"Among the cast number of species belonging to the Veneridae family, many are extremely rare, and much…
"Among the cast number of species belonging to the Veneridae family, many are extremely rare, and much…
"The Greek Fissurella, F. Græca, is found in the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean.…
Galatea reclusa is a species of bivalve mollusk in the Donacidae family of bean clams (wedge shells).
In high orders of Mollusca the circulation resembles that of fish. Shown is the heart and arteries of…
"Many species hibernate. The land-snails bury themselves in the ground, or conceal themselves under…
"Only six actually living species of the genus have been found; these inhabit the Indian Ocean, the…
"[From left to right:] Cockles, Imperial Volute, Clown Volute, Pholas, Helmet Shell" — Goodrich,…
A sub-kingdom of animals embracing a division of the invertebrates. It includes especially those having…
A diagram of a mollusca. Mollusca are soft-bodied animals that are usually protected by an external…
In the Mollusca are found the ganglions and connective arrangement, with both sensitive and motor nerves,…
Naticina papilla is a species of naticoid, a predatory sea snail in the gastropod class of Mollusca.
Naticina haliotoides is a species of naticoid, a predatory sea snail in the gastropod class of Mollusca.
The paper nautilus is closely related to the octopus. It creates its own thin shell, or egg case, in…
The paper nautilus is closely related to the octopus. It creates its own thin shell, or egg case, in…
Smooth-shelled Pectens have colors that are frequently lively and brilliant. This is the Coral Pecten.
Smooth-shelled Pectens have colors that are frequently lively and brilliant. This is the Northern Pecten.
"The Watered Pecten belongs to the scallop-shells. The shell is generally nearly circular, more or less…
Smooth-shelled Pectens have colors that are frequently lively and brilliant. This is the Purple Pecten.
Smooth-shelled Pectens have colors that are frequently lively and brilliant. This is the Tiger Pecten.
"On the shores of the Mediterranean and along the Atlantic coast, species of the genus Pectunculus…
This species is able to hollow out a home in a solid block of gneiss, one of the hardest rocks. To excavate…
This species is able to hollow out a home in a solid block of gneiss, one of the hardest rocks. To excavate…
This species is able to hollow out a home in a solid block of gneiss, one of the hardest rocks. To excavate…
This species is able to hollow out a home in a solid block of gneiss, one of the hardest rocks. To excavate…
"The genus Pinna was so called from its resemblance to the plumelet which the Roman soldiers…
"The genus Pinna was so called from its resemblance to the plumelet which the Roman soldiers…
"The genus Pinna was so called from its resemblance to the plumelet which the Roman soldiers…
"The genus Pinna was so called from its resemblance to the plumelet which the Roman soldiers…
Scallops are distinguished by the regular ribs of the shell, and by the two angular projections that…
"A gastropod of the family Ovulidae and genus Radius, as R. volva, of long fusiform shape, the ends…
"The more remarkable species of the genus Spondylus; their valves are unequal."
"The more remarkable species of the genus Spondylus; their valves are unequal."
"The more remarkable species of the genus Spondylus; their valves are unequal."
"The more remarkable species of the genus Spondylus; their valves are unequal. A native of…
The Atlantic Bobtail (Sepiola atlantica) is a cephalopod in the Sepiolidae family of bobtail squids.
"The center is a bright violet, with brownish longitudinal, punctured lines. All these are inhabitants…
"The center is a bright violet, with brownish longitudinal, punctured lines. All these are inhabitants…
"Among the cast number of species belonging to the Veneridae family, many are extremely rare, and much…
"Among the cast number of species belonging to the Veneridae family, many are extremely rare, and much…