Search for pictures tagged with "serrated leaves"
We found $localcount "serrated leaves" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (1450)
Shrub with Serrated Leaves
Serrated, Sunlit Leaves
Terminal End of Branch with Serrated, Green…
Top of Branches with Serrated Leaves
Green, Sharp, Serrated Aloe Leaves
Maple Leaves with Dully-Serrated Edges
Shiny, Serrated Leaves
Chenille Plant at the Kanapaha Botanical…
Fern with Pinnate, Serrated Leaves
Fern with Serrated, Pinnate Leaves
Succulent Plant with Large, Serrated, Grey…
Plant with White Flowers Growing on a Raceme…
Serrated Leaves and Buds of a Japanese Hydrangea…
Serrated, Five-Lobed, Star-Shaped American…
Green Leaves with Serrated Edges
Coastal Plain Willow Branch with Serrated…
Serrated Leaves Hanging from Branch of a…
Green, Serrated Southern Arrowwood Leaves
Serrated Leaves of a Bigleaf Linden
Bigleaf Linden Serrated Leaves
Crimean Linden Serrated Leaves
Serrated, Pointed Mulberry Leaf
Green, Serrated Leaf of a Littleleaf Linden…
Serrated, Circular Leaf of a Climbing Hydrangea
Serrated, Green Leaf of a Bigleaf Hydrangea
Curved, Circular Leaves
Caucasian Linden Leaf
Earth Star Plant
Wild Coffee Glossy Leaves
Plant With Wide, Thorny Leaves
Porterweed Leaves
Green Linear Leaves
Tree with Light-Green and Red Leaves
Wet Green Grape Leaves
A Tree with Fall Foliage
Leaves that are Scorched and Brown
Succulent Plant With Bright Green Leaves
Hot Bird Pepper Leaves
Maple Tree with Multicolored Leaves
Plant with Flaccid, Grey Leaves Along with…
Semi-Bare Branches
Bermuda Banana Doll with Parasol (Full View)
Bermuda Woman Made from Banana Leaves Wearing…
Hanging, Spiny Leaves
Maple Leaves During Fall
Numerous Leaves of a Maple Tree
Pin Oak Leaves
Brownish-Green Leaves
Shiny Dark Red Leaves
A Close-Up of a Shrub with Dark Purple Berries