Also known as Salix lucida. The branch of a Pacific Willow tree, native to wetland habitats in northern…
"Dorystigma. 1. a corolla laid open; 2. calyx and pistil; 3. seed; 4. section of ditto." -Lindley, 1853
The common names of passiflora edulis are passion flower and passion fruit. Edulis is edible. The fruit…
The common names of passiflora are passion flower and passion fruit. The racemosa variety has deep red…
Also known as Salix amygdaloides. The branch of a Peachleaf Willow tree, native to southern Canada and…
Rosetelia cancellata fungi causes the leaves to become covered with large, raised spots that are deep…
This pedestal is designed with four figures and leaves. It is used to display a vase or small sculpture.
"Serronia Jaborandi. 1. a cluster of flowers magnified; 2. a ripe fruit; 3. a vertical section of the…
Petunia violacea or the violetflower petunia is a trumpet shaped flowering plant of the Solanaceae family.
Phlox subulata frondosa is a very vigorous variety with lilac-rose flowers.
A stout fern with brown scales. Fronds range between 1 foot and 3 feet in length, and 1 inch in width.
The Corinthian pilaster capital is an Italian Renaissance design found in the Palace of the Doges in…
The Corinthian pilaster capital is an Italian Renaissance design found in the Palace of the Doges in…
The Greek Doric pilaster capital is found in the ancient Greek temple of Erechtheum in Athens. It has…
A wide-creeping fern with squarrose scales. Fertile fronds are narrow and long, whereas the barren ones…
"Brunonia sericea. 1. a complete flower; 2. the pistil; 3. a ripe fruit; 4. embryo." -Lindley, 1853
"Cone of Pinus muricata, showing the difference between the outer and inner sides of the same strobilius…
From left to right: Pinnate with odd leaflet, Pinnate with a tendril in place, Pinnate with even pairs.
From left to right: pinnately lobed, pinnately cleft, pinnately parted, pinnately divided.
A simple pistil (of Isopyrm), with ovary cut across; the inner (ventral) face turned toward the eye:…
A pistil, that is, a scale of the cone, of a Larch, at the time of flowering; inside view, showing its…
Pistil of Geranium or Cranesbill, ripe, with the five carpels splitting away from the long beak (carpophore),…
Piece of a branch of Pitch Pine, with three leaves in a fascicle or bundle, in the axial of a thin scale,…
"Morphology of Pitchers. A, ordinary leaf of Cephalotus; B, monstrous leaf with spoon-shaped depression;…
"This pruning or shortening of the roots causes the production of a new set of fibres from the severed…
Unlike Chinese tea making methods (which involve plucking only three leaves), Indian methods are shown…
"Polypodium widely distributed throughout the world, but specially developed in the tropics. The species…
A Common Polypody, or Polypodium vulgare, leaf and root. The fern is commonly found on walls, river…