege, at boston, Mass., of the Sixth Massachusetts soldiers killed at Baltimore. The funeral of the four soldiers of the Sixth Massachusetts Regiment who were killed in Baltimore, April 19th, 1861, while en route to Washington, was held at Boston, May 1st. The bodies were received in the city by a military escort under Governor Andrew and Adjutant General Schouler, accompanied by a large concourse of citizens, and were temporarily deposited in the vaults of King's Chapel. The names of these 'first martyrs' were Luther C. Ladd, Addison O. Whitney, Charles A. Taylor and Sumner H. Needham. The Legislature of Maryland, on March 5th, 1862, appropriated seven thousand dollars, to be dispensed, under the direction of the Governor of Massachusetts, for the relief of the families of those who were killed and injured."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Funeral Cortege

"The funeral cortege, at boston, Mass., of the Sixth Massachusetts soldiers killed at Baltimore. The…

The Battle of Gaines' Mill, also known as the First Battle of Cold Harbor or the Battle of Chickahominy River took place on June 27, 1862 in Hanover County, Virginia as the third of the Seven Days Battles of the Civil War.

Battle of Gaines' Mill

The Battle of Gaines' Mill, also known as the First Battle of Cold Harbor or the Battle of Chickahominy…

"Battle of Gaines's Mill, Friday, June 27th, 1862. At eleven o'clock each division, brigade, regiment and gun was in place. Some were in the broad, open field and others under the cover of the woods. The day was intensely warm, and many of the men, worn out with their previous day's fighting, lack of sleep and toilsome march, had already thrown themselves upon the ground and were indulging in a short slumber, when a sharp volley and then the roar of artillery announced that the Confederates had opened the fight. Their shells burst in front of the farmhouse which General Morell had made his headquarters. The Federal batteries, after some little delay, replied and for an hour this artillery duel and shelling the woods continued. It was not till near three o'clock in the afternoon that the engagement became general, and then the battle raged for four hours with unexampled fury. As though by common consent, there was a pause now; but it did not last long, for the enemy had evidently received large re-enforcements, as the whole Federal line was attacked, with a vigor which showed that those who made it were fresh men. To prevent defeat, General Porter sent for re-enforcements, for under the additional pressure the Federal troops were giving way. Fortunately, General Slocum's division came to the rescue, and with it Generals Palmer, French and Meagher with their brigades and two bodies of cavalry. This changed the character of the struggle. Meagher's gallant gellows, coats off and sleeves rolled up, charged the enemy and drove them back. General Palmer's men and Duryee's Zouaves also went in with valor, and finally the Confederates rolled back like a retreating wave. This was the close of the day's fight. Toward the end the Federals had fifty-four regiments on the field, numbering about 36,000 men." &mdash;Leslie, 1896

Battle of Gaines's Mill

"Battle of Gaines's Mill, Friday, June 27th, 1862. At eleven o'clock each division, brigade, regiment…

"Shelling of the batteries at Galveston by the United States war steamer <em>South Carolina</em>, on Monday afternoon, August 5th, 1861." —Leslie, 1896


"Shelling of the batteries at Galveston by the United States war steamer South Carolina, on…

"General James A. Garfield was the twentieth President of the United States, born in Orange, Cuyahoga County, O., November 19th, 1831, died in Elberon, N. J., September 19th, 1881. General Garfield was involved in the Civil War and was inaugurated President of the United States in 1881, and was shot by a disappointed office seeker (Guiteau), July 2nd, the same year." &mdash;Leslie, 1896

General James A. Garfield

"General James A. Garfield was the twentieth President of the United States, born in Orange, Cuyahoga…

James Abram Garfield (1831 - 1881) was the 20th President of the United States and General of the Union Army during the Civil War. Garfield was the second U.S. President to be assassinated.

General James Abram Garfield

James Abram Garfield (1831 - 1881) was the 20th President of the United States and General of the Union…

"Camp of the Garibaldi Guards, Colonel D'utassy, near Roche's Mills, Va., Potomac River in the distance. The fine body of men called the Garibaldi Guards were remarkable for the number of trained men in its ranks, at least one-half having fought in European battlefields. It comprised Frenchmen, Italians, Hungarians, Germans, Swiss, Irish, Scotch, and a few English who had served in the Crimean War. When reviewed by the President, on their arrival at Washington, they were highly commended. They formed a part of Blenker's brigade, and were stationed near Roche's Mills, in a most picturesque spot, rendered more so by the foreign tastes of some of the Garibaldians."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Garibaldi Guards

"Camp of the Garibaldi Guards, Colonel D'utassy, near Roche's Mills, Va., Potomac River in the distance.…

(1815-1872) The first mayor of San Francisco and General in the Union during the Civil War.

General Geary

(1815-1872) The first mayor of San Francisco and General in the Union during the Civil War.

"A reconnoitring detachment of General Banks's cavalry, Hyattstown, Md., in the distance. There are few sights more picturesque than a detachment of cavalry winding along the road to some quiet little village. Nature and man seem then so little in harmony that the contradiction becomes strikingly attractive. Our illustration represents a scene of this kind- a detachment of Federal cavalry, sent by order of General Banks, reconnoitring in the neighborhood of Hyattstown, a post village of Montgomery County, Md., and situated on Bennett's Creek, about thirty-six miles to the northwest of Washington." —Leslie, 1896

Cavalry of General Banks

"A reconnoitring detachment of General Banks's cavalry, Hyattstown, Md., in the distance. There are…