"The common wormwood; a European species, much cultivated for its bitter qualities; it contains a volatile…
"Abutilon macropodum. 1. an unexpanded flower; 2. the stamens and styles; 3. a ripe fruit, consisting…
"An Egyptian tree; the bark and pods are frequently used in tanning and the aqueous extract of the wood…
"A genus of small herbaceous plants of southern Europe and Africa; they have spinosely toothed leaves,…
"A genus of small herbaceous plants of southern Europe and Africa; they have spinosely toothed leaves,…
"A genus of small herbaceous plants of southern Europe and Africa; they have spinosely toothed leaves,…
"Nelsonia campestris. 1. flowers; 2. pistil; 3. capsule; 4. cross section of a seed." -Lindley, 1853
"Bixa orellana. 1. a pistil and two stamens; 2. a cross section of the ovary; 3. a ripe fruit. 4. a…
"Acicarpha spathulata. 1. section of an entire flower; 2. perpendicular section of ripe fruit." -Lindley,…
The Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) is a European plant in the Ranunculaceae family of buttercups.
Also known as Butcher's broom. A shrub with flat shoots that give the appearance of stiff, spine-tipped…
"Adder's tongue fern (Ophioglossum vulgatum L.). R, runner or stolon." -Gager, 1916
Ophioglossum vulgatum, or Southern Adderstongue is a fern-like plant commonly growing in sand dunes.
A crowded species of sugar cane. The branches grow up to 12 inches in length, and the stems up to 7…
Littaea geminiflora, or the Twin-Flowered Agave, showing the flower and the whole plant.
Marlea begonifolia or Alangium chinense is an evergreen tree native in China used for its medicinal…
Also known as Salix alaxensis. The branch of an Alaska Willow tree, a species of willow.
"Pimento or Jamaica pepper, otherwise called allspice, is a small berry, the fruit of a beautiful tree,…
The almond is native to Iran, from northwestern Saudi Arabia, north through western Jordan, Israel,…
"A drug of great antiquity, for we find Dioscorides make mention of aloe as a substance obtained from…
Usually pertains to leaves. Not opposite each other but bourne singly at different levels on the stem.
Stiff plants with large, thick leaves. It is said to have medicinal purposes for burned or damaged skin.
Also known as Castanea dentata. The branch of an American Chestnut tree, native to eastern North America.
Also known as Ulmus americana. The branch of the American Elm, native to eastern North America.
Also known as Ostrya virginiana. The branch of an American Hophornbeam, a species of Ostrya native to…
Also known as Carpinus caroliniana. The branch of an American Hornbeam, native to eastern North America.
One of five stamen-clusters of the flower of American Linden, with accompanying scale.
Also known as Sorbus americana. The branch of an American Mountain-Ash tree, native to northeastern…
Also known as Liquidambar styraciflua. The branch of an American Sweetgum tree, native to eastern North…
Also known as Salix discolor. The branch of an American Willow, native throughout North America.
A perennial flower with white petals and green foliage. They tend to bloom in April and May, and are…
Spores borne in sacs on lower leaf surface; divisions of the leaf small, less than 2 cm long.
"Andrea nivalis, natural size; 2. the same much magnified; 3. spore-case with the torn calyptra; 4.…
"A genus of plants of the natural order Ranunculaceae, having an involucre of three divided leaves,…