"Dental Branch of One of the Divisions of the Fifth Pair of Cranial Nerves, supplying the Lower Teeth.…
"Dental Branches of One of the Divisions of the Fifth Pair of Cranial Nerves, supply the Upper Teeth."…
Diagram to show the proximity of the sensory nuclei of the fifth and tenth cranial and first and second…
"Diagram illustrating the General Arrangement of the Nervous System. (posterior view.)" — Blaisedell,…
The nervous system of the horse. Labels: 1, brain; 2, optic nerve; 3, superior maxillary nerve (5th);…
"Part of the sympathetic nervous system seen from in front, n, one of the two chief cords, t, i, and…
"Showing a motor cell with its long, unbranched process (with two little lateral offshoots), with motor…
Nerve cells of human spinal cord stained to show Nissl bodies. Labels: D, dendrites; A, axons; C, implantation…
Multipolar nerve cells of various forms. Labels: A, from spinal cord; B, from cerebral cortex; C, from…
Scheme of the distribution of the ophthalmic nerve. Labels: Vs, trigeminal nerve, afferent root; Mo,…
"Otocyst in a mollusk. n, nerve; ;o, otolith; s.c., sensory cells in wall of otocyst." — Galloway
"Showing its distribution by its branches and ganglia to the larynx, pharynx, heart, lungs, and other…
"Development of the lateral eyes of a scorpion. h, Epidermic cell-layer; mes, mesoblastic connective…
"A block out of the skin. a, dead part and d live part of the epidermis; e, sweat glands; n, nerve endings."…
Diagram to show the structure of the Skin. Labels: E.c, epidermis, corneous part; E.m, epidermis, Malpighian…
Scheme of the origin, connection, and distribution of the spinal accessory nerve. Labels: Sp.Acc, spinal…
The skull and spinal canal of a child from behind with the Dura Mater slit open and ribs with the transverse…
"Diagram of a slice across the spinal cord, showing the roots of a spinal nerve to the arm on the left.…
"The spine, sawn in two lengthwise, showing the spinal canal and the holes between the vertebrae, where…
The sympathetic ganglions and their connection with other nerves. Labels: A, The semilunar ganglion…
"Showing the distribution of some of the great plexuses of the sympathetic nerve in the lumbar and sacral…
Diagrammatic view of the Sympathetic cord of the right side, showing its connections with the principal…
Nerves of the thigh. Labels: 1, gangliated cord of sympathetic; 2, third lumbar nerve; 3, branches to…