Sweet-scented Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) has three-flowered spreading spikelets. The lateral flowers are neutral with one palea, hairy on the outside, and awned on the back. The glumes are thin, acute, keeled, the upper twice as long as the lower. The seed is ovate and adhearing to the palea which encloses it. The stem is from one and a half to two feet high. The root is perennial and flowers in May and June. This is one of the earliest spring grasses and one of the latest in autumn, and is almost the only grass that is fragrant. A flower is seen here.

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) has three-flowered spreading spikelets. The lateral…

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) has three-flowered spreading spikelets. The lateral flowers are neutral with one palea, hairy on the outside, and awned on the back. The glumes are thin, acute, keeled, the upper twice as long as the lower. The seed is ovate and adhearing to the palea which encloses it. The stem is from one and a half to two feet high. The root is perennial and flowers in May and June. This is one of the earliest spring grasses and one of the latest in autumn, and is almost the only grass that is fragrant.  A flower is seen here.

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) has three-flowered spreading spikelets. The lateral…

Tall Fescue Grass (Festuca elatior) is found commonly in moist meadows. The panicle is contracted, erect, or somewhat dropping with short branches spreading in all directions. The spikelets are crowded with five to ten flowers. Its rather remote and oblong. The leaves are flattish, linear, acute, and the stems two to four feet high. The root is perennial, fibrous, and somewhat creeping and forming in large tufts. Flowers in June and July.

Tall Fescue Grass

Tall Fescue Grass (Festuca elatior) is found commonly in moist meadows. The panicle is contracted, erect,…

Tall Fescue Grass (Festuca elatior) is found commonly in moist meadows. The panicle is contracted, erect, or somewhat dropping with short branches spreading in all directions. The spikelets are crowded with five to ten flowers. Its rather remote and oblong. The leaves are flattish, linear, acute, and the stems two to four feet high. The root is perennial, fibrous, and somewhat creeping and forming in large tufts. Flowers in June and July. A magnified spiikelet is shown here.

Tall Fescue Grass

Tall Fescue Grass (Festuca elatior) is found commonly in moist meadows. The panicle is contracted, erect,…

Tall Meadow Oat Grass (Arrhenatherum avenaceum), or Tall Oat Grass is the avena elatior of Linnaeus. It has open panicled spikelets. The grass is two-flowered, the lower flower staminate, bearing a long bent awn below the middle of the back. The leaves are flat, acute and roughish on both sides. The panicle leans slightly to one side and the glumes are very unequal. The stems grow from two to three feet high with a perennial fibrous root that is sometimes bulbous. It is distinguished from other grasses by having two florets, the lower one having a long awn rising from a little above the base of the base of the outer palea. The grass flowers from May to July.

Tall Meadow Oat Grass

Tall Meadow Oat Grass (Arrhenatherum avenaceum), or Tall Oat Grass is the avena elatior of Linnaeus.…

Tall Meadow Oat Grass (Arrhenatherum avenaceum), or Tall Oat Grass is the avena elatior of Linnaeus. It has open panicled spikelets. The grass is two-flowered, the lower flower staminate, bearing a long bent awn below the middle of the back. The leaves are flat, acute and roughish on both sides. The panicle leans slightly to one side and the glumes are very unequal. The stems grow from two to three feet high with a perennial fibrous root that is sometimes bulbous. It is distinguished from other grasses by having two florets, the lower one having a long awn rising from a little above the base of the base of the outer palea. The grass flowers from May to July. A magnified spikelet is shown here.

Tall Meadow Oat Grass

Tall Meadow Oat Grass (Arrhenatherum avenaceum), or Tall Oat Grass is the avena elatior of Linnaeus.…

Timothy is commonly grown for cattle feed and, in particular, as hay for horses. It is relatively high in fibre, especially when cut late. It is considered part of the standard mix for grass hay and provides quality nutrition for horses. Timothy Hay is a staple food for domestic pet rabbits, guinea pigs,chinchillas, and degus, often making up the bulk of their diet.

Timothy Grass

Timothy is commonly grown for cattle feed and, in particular, as hay for horses. It is relatively high…

Timothy (Phleum pratense), or Herd's Grass is commonly grown for cattle feed and, in particular, as hay for horses. It is relatively high in fibre, especially when cut late. It is considered part of the standard mix for grass hay and provides quality nutrition for horses. Timothy Hay is a staple food for domestic pet rabbits, guinea pigs,chinchillas, and degus, often making up the bulk of their diet. The flower is broad, with densely packed spikelets.

Timothy Grass

Timothy (Phleum pratense), or Herd's Grass is commonly grown for cattle feed and, in particular, as…

Timothy Grass is commonly grown for cattle feed and, in particular, as hay for horses. It is relatively high in fibre, especially when cut late. It is considered part of the standard mix for grass hay and provides quality nutrition for horses. Timothy is a staple food for domestic pet rabbits, guinea pigs,chinchillas, and degus, often making up the bulk of their diet. If the stalk is cut from the tubers before evidence of maturity appears, with nutritin arrested, the proper growth will cease. An effort is made to repair the injury by sending out small, lateral tubers, as shown here.

Timothy Grass

Timothy Grass is commonly grown for cattle feed and, in particular, as hay for horses. It is relatively…

Timothy Grass is commonly grown for cattle feed and, in particular, as hay for horses. It is relatively high in fibre, especially when cut late. It is considered part of the standard mix for grass hay and provides quality nutrition for horses. Timothy is a staple food for domestic pet rabbits, guinea pigs,chinchillas, and degus, often making up the bulk of their diet. Plants persist through the winter. Dead, straw-colored flowering stems may persist, but only for a short time, and are recognized by the distinctive spike-like inflorescence. This picture represents the bulb fully developed and mature, form which the stalk was cut.

Timothy Grass

Timothy Grass is commonly grown for cattle feed and, in particular, as hay for horses. It is relatively…

Timothy Grass is commonly grown for cattle feed and, in particular, as hay for horses. It is relatively high in fibre, especially when cut late. It is considered part of the standard mix for grass hay and provides quality nutrition for horses. Timothy is a staple food for domestic pet rabbits, guinea pigs,chinchillas, and degus, often making up the bulk of their diet. Plants persist through the winter, but if my any means, the green portion is severed, at any season of the year, the result will be as we see in the picture here, the death of the plant. Dead, straw-colored flowering stems may persist, but only for a short time, and are recognized by the distinctive spike-like inflorescence.

Timothy Grass

Timothy Grass is commonly grown for cattle feed and, in particular, as hay for horses. It is relatively…

The Two-rowed Barley's spike, or ear, is long and somewhat compressed, and the grain is of a very good quality. It is sown in the spring. Barley succeeds best in soils of medium consistency, but accommodates itself to almost every variety of soil, except very moist ones. It endures a drought better than excessive moistures, but it requires as deep and good tillage as wheat.

Two-rowed Barley

The Two-rowed Barley's spike, or ear, is long and somewhat compressed, and the grain is of a very good…

Virginia Cut Grass (Leersia Virginica) is a small flowered white grass, and is smoother than white grass known as "false rice". The panicle is simple, slender, the spikelets closely appressed, and oblong.

Virginia Cut Grass

Virginia Cut Grass (Leersia Virginica) is a small flowered white grass, and is smoother than white grass…

Virginia Cut Grass (Leersia Virginica) is a small flowered white grass, and is smoother than white grass known as "false rice". The panicle is simple, slender, the spikelets closely appressed, and oblong. The partial open spikelet is viewed.

Virginia Cut Grass

Virginia Cut Grass (Leersia Virginica) is a small flowered white grass, and is smoother than white grass…

Virginia Cut Grass (Leersia Virginica) is a small flowered white grass, and is smoother than white grass known as "false rice". The panicle is simple, slender, the spikelets closely appressed, and oblong. The fully open spikelet shows the stamens and pistil.

Virginia Cut Grass

Virginia Cut Grass (Leersia Virginica) is a small flowered white grass, and is smoother than white grass…

Virginia Cut Grass (Leersia Virginica) is a small flowered white grass, and is smoother than white grass known as "false rice". The panicle is simple, slender, the spikelets closely appressed, and oblong. This is a magnified stigma.

Virginia Cut Grass

Virginia Cut Grass (Leersia Virginica) is a small flowered white grass, and is smoother than white grass…

Virginia Cut Grass (Leersia Virginica) is a small flowered white grass, and is smoother than white grass known as "false rice". The panicle is simple, slender, the spikelets closely appressed, and oblong. Here we see the seed of this delicate looking and beautiful grass.

Virginia Cut Grass

Virginia Cut Grass (Leersia Virginica) is a small flowered white grass, and is smoother than white grass…

Indian Rice Grass (Zizania aquatica), also known as Wild Rice, or Water Oats, is found in swampy borders of streams, and is common in shallow water. It grows from three to nine feet in height, with flat, long, lanceolate leaves. It has a large, pyramidal panicle with spreading, sterile lower branches.

Virginia Cut Grass

Indian Rice Grass (Zizania aquatica), also known as Wild Rice, or Water Oats, is found in swampy borders…

Water Hair Grass (Aira aquatica) is the sweetest of the British grasses. Its stems and leaves when green have a sweet and agreeable taste, like that of a liquorice. Water fowls are said to be very fond of the seeds and the fresh green shoots which cattle eat very readily. It is a strict aquatic but can be cultvated on imperfectly drained bogs.

Water Hair Grass

Water Hair Grass (Aira aquatica) is the sweetest of the British grasses. Its stems and leaves when green…

Water Spear grass (Glyceria aquatica), also known as Reed Meadow grass, grows in wet soils and the shallow water of marshes. It is tall, reedy, and grows four or five feet high with a panicle nearly a foot long, diffuse with smooth flexuous branches.

Water Spear Grass

Water Spear grass (Glyceria aquatica), also known as Reed Meadow grass, grows in wet soils and the shallow…

Water Spear grass (Glyceria aquatica), also known as Reed Meadow grass, grows in wet soils and the shallow water of marshes. It is tall, reedy, and grows four or five feet high with a panicle nearly a foot long, diffuse with smooth flexuous branches. The magnified spikelet is shown here.

Water Spear Grass

Water Spear grass (Glyceria aquatica), also known as Reed Meadow grass, grows in wet soils and the shallow…

Egyptian wheat (Sorghum bicolor) has long slender stalks growing seven to ten feet. It matures late and is inferior as a grain for cattle.


Egyptian wheat (Sorghum bicolor) has long slender stalks growing seven to ten feet. It matures late…

St. Peter's corn (Triticum monococcum) is a one-seeded wheat with a high portein content. This picture shows a sample of a one-weeded wheat.


St. Peter's corn (Triticum monococcum) is a one-seeded wheat with a high portein content. This picture…

Wheat (Triticum vulgare) is an annual herbaceous plant. The seed is oblong, or a compressed oval, surrounded by scales or chaff, which are easily removed. The side of the kernal or fruit which is next to the rachis in growing is marked by a deep groove separating the mealy parts in the middle . On the other side of the kernal a small oval is seen. The oval is the seat of the embryo, or place where the germ of the new plant is to take its start. The grain is composed to a great extent of starch, with a large percentage of gluten and other nitrogen bodies. Shown is a variation of winter wheat.


Wheat (Triticum vulgare) is an annual herbaceous plant. The seed is oblong, or a compressed oval, surrounded…

Wheat (Triticum vulgare) is an annual herbaceous plant. The seed is oblong, or a compressed oval, surrounded by scales or chaff, which are easily removed. The side of the kernal or fruit which is next to the rachis in growing is marked by a deep groove separating the mealy parts in the middle. On the other side of the kernal a small oval is seen. The oval is the seat of the embryo, or place where the germ of the new plant is to take its start. The grain is composed to a great extent of starch, with a large percentage of gluten and other nitrogen bodies. Shown is a variation of winter wheat.


Wheat (Triticum vulgare) is an annual herbaceous plant. The seed is oblong, or a compressed oval, surrounded…

Wheat (Triticum spelta) is an annual herbaceous plant. The seed is oblong, or a compressed oval, surrounded by scales or chaff, which are easily removed. The side of the kernal or fruit which is next to the rachis in growing is marked by a deep groove separating the mealy parts in the middle. On the other side of the kernal a small oval is seen. The oval is the seat of the embryo, or place where the germ of the new plant is to take its start. The grain is composed to a great extent of starch, with a large percentage of gluten and other nitrogen bodies. Shown is a sample of spelta wheat.


Wheat (Triticum spelta) is an annual herbaceous plant. The seed is oblong, or a compressed oval, surrounded…

Wheat (Triticum spelta) is an annual herbaceous plant. The seed is oblong, or a compressed oval, surrounded by scales or chaff, which are easily removed. The side of the kernal or fruit which is next to the rachis in growing is marked by a deep groove separating the mealy parts in the middle. On the other side of the kernal a small oval is seen. The oval is the seat of the embryo, or place where the germ of the new plant is to take its start. The grain is composed to a great extent of starch, with a large percentage of gluten and other nitrogen bodies. Shown is a sample of a summer variety.


Wheat (Triticum spelta) is an annual herbaceous plant. The seed is oblong, or a compressed oval, surrounded…

Wild Oat Grass (Danthonia spicata), also referred to as White Top grass, and Old Fog grass, is common in dry, sunny pastures, with a stem one foot high, slender with short leaves. Narrow sheaths, bearded. The panicle is simple and there are seven flowered spikelets. The lower palea broadly ovate, loosely hairy on the back, longer than its awl-shaped teeth. Perennial and flowers in June.

Wild Oat Grass

Wild Oat Grass (Danthonia spicata), also referred to as White Top grass, and Old Fog grass, is common…

Wild Oat Grass (Danthonia spicata), also referred to as White Top grass, and Old Fog grass, is common in dry, sunny pastures, with a stem one foot high, slender with short leaves. Narrow sheaths, bearded. The panicle is simple and there are seven flowered spikelets. The lower palea broadly ovate, loosely hairy on the back, longer than its awl-shaped teeth. Perennial and flowers in June. Shown is a magnified spikelet.

Wild Oat Grass

Wild Oat Grass (Danthonia spicata), also referred to as White Top grass, and Old Fog grass, is common…

Wild Oat Grass (Danthonia spicata), also referred to as White Top grass, and Old Fog grass, is common in dry, sunny pastures, with a stem one foot high, slender with short leaves. Narrow sheaths, bearded. The panicle is simple and there are seven flowered spikelets. The lower palea broadly ovate, loosely hairy on the back, longer than its awl-shaped teeth. Perennial and flowers in June. Shown is a magnified spikelet. Shown is the upper pale.

Wild Oat Grass

Wild Oat Grass (Danthonia spicata), also referred to as White Top grass, and Old Fog grass, is common…

Wild Oat Grass (Danthonia spicata), also referred to as White Top grass, and Old Fog grass, is common in dry, sunny pastures, with a stem one foot high, slender with short leaves. Narrow sheaths, bearded. The panicle is simple and there are seven flowered spikelets. The lower palea broadly ovate, loosely hairy on the back, longer than its awl-shaped teeth. Perennial and flowers in June. Shown is a seed of this grass.

Wild Oat Grass

Wild Oat Grass (Danthonia spicata), also referred to as White Top grass, and Old Fog grass, is common…

Wild Oat Grass (Danthonia spicata), also referred to as White Top grass, and Old Fog grass, is common in dry, sunny pastures, with a stem one foot high, slender with short leaves. Narrow sheaths, bearded. The panicle is simple and there are seven flowered spikelets. The lower palea broadly ovate, loosely hairy on the back, longer than its awl-shaped teeth. Perennial and flowers in June. Shown is the lower pale.

Wild Oat Grass

Wild Oat Grass (Danthonia spicata), also referred to as White Top grass, and Old Fog grass, is common…

Wood Hair grass (Aira flexuosa), also known as Common Hair grass, is a common grass found on dry and rocky hills and roadsides. Sheep eat it readily, but it is of little value for cultivation. Perennial, it flowers in June.

Wood Hair Grass

Wood Hair grass (Aira flexuosa), also known as Common Hair grass, is a common grass found on dry and…

Wood Hair grass (Aira flexuosa), also known as Common Hair grass, is a common grass found on dry and rocky hills and roadsides. Sheep eat it readily, but it is of little value for cultivation. Perennial, it flowers in June.

Wood Hair Grass

Wood Hair grass (Aira flexuosa), also known as Common Hair grass, is a common grass found on dry and…

Wood Meadow Grass (Poa nemoralis) grows from eighteen inches to two feet high. It has a perennial, creeping root and an erect, slender, smooth stem. The upper sheath is no longer than its leaf, with a very short ligule, the base of the floret having a silky web suspending the calyx. The leaves are light green. The grass is common in light shady places and appears as a tall, rank grass, with a long, finely-arched panicle.

Wood Meadow Grass

Wood Meadow Grass (Poa nemoralis) grows from eighteen inches to two feet high. It has a perennial, creeping…

Wood Meadow Grass (Poa nemoralis) grows from eighteen inches to two feet high. It has a perennial, creeping root and an erect, slender, smooth stem. The upper sheath is no longer than its leaf, with a very short ligule, the base of the floret having a silky web suspending the calyx. The leaves are light green. The grass is common in light shady places and appears as a tall, rank grass, with a long, finely-arched panicle. It flowers in July. A magnified flower is seen here.

Wood Meadow Grass

Wood Meadow Grass (Poa nemoralis) grows from eighteen inches to two feet high. It has a perennial, creeping…

The Yellow Oat Grass (Avena flavescens) is a perennial grass siutable for dry meadows and pastures. It is sometimes regarded as a weed. It fails when cultivated alone but succeeds with other grasses. It contains a large proportion of bitter extractive than most other grasses and for that reason is recommended as a valuable pasture grass. It flowers in July.

Yellow Oat Grass

The Yellow Oat Grass (Avena flavescens) is a perennial grass siutable for dry meadows and pastures.…

The Yellow Oat Grass (Avena flavescens) is a perennial grass siutable for dry meadows and pastures. It is sometimes regarded as a weed. It fails when cultivated alone but succeeds with other grasses. It contains a large proportion of bitter extractive than most other grasses and for that reason is recommended as a valuable pasture grass. It flowers (flower shown here) in July.

Yellow Oat Grass

The Yellow Oat Grass (Avena flavescens) is a perennial grass siutable for dry meadows and pastures.…

"1. Locusta of Corynephorus canescens (Grey Hair-grass); 2. paleae, &c. of the same; 3. locusta of Phalaris aquatica (Harding grass); 4. locusta of Alopecurus pratensis (Meadow Foxtail); 5. locusta of Aira caryophyllea (Silver hairgrass); 6. floret of the same; 7. locusta of Festuca duriuscula (Red Fescue); 8. locust of Glyceria fluitans (Water Mannagrass); 9. floret of the same; 10. locusta of Eragrostis poaeformis (Lovegrass)." -Lindley, 1853

Grass Locusta

"1. Locusta of Corynephorus canescens (Grey Hair-grass); 2. paleae, &c. of the same; 3. locusta of Phalaris…

The letter M surrounded by various wild grasses.

The letter M

The letter M surrounded by various wild grasses.

"A grass napkin-ring is another thing that can be made by weaving or braiding the grasses." -Beard, 1906

Grass napkin-ring

"A grass napkin-ring is another thing that can be made by weaving or braiding the grasses." -Beard,…

"The Wall-pocket Basket filled with grasses, ferns, and flowers, makes a very neat ornament to hang on the wall between or underneath picture-frames, or to stand on the mantel-piece."—Heinrich, 1887

Wall Pocket

"The Wall-pocket Basket filled with grasses, ferns, and flowers, makes a very neat ornament to hang…

Rice is a food staple in more than 39 countries. There are many different varieties of rice. They vary in color, grain and nutritional content.


Rice is a food staple in more than 39 countries. There are many different varieties of rice. They vary…

<i>Lolium perenne</i>. A sheath, in botany is "the part of an expanded organ that is rolled around a stem or other body, forming a tube, as in the lower part of the leaves of grasses..." &mdash;Whitney, 1889 
<p>This illustration show a single leaf of ryegrass in its sheath.

Ryegrass Leaf with Sheath

Lolium perenne. A sheath, in botany is "the part of an expanded organ that is rolled around a stem or…

A timothy plant grown from a single seed - a bunch grass.


A timothy plant grown from a single seed - a bunch grass.