"Chaetura pelasgica. Chimney Swift. Chimney "Swallow". Sooty-brown, with a faint greenish gloss above;…
"The coloration of the twenty or more species of Cypselus is sooty-black or mouse-brown, frequently…
"Nephaecetes niger borealis. Northern Black Cloud Swift. Entire plumage sooty-black, with slight greenish…
"Querquedula (N.) carolinensis. American Green-winged Teal. Bill black; feet bluish-gray: iris brown.…
"Sterna aleutica. Aleutian Tern. Bill of ordinary shape, as in hirundo, macrura, etc., entirely black.…
"Sterna (T.) caspia. Caspian Tern. Imperial Tern. Bill dark vermilion red, growing and somewhat "diaphanous"…
Sterna fluviatilis, the Common Tern, occupying the coasts and inland waters of Europe, temperate Asia,…
"Sterna (T.) elegans. Elegant Tern. Princely Tern. Bill bright red, salmon-colored toward tip. Feet…
"Sterna (T.) maxima. Cayenne Tern. Royal Tern. Adult in summer: Pileum glossy greenish-black, not extending…
"Sterna (T.) cantiaca. Sandwich Tern. Ducal Tern. Bill black, the tip 1/2 to 3/4 an inch bright yellow,…
"Timelia maculata, the Babbling Thrush, sexes are commonly alike, the plain rufous coloration being…
"Turdus viscivorus, Mistletoe Thrush, the coloration is ordinarily plain black or brown, more or less…
"Wood Thrush. Upper parts, including the surface of the closed wings, tawny-brown, purest and deepest…
"Strepsilas interpres. Turnstone. Brant Bird. Calico-back. Pied above with black, white, brown, and…
"Similar to V. gilvus, but smaller; colors paler; bill more depressed; upper mandible almost black;…
"Catharista atrata. Black Vulture. Carrion Crow. Adult: Entire plumage, including skin of head, and…
A (Motacilla alba) or White Wagtail (upper) and a (Motacilla flava) Yellow Wagtail (lower) sitting on…
"The Yellow Wagtail or Motilla flava has characters of the Motacilla alva; tail shorter, not exceeding…
"Mniotilta varia, the Black and White Warbler, The general coloration is olive-green, grey, or slaty-blue,…
"Myiodioctes pussies. Blacked-capped Fly-catching Warbler. Upper parts, including exposed edging of…
"Black-poll Warbler or Dendroica striata. Back, rump, tail-coverts grayish-olive, heavily streaked with…
"Black-throated Gray Warbler or Dendroica nigrescens. Above, bluish-ash, the interscapular region, and…
"Blue Golden-Winged Warbler or Helminthophila chrysoptera. Upper parts slaty-blue, or or fine bluish-gray;…
"Myiodioctes canadensis. Canadian Fly-catching Warbler. Canada Warbler. Bluish-ash; crown speckled with…
"Chestnut-sided Warbler, Dendroica pensylvanica. Back streaked with black and pale yellow (sometimes…
"Myiodioctes mitratus. Hooded Fly-catching Warbler. Hooded Warbler. Clear yellow-olive above; below,…
"Kentucky Warbler. Oporornis formosus. Clear olive-green; entire under parts bright yellow, olive-shaded…
"Black -and-Yellow Warbler. Magnolia Warbler. Back black, usually quite pure and uninterrupted in the…
"Worm-Eating Warbler or Helmitheros vermivorus. Olive, below buffy, paler or whitish on the belly; head…
"Yellow-rumped Warbler or Dendroica coronata. Yellow-crowned Warbler. Myrtle Bird. Slaty-blue, streaked…
"Ampelis garrulus. Bohemian Waxwing. General color brownish-ash, shading insensibly from the clear ash…
"Ampelis cedrorum. Cedar Waxwing. Carolina Waxwing. Cedar-bird. Cherry Bird. General color shading from…
"Antrostomus vociferus. Whippoorwill. Night-jar. Upper parts variegated with gray, black, whitish, and…
"Antrostomus vociferus. Whippoorwill. Night-jar. Upper parts variegated with gray, black, whitish, and…
"Scolopas rusticula, the well known Woodcock, brown, grey, and buff in color, with blackish vermiculations…
"Philohela. American Woodcock. First three primaries emarginate, attenuate and falcate, abruptly shorter…
"Philohela minor. Woodcock. Bog-sucker. Colors above harmoniously blended and varied black, brown, gray,…
"Philohela minor. Woodcock. Bog-sucker. Colors above harmoniously blended and varied black, brown, gray,…
"Asyndesmus torquatus. Lewis' Woodpecker. Lared Woodpecker. Adult: Upper parts, including wings and…
"Sphyropicus thyroides. Brown-headed Woodpecker. Black-breasted Woodpecker. Red-throated Woodpecker.…
"Picus villosus. Hairy Woodpecker. Spotted and lengthwise streaked, but not banded. Usually 9-10 long;…
"Asyndesmus torquatus. Lewis' Woodpecker. Lared Woodpecker. Adult: Upper parts, including wings and…
"Melanerpes erythrocephalus. Red-headed Woodpecker. Tricolor. Adult: Beautifully tricolor with "the…
"Sphyropicus thyroides. Brown-headed Woodpecker. Black-breasted Woodpecker. Red-throated Woodpecker.…
"Sphyropicus varius. Yellow-bellied Woodpecker. Male: Crown crimson, bordered all around with black;…
"Upper parts pale brownish-gray, minutely dotted with blackish and whitish points together, and usually…
"Short-billed Marsh Wren. Cistothorus platensis. Upper parts brown, the crown and most of the back blackish,…
"Totanus melanoleucus. Greater Tell-tale. Greater Yellow-shanks. Long-legged Tattler. Stone-snipe. Bill…
"Geothlypis trichas. Common Yellowthroat. Yellow-throated Ground Warbler. Maryland Yellow-throat. Upper…