Search for "9-inch oxidized bronze mortar" pictures
We found $localcount "9-inch oxidized bronze mortar" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (629)
Star Magnolia Leaves
War Scene on the Kusadasi Peace Monument…
Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles Holds His Hat…
Full View of the Wendell Phillips Statue…
Industrial Progress Depiction on the Kusadasi…
A Statue of Joseph Henry, outside the Smithsonian…
The Great Warrior of Montauban Detail
Rusted Metal Eagle Sculpture at the Sacramento…
Full View of the Tadeusz Kościuszko Statue…
Ornate Security Bars Covering a Window
A Civil Rights Monument with Four Busts…
Suidae Family Animal Sculpture at the Artis…
Seated Woman
Young Male Representation on the Kusadasi…
Moses and King David
Memorial Park and the St. Johns River
Close-Up of the Wendell Phillips Statue…
"The Tumultuous Sixties: Campus Unrest and…
Shaw 54th Regiment Memorial at Boston Common
Girl Releasing a Dove on the Kusadasi Peace…
Tadeusz Kościuszko Statue at the Boston…
Verona, San Zeno, bronze doors, Last Supper
Side View of the Equestrian Statue of George…
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk on the Kusadasi Peace…
Verona, San Zeno, bronze doors, first six…
Verona, San Zeno, bronze doors, Second Coming…
Verona, San Zeno, bronze doors, scenes of…
Verona, San Zeno, bronze doors, six panels,…
Verona, San Zeno, bronze doors, six panels,…