Ilex aquifolium argentea medio-picta is a green leaved variety of holly. The leaves are dark green at…
Ilex aquifolium bessonia is a green leaved variety of holly. The leaves are lighter green than most…
Ilex aquifolium crassifolia is a green leaved variety of holly. The leaves are dull green. The leaves…
Ilex aquifolim doningtonensis is a green leaved variety of holly. The margins of the leaves have few…
Ilex aquifolium hendersoni is a green leaved variety of holly. The leaves are dark green with sunken…
Ilex aquifolium ovata is a green leaved variety of holly. The leaves are about two and a half inches…
Ilex aquifolium pyramidalis is a green leaved variety of holly. The leaves are dark green. The leaves…
Ilex aquifolim tortuosa is a green leaved variety of holly. The leaves are about two inches long and…
Ilex dipyrena is a variety of holly. The leaves are oblong and growi on short stalks. The leaves are…
Peltate leaves are target shaped or shield like. Pictured is a peltate leaf of Indian cress.
Also known as Quercus wislizeni. The branch of an Interior Live Oak tree, native to California.
This variety has deep vinous red stems, leafstalks, and principal veins. The leaves are green blotched…
Also known as Quercus tomentella. The branch of an Island Oak tree, native to the coast of Caifornia.
Sepals not pubescent or only slightly so; fruit a linear, two grooved capsule; leaves elliptic.
"Leaf of a diptych, Roman, probably about 4th century, South Kensington Museum collection." —…
A tree which produces dark red flowers and fragrant green leaves. The leaves are oval and serrated.…
Leaves - simple; indeterminate in position because of their closeness, but arrange along the branches…
This jug stands on a pedestal. It has a leaf design on its base, and human figures encircling the top.…
Juglans regia elongata only differs from the common walnut tree in that the fruit of tree is very elongated.
Also known as Amelanchier canadensis. The branch of a Juneberry bush, native to eastern North America,…
In the manufacturing of jute, the jute fiber must first be softened. The softening machine consists…
The leaves of kaempferia gilbertii are tufted and deep green. The leaves are bordered by a band of white.…
Leaves - unequally twice-compound (odd-feathered; leaflets very numerous - seven to thirteen on the…
The flowers of koelreuteria paniculata are yellow. There are many flowers on each branch. The leaves…
An illustration of a Lace-Leaf plant also known as a Lattice Leaf or Lace Plant. The Lace-Leaf plant…
A greenish-red plant with laciniate-cut leaves. In the spring, edible crimson berries are produced and…
Shaped like a spear head, broadest near base, tapering to apex, and several times as long as broad.
Leaves - simple; indeterminate in position because of their closeness; arranged along the branches in…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge large-toothed, with the hollows rounded. Outline - wide egg-shape.…