"Abutilon macropodum. 1. an unexpanded flower; 2. the stamens and styles; 3. a ripe fruit, consisting…
The leaves of abutilon thompsonii are variegated with yellow. It is a variety of abutilon striatum.
Pictured are leaves of various varieties of acacia. These varieties include (1) longifolia, (2) pravissima,…
Acalypha wilkesiana variation macafeana has red leaves marked with crimson and bronze. It is said to…
"Bixa orellana. 1. a pistil and two stamens; 2. a cross section of the ovary; 3. a ripe fruit. 4. a…
"Acicarpha spathulata. 1. section of an entire flower; 2. perpendicular section of ripe fruit." -Lindley,…
A plant which produces numerous flowers with oblong white petals. The leaves and stems are slightly…
The acroterium is the pedestal on the angle or apex of a pediment, intended as a base for sculpture.…
Also known as Butcher's broom. A shrub with flat shoots that give the appearance of stiff, spine-tipped…
Adder-Tongue, Ophioglossum: spore-cases in a kind of spike: a, a portion of the fruiting part…
"Adder's tongue fern (Ophioglossum vulgatum L.). R, runner or stolon." -Gager, 1916
Marlea begonifolia or Alangium chinense is an evergreen tree native in China used for its medicinal…
Also known as Salix alaxensis. The branch of an Alaska Willow tree, a species of willow.
This shows the leaf of the Almondleaf Willow, Salix amygdaloides, (Keeler, 1915).
The stalks of Alocasia cuprea are two feet or less long and green. The leaves are dark metallic green…
The leaves of Alocasia sanderiana are long with deeply notched margins. The leaves are a deep, glossy…
Alpinia vittata, meaning striped alpinia, has broad stripes of dark green and creamy white on the pale…
Usually pertains to leaves. Not opposite each other but bourne singly at different levels on the stem.
Also known as Castanea dentata. The branch of an American Chestnut tree, native to eastern North America.
Also known as Carpinus caroliniana. The branch of an American Hornbeam, native to eastern North America.
Also known as Salix discolor. The branch of an American Willow, native throughout North America.
A perennial flower with white petals and green foliage. They tend to bloom in April and May, and are…
The image depicts the flower and portion of a leaf of the Pitcairnia andreana. The petals are yellow…
The flowers of Archangelica officinalis, or the Garden Angelica, a flowering plant in the Apiaceae family.
This letter A with angels is designed with the angels playing a trumpet and a sea shell in the background.…
A decorative divider with wheat in the center, surrounded by dogs, rabbits, and other plants.
Diagram of the lower part of an anther, cut across above, and the upper part of a leaf, to show how…
"Anthodiscus trifoliatus. 1. a flower bud; 2. a flower; 3. a perpendicular section of the pistil." -Lindley,…
The leaves are Anthurium warocqueanum are oblong and long tapering. The leaves hang two to four feet…
From left to right: Acuminate, Acute, Obtuse, Truncate, Retuse, Emarginate, Obcordate, Cuspidate, Mucronate.
Aphelandra cristata is a flowering plant shown potted here because it is often used as a houseplant.
"Aquilaria Agallochum. 1. a flower; 2. the same split open; 3. a section of the ovary." -Lindley, 1853
The leaves of aralia veitchii are glossy green on top and dark red on the bottom. The leaves have about…
Branchlet of the American Arbor-Vitae, considerably larger than in nature, terminated by its pistillate…
One of the scales or carpels of the American Arbor-Vitae, the inside exposed to view, showing a pair…
The Trailing Arbutus (Epigaea repens) is a spreading shrub in Ericaceae family of heaths.
A four-eared fern with fronds ranging between 6 inches and 3 feet in length. They are commonly found…
Also known as Alnus oblongifolia. The branch of an Arizona Alder tree, native to southwestern United…
Also known as Sagittaria sagittifolia. It is a flowering plant that is native to the wetlands of Europe…