"A telescope is an instrument designed for the observation of distant objects, and consists essentially…
"The spy-glass or terrestrial telescope avoids the inversion of the image by the interposition of two…
"The Galilean telescope has a double-concave eye-lens that intercepts the rays before they reach the…
"The reflecting telescope has an objective a concave mirror, tecnically called a speculum. The images…
"An instrument for the measurement of horizontal angles, consisting essentially of a telescope mounted…
"One of the most important of astronomical instruments, consists of a telescope fixed to a horizontal…
"The instrument is supported on a strong tripod, fitted with levelling screws; to this tripod is fixed…
"Upon a tripod provided with levelling screws stands the pillar P, to which is fixed the graduated azimuthal…
"The following description of a section of Lord Rosse's telescope, though not so perfect as could be…
"The horizontal section in the direction of the axis of the telescope. The eye-piece ab consists of…
"The vertical section in the direction of the axis of the telescope. The eye-piece ab consists of two…
"The original Merz micrometer of the Cape Observatory, made on Fraunhofer's model. S is the head of…
"The eye-end of a telescope. The reader will recognize the micrometer previously described. L is a paraffin…
"Dollond's divided object-glass heliometer of the third type. A is the end of the reflecting telescope,…
"a is the sphere, placed in half-holes on the axis bb, so that when its principal axis is parallel to…
"a is the sphere, placed in half-holes on the axis bb, so that when its principal axis is parallel to…
"No part of the equatorial mounting is shown in the figure, as it resembles every respect that usual…
Still life arrangement including a globe, telescope, book, right angle, rolled map, and dividers.
"An instrument described by Foucault for transmitting a beam of light along the optical axis of a fixed…
"C. Collimator; P, center of group of prisms; T, telescope; s, slit through which the ray of light enters,…
"The most simple refracting telescope consists of a tube, containing two convex lenses, the one having…
"Suppose a, to be a distinct object, from which pencils of rays flow from every point toward the object…
"The inversion of the object is of little consequence when the instrument is employed for astronomical…
"Suppose the object o to be at such a distance, that the rays of light from it pass in parallel lines,…
"In the Deprez-d'Arsonval dead-beat galvanometer, a moveable coil is suspended between the poles of…
Lens of the eye. The rays of light are brought nearer together by the lenses of the eye, just as they…
Galileo Galilei (15 February 1564 - 8 January 1642) was a Tuscan (Italian) physicist, mathematician,…
Double Porro prism systems are used in small optical telescopes to re-orient an inverted image, and…
"Sextant. An important instrument of navigation and surveying, for measuring the angular distance of…
Binocular telescopes, or binoculars (also known as field glasses), are two identical or mirror-symmetrical…
A transit telescope is a special purpose telescope mounted so as to allow it to be pointed only at objects…
Zenith telescope constructed at the International Stations at Berlin by Hermann Wanschaff.
A Repsolds micrometer used by Cape Observatory. The large micrometer is used to accurately adjust the…
A micrometer with the box removed from Cape Observatory. The device rotates the telescope accurately…
"The micrometer box, and of course with it the whole system of spider webs, is moved by the screw s,…
"Sir David Gill devised a measuring machine which combines the rapidity of the glass—scale micrometer…
A Repsolds micrometer box for Yerkes Telescope. The wheels on the sides adjusts the telescope sideways,…
"Repsolds' more recent form of the spider—line micrometer (since 1893) for large telescope. Quick…
An optical device, such as a pair of field glasses or opera glasses, designed for simultaneous use by…
"These telescopes were all reflectors; that is, instead of looking up at a star through a tube with…
This illustration shows a Surveyor's, or Y-level. In use, the telescope is set perfectly horizontal…