"A genus of land-snails, of the family Helicidæ. Typified by the large agate-shells of Africa."-Whitney,…
"The species are numerous, and are chiefly found in the fresh waters of tropical and subtropical countries,…
A family of irregular sea urchins, flattened into a discoidal or shield like shape, with a mouth central…
"The genus Conus is especially rich in species, as well as numerous individuals. This group…
"The genus Conus is especially rich in species, as well as numerous individuals. This group…
"The genus Conus is especially rich in species, as well as numerous individuals. This group…
"The genus Conus is especially rich in species, as well as numerous individuals. This group…
A mollusk radiate from the Paleozoic time, Cyclonema cancellata from the Clinton group.
Fu'sus is a genus of gastropods, which are allied to the British whelk and American conch, and which…
In high orders of Mollusca the circulation resembles that of fish. Shown is the heart and arteries of…
Helix refers to a genus of snails. They are generally found in cool, damp environments, as they easily…
"Many species hibernate. The land-snails bury themselves in the ground, or conceal themselves under…
An illustration of the operculum of the maclurites, an extinct genus of snails.
"[From left to right:] Snail-shell and Egg, Ostrea and Spondylus, Carinaria, Vitreous Carinaria." —…
An ancient mollusk from the Paleozoic time, Goniatites Marcellensis from the Hamilton group.
Many mollusks live upon seaweeds, and the greater number of terrestrial forms are fond of garden vegetables.…
"Gyroceras goldfussi. GYROCERATIDAE. A family of nautiliform shells of a discoidal shape, in which the…
"The polished nerita, Nerita polita, is distributed through nearly all tropical seas." —…
A large genus of pond snails. Pictured is Physa fontinalis, which is commonly found in Europe.
A mollusk radiate from the Paleozoic time, Platyceras angulatum from the Niagara group.
Fusus antiquus. "...a division of prosobranchiate gastropods, having the lip of the shell notched, canaliculate,…
"Snail is the common name of gasteropodous mollusks. They feed chiefly on vegetable substances, though…
"Soft unsegmented bodies, bilaterally symmetrical, enveloped by a leathery mantle, which usually develops…