The Dolphin Choir Seats are found in Certosa near Pavia an ancient Italian town. It was designed during…
The Dolphin Design is part of an address by German artists, given to King Humbert of Italy.
The Dolphin Design is part of an address by German artists, given to King Humbert of Italy.
Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures…
Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures…
Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures…
Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures…
Bilingual Counting Card featuring illustrations of three Dolphins.
Bilingual Counting Card featuring illustrations of seven Dolphins.
Bilingual Counting Card featuring illustrations of eight Dolphins.
"Gules, a dolphin naiant embowed or. EMBOWED. Any thing bent or curved, like a bow." -Hall, 1862
"Upper and lower teeth of one side of the mouth of a dolphin, as an example of homodont type of dentition.…
The Castle at Blois Dolphin is a design found at the Castle in Blois, France during the French Renaissance.
"In its habits resembles the manatees, but it exceeds them in size, full grown individuals measuring…
The Dolphin Frieze is a part of a larger frieze found in Rome at the Arco della chiesa nuovo (the arc…
The Dolphin Frieze is part of a larger frieze in St. Maria della Pace, Rome. Designed by Bramate in…
"In the reign of Philip of Macedon, the coinage of Greece had attained its full development, having…
This Dolphin Head is shown in the form of a spout, designed by Barbezat in Paris, France.
This Dolphin Head is shown in the form of a spout, designed during the Italian Renaissance.
This Dolphin Head is shown in the form of a spout, designed during the Italian Renaissance.
This Dolphin Head was designed in a Cathedral in Limoges, France during French Renaissance.