"In entomology, shaped like the longitudinal half of a barbed arrow-head, or like the barbed end of…
A serrate or saw toothed antenna has the joints more or less triangular in shape and so fitted…
Ovarian tubes of one side, in Polistes, showing eggs in all stages of development, with nutritive…
Male organs of May-beetle. One side only beyond the ductus ejaculatoris, duct. ejac.…
Pectinated or comb-toothed type, where the joints are furnished laterally with processes of…
It is common all through the United States, from Missouri northwards into Canada, and is sometimes the…
The nut weevils, are of quite large size, clay-yellow in color, and with an exceedingly long and slender,…
The nut weevils, are of quite large size, clay-yellow in color, and with an exceedingly long and slender,…
The nut weevils, are of quite large size, clay-yellow in color, and with an exceedingly long and slender,…
It's a small, blackish beetle, with gray pubescence, when the buds are developing, and lays an egg in…