A girl wearing a hat and sailor dress.


A girl wearing a hat and sailor dress.

A young girl with a watering can.


A young girl with a watering can.

An illustration of a girl petting a dog.

Girl & Dog

An illustration of a girl petting a dog.

Girl and an Apple Tree.

Girl and Apple Tree

Girl and an Apple Tree.

A girl and boy reading

Girl and Boy

A girl and boy reading

A girl with a book, staring at a lit candle.

Girl and candle

A girl with a book, staring at a lit candle.

A girl holding a scared cat

Girl and Cat

A girl holding a scared cat

An illustration of a girl eating at a small table with her dog by her side.

Girl and Dog

An illustration of a girl eating at a small table with her dog by her side.

An illustration of a girl feeding her dog from the table.

Girl and Dog

An illustration of a girl feeding her dog from the table.

An illustration of a small girl walking her doll around the garden in a doll carriage.

Girl and Doll

An illustration of a small girl walking her doll around the garden in a doll carriage.

A young girl seated in front of a fishbowl, with a book and toys nearby.

Girl and fishbowl

A young girl seated in front of a fishbowl, with a book and toys nearby.

An illustration of a beautiful young girl surrounded by flowers known as Buttercups.

Girl and Flowers

An illustration of a beautiful young girl surrounded by flowers known as Buttercups.

A young girl crying because of three noisy geese.

Girl and Geese

A young girl crying because of three noisy geese.

An illustration of a young girl who is scared of her shadow.

Girl and Her Shadow

An illustration of a young girl who is scared of her shadow.

Girl and Mother

Girl and Mother

Girl and Mother

Girl and Mother

Girl and Mother

Girl and Mother

Scene from the story, "Blow, Wind, Blow."

Girl and Windmill

Scene from the story, "Blow, Wind, Blow."

An illustration of a girl being blown by extremely strong winds and rain.

Girl Being Blown by Storm

An illustration of a girl being blown by extremely strong winds and rain.

An illustration of a girl blowing dandelions.

Girl Blowing Dandelions

An illustration of a girl blowing dandelions.

An illustration of a young girl carrying an armful of fall leaves.

Girl Carrying Branches with Leaves

An illustration of a young girl carrying an armful of fall leaves.

A young girl clapping her hands.

Girl Clapping

A young girl clapping her hands.

A girl standing with her hands to her face, crying.

Girl Crying

A girl standing with her hands to her face, crying.

A girl dancing outside

Girl Dancing

A girl dancing outside

An illustration of a young girl walking through the snow dressed in winter clothing.

Girl Dressed in Winter Clothes

An illustration of a young girl walking through the snow dressed in winter clothing.

An illustration of a girl drinking from a cup.

Girl Drinking From Cup

An illustration of a girl drinking from a cup.

Girl dusting chair in silhouette.

Girl dusting chair

Girl dusting chair in silhouette.

An illustration of a girl facing away and holding hands behind her back.

Girl Facing Away & Holding Hands Behind Back

An illustration of a girl facing away and holding hands behind her back.

A girl spreading seeds for birds to eat.

Girl Feeding Birds

A girl spreading seeds for birds to eat.

Girl finds a nest.

Girl finds a nest

Girl finds a nest.

An illustration of a young girl wearing a wide brim straw hat and sitting on a river bank while fishing with a makeshift pole.

Girl Fishing on a Riverbank

An illustration of a young girl wearing a wide brim straw hat and sitting on a river bank while fishing…

Girl folding clothes in silhouette.

Girl folding clothes

Girl folding clothes in silhouette.

An illustration of a young girl being frightened by a dog.

Girl Frightened by Dog

An illustration of a young girl being frightened by a dog.

An illustration of a girl hanging from a window.

Girl Hanging from Window

An illustration of a girl hanging from a window.

An illustration of a girl heating water in the stove in a tea kettle.

Girl Heating Water in Tea Kettle

An illustration of a girl heating water in the stove in a tea kettle.

A young girl holding a doll.

Girl Holding a Doll

A young girl holding a doll.

An illustration of a young girl holding a pen.

Girl Holding Pen

An illustration of a young girl holding a pen.

An illustration of a young girl carrying a tea kettle.

Girl Holding Tea Kettle

An illustration of a young girl carrying a tea kettle.

Girl in bed with paper cut-outs.

Girl in bed

Girl in bed with paper cut-outs.

An illustration of a girl wearing a bonnet.

Girl in Bonnet

An illustration of a girl wearing a bonnet.

An illustration of a girl standing in the forest.

Girl in Forest

An illustration of a girl standing in the forest.

A girl standing in the ocean crying while a crab looks at her.

Girl in Ocean

A girl standing in the ocean crying while a crab looks at her.

Girl in rain with umbrella.

Girl in rain

Girl in rain with umbrella.

Girl ironing on a table in silhouette.

Girl ironing

Girl ironing on a table in silhouette.

An illustration of a young girl trying to keep a bottle away from an eager puppy.

Young Girl Keeping Bottle Away from Puppy

An illustration of a young girl trying to keep a bottle away from an eager puppy.

An illustration of girl laying in a field.

Girl Laying in Field

An illustration of girl laying in a field.

An illustration of a girl laying on her stomach and reading a book.

Girl Laying on Stomach & Reading a Book

An illustration of a girl laying on her stomach and reading a book.

An illustration of a young girl lighting a candle on a table.

Girl Lighting a Candle

An illustration of a young girl lighting a candle on a table.

An illustration of a young girl watching a bird in a small tree.

Girl Looking at Bird in Tree

An illustration of a young girl watching a bird in a small tree.

An illustration of a young girl sitting on a bench looking out a window.

Girl Looking Out Window

An illustration of a young girl sitting on a bench looking out a window.

An illustration of a young girl looking out a window.

Girl Looking Out Window

An illustration of a young girl looking out a window.

An illustration of a young girl looking out the window.

Girl Looking Out Window

An illustration of a young girl looking out the window.

Girl making a pie in silhouette.

Girl making pie

Girl making a pie in silhouette.

An illustration of a young girl sitting in in a ornately carved chair needle pointing.

Young Girl Needle Pointing

An illustration of a young girl sitting in in a ornately carved chair needle pointing.

An illustration of a girl holding an umbrella and noticing that it is about to begin to rain.

Girl Noticing the Rain

An illustration of a girl holding an umbrella and noticing that it is about to begin to rain.

A girl on horse made out of cork and burnt matches

Girl on Horse

A girl on horse made out of cork and burnt matches

A young girl reaching for the handle of a door.

Girl Opening Door

A young girl reaching for the handle of a door.

An illustration of a girl opening a door and holding a tea kettle.

Girl Opening Door & Holding Tea Kettle

An illustration of a girl opening a door and holding a tea kettle.

An illustration of a young girl wearing a bonnet kneeling down beside and petting a small lamb.

Young Girl Kneeling & Petting Lamb

An illustration of a young girl wearing a bonnet kneeling down beside and petting a small lamb.

An illustration of a young girl holding her dolls and picking flowers in a garden.

Young Girl Picking Flowers in Garden

An illustration of a young girl holding her dolls and picking flowers in a garden.

An illustration of a young girl placing books in a pile on a table.

Girl Placing Books on Table

An illustration of a young girl placing books in a pile on a table.