Pictured are flowers of the orders martyniaceae, gesneriaceae, lentibulariaceae, and globulariaceae.…
Illustration of children holding number cards that can be used to write mathematics story problems involving…
Pictured are the orders of Nyctanginaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Aizoaceae, and Portulacaceae. Flowers of…
Nymphaeaceae is an order of aquatic herbs including the water lily family. This order has eight genera…
Pictured are flowers from the order of ochnaceae. The flowers pictured are (1) ochna, (2) gordonia,…
Pictured are the flowers and fruits of the orders oleaceae, loganiaceae, gentianaceae, and apocynaceae.…
Pictured are flowers from the orders onagraceae and haloragidaceae. The flowers of these orders that…
"The butt rests evenly on the ground, barrel to the rear, toe of the butt on a line with toe of, and…
"The religious Order of the Heavenly Annunciation, or of the Nuns of the Annunciation of Mary, was instituted…
Pictured are the orders of papaveraceae, fumariaceae, cruciferae, and capparidaceae. The flowers of…
Pictured are the orders of plantanceae, rosaceae, and leguminosae. The flowers of these orders that…
Shown are flowers of the pontederiaceae, juncaceae, liliaceae, and amaryllidaceae orders. These flowers…
"The prism of the first order consists of four rectangular vertical faces, each of which intersects…
"The prism of the second order consists of four rectangular vertical faces, each of which intersects…
"The pyramid of the first order is a form consisting of eight isoceles triangular faces, each of which…
"The pyramid of the second order is a form composed of eight isoceles triangular faces, each of which…
The signal to march at the faster pace of 'quick time.' The Royal Navy marches at a cadence of 116 paces…
"The inner or primary bow is much brighter than the other; the outer or secondary bow has the order…
Pictured are flowers of the orders rubiaceae and valerianaceae. The flowers pictured are (1) galium,…
Illustration of a child measuring with rulers that can be used to write mathematics story problems involving…
Illustration of two children holding rulers that can be used to write mathematics story problems involving…
Illustration of children holding rulers that can be used to write mathematics story problems involving…
"When publishing orderes, calling the roll, etc., the saber is held suspended from the right wrist by…
Pictured are flowers of the orders sapotaceae, ebenaceae, styracaceae, and symplocaceae. The flowers…
The orders pictured are sarraceniaceae, nepenthaceae, and droseraceae. The flowers of these orders that…
Schizaeaceae: 1, aneimia, sporangium. Osmundaceae: 2, Osmunda, sporangium; a, front view, b, back view.…
"This is a form consisting of six rectangular vertical faces, each of which intersects two of the horizontal…
"This is a form composed of twelve isoceles triangular faces, each of which intersects two of the horizontal…
Signal to inform the troops that the next signal will be directed at a certain 'section' rather than…
The orders of simarubaceae, burseraceae, meliaceae, and malpighiaceae are pictured. The flowers of these…
Pictured are flowers of the orders solanaceae, scrophulariaceae, bignoiaceae, and pedaliaceae. The flowers…
Signal to inform the troops that the next signal will be directed at a certain 'squad' rather than everyone.
"Extend the arm vertically above the head; carry it laterally downward to the side and swing it several…
"Raise the arm laterally until horizontal; carry it downward to the side and swing it several times…
"Raise the arm laterally until horizontal; carry it to a vertical position above the head and swing…
Order given to troops instructing them to stop firing. Weapons are held, locked and loaded so that they…
Pictured are the orders of thymelaeaceae, elaeagnaceae, lythraceae, and punicaceae. The flowers of these…
The orders pictured are tremandraceae, polygalaceae, and euphorbiaceae. The flowers of these orders…
"Applied to one of the 5 orders of arch, which allows no ornaments or flinting." — Williams, 1889
A stocky simplified variant of the Doric order that was introducted into the canon of classical architecture…
The typhaceae order consists of perennial marsh herbs with creeping rootstocks. The pandanaceae order…
Shown are the Urticaceae, Loranthaceae, and Olacaceae orders. Urtica, banksia, protea, phoradendron,…