(1449-1515) An engraving print of Aldus Manutius, one of the first printers and founder of the Aldine…
An illustration of Caesar. A politician of the populares tradition, he formed an unofficial triumvirate…
The Antique Candelabrum shaft has a richer profile that swells with leaves and then diminishes.
A round medallion bearing a profile portrait of Michelangelo and the text, "MICHAELANGELUS-BONARROTUS-FLO-R-ATES-ANN...88"
"A Lion's Head Erased. In heraldry, represented as having been forcibly torn off, the separated parts…
A side portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536). Erasmus was a Dutch Renaissance humanist, Catholic…
A silhouette is "a profile portrait in black, so called after Etienne de Silhouette, French minister…
"The closed helmet seen in profile is appropriated to esquires and gentlemen." -Hall, 1862
"The grated helmet in profile is common to all degrees of peerage under a duke." -Hall, 1862
Herodotus of Halicarnassus was a Greek historian who lived in the 5th century BC (c. 484 BC–c.…
William Livingston (November 30, 1723 – July 25, 1790) served as the Governor of New Jersey (1776–1790)…
Profile portrait of an old man with a flowing beard and long hair beneath a tight-fitting cap. He appears…
"In order strictly to equalize a fixed light over the whole horizon, which could not possibly be done…
An illustration of Plato, a Classical Greek philosopher, who, together with his mentor, Socrates, and…
Profile of Pop Leo XIII. He was elected pope on February 20th, 1878 and died July 20th, 1903. He was…
Luxor Temple is a large Ancient Egyptian temple complex located on the east bank of the River Nile in…
An illustration of Socrates, a Classical Greek philosopher. Credited as one of the founders of Western…