An illustration of a small girl walking her doll around the garden in a doll carriage.
An illustration of a beautiful young girl surrounded by flowers known as Buttercups.
An illustration of a young girl carrying an armful of fall leaves.
An illustration of a young girl walking through the snow dressed in winter clothing.
An illustration of a girl facing away and holding hands behind her back.
An illustration of a young girl wearing a wide brim straw hat and sitting on a river bank while fishing…
An illustration of a girl heating water in the stove in a tea kettle.
An illustration of a young girl trying to keep a bottle away from an eager puppy.
An illustration of a girl laying on her stomach and reading a book.
An illustration of a young girl sitting in in a ornately carved chair needle pointing.
An illustration of a girl holding an umbrella and noticing that it is about to begin to rain.
An illustration of a girl opening a door and holding a tea kettle.
An illustration of a young girl wearing a bonnet kneeling down beside and petting a small lamb.
An illustration of a young girl holding her dolls and picking flowers in a garden.