Physiological Bases of the Visible Speech Symbols - Consonants. In representing the consonant a peculiar…
Physiological Bases of the Visible Speech Symbols - Vowels. In representing the vowel classification…
Vowels have a wide, firm, and free channel, whereby the breath is modified without friction or sibilation.…
Vowels have a wide, firm, and free channel, whereby the breath is modified without friction or sibilation.…
Vowels have a wide, firm, and free channel, whereby the breath is modified without friction or sibilation.…
Vowels have a wide, firm, and free channel, whereby the breath is modified without friction or sibilation.…
Vowels have a wide, firm, and free channel, whereby the breath is modified without friction or sibilation.…
Vowels have a wide, firm, and free channel, whereby the breath is modified without friction or sibilation.…
Vowels have a wide, firm, and free channel, whereby the breath is modified without friction or sibilation.…
Vowels have a wide, firm, and free channel, whereby the breath is modified without friction or sibilation.…
Vowels have a wide, firm, and free channel, whereby the breath is modified without friction or sibilation.…
Vowels have a wide, firm, and free channel, whereby the breath is modified without friction or sibilation.…
Vowels have a wide, firm, and free channel, whereby the breath is modified without friction or sibilation.…
Vowels have a wide, firm, and free channel, whereby the breath is modified without friction or sibilation.…