An illustration of the operculum of the maclurites, an extinct genus of snails.
"Skeleton of Mesohippus bairdi, the three-toed ancestor of our horse. This animal was about the size…
An ancient mollusk from the Paleozoic time, Goniatites Marcellensis from the Hamilton group.
An ancient mollusk from the Paleozoic time, Goniatites Marcellensis from the Hamilton group.
Siphonorhis americana. "A genus of American Caprimulgidae or goatsuckers, having tubular nostrils. The…
A mollusk radiate from the Paleozoic time, Pterinea emacerata from the Niagara group.
A remarkable genus of fossil lizards, peculiar to the Mesozoic strata. Its anomalous structure was long…
A remarkable genus of fossil lizards, peculiar to the Mesozoic strata. Its anomalous structure was long…
"So peculiar and strange is the structure of these animals, that the first specimen discovered was classed…
An ancient radiate from the Carboniferous Age, the Actinocrinus proboscidialis.
Scaphites equalis is a species of extinct cephalopods that thrived during the Cretaceous period. "A…
An illustration of a sea fern fossil from the carboniferous period. The Carboniferous is a geologic…
An illustration of a Club-shell fossil from the Tertiary period. The Tertiary is a an out-of-date term…
Ammonites bisulcatus. "Same as ammonite; from an old popular notion that these shells were coiled snakes…