Search for "detailed leaves" pictures
We found $localcount "detailed leaves" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (2015)
Fern (Asplenium nidus)
Leaves and Emerging Flower Heads of a Butterfly…
Whampi Leaves
Katsura "Morioka Weeping" Stems and Leaves
Siberian Crabapple Bark
Funeral Cypress Branch with Leaves and Berries
Close-Up View of the Succulent Leaves of…
Shrub with White Flowers and Green, Narrow…
Amur Cork Tree Bark
Common Screwpine Close-Up
Pachypodium lamerei
Long, Green Silver Peacock Ginger Leaves…
Elephant's Ear Leaf
Succulent Plant
Nearly Horizontal Grape Vine Bearing Leaves
Japanese Maple Branches With Leaves and…
Water Lilies with Green and Purple Leaves
Green, Pointed Rollinia sp.
Trail Covered in Fallen Leaves Leading Through…
Clusters of Small, Yellow Flowers and Long,…
Bromeliad (Werauhia sanguinolenta)
Manchurian Cherry Tree Leaves
Asteraceae Flowers and Leaves
Kalanchoe orgyalis
Mescal Leaves
Green Leaves and Pink Stalk
Small Yellow Flowers and Thin, Rounded Leaves…
Littleleaf Photinia Flowers and Leaves
Alligator Flag Close-Up
Red Yucca Leaves
Circular Garden Ornament
Pitcher Plant Leaves
Leaves of a "Burgundy" Chinese Fringe Flower
Leaves of a Cherry Prinsepia
Stems, Leaves, and Emerging Yellow Flower…
Alligator Flag Leaves
Gesneriad Close-Up
Rocks with Ridges
"Lou Allen" Escallonia Leaves
Aroids and Bamboo at Sacramento Zoo
Aloe Plant Leaves, Stem, Buds
Megaskepasma erythrochlamys
Plants With Spiders
Leaves of a Spanish Lime
Shadows on Leaf-Covered Ground at Chinsegut…
Shrub With Purple Flowers
Budding and Mature Sunflowers
Buds and Leaves of a Giant Dogwood
American Sweetgum Leaves
Asphalt Path Leading Through Trees at Evergreen…