Search for "aquatic plant" pictures
We found $localcount "aquatic plant" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (2029)
Vertical Aquatic Plant
Aquatic Plant
Aquatic Plant
Aquarium Plant
Bushy Aquatic Plant
Erect Aquatic Plant
Aquatic Plant with Purple and Green Coloring
Tricolor Aquatic Plant
Crinum natans
Nymphoides Spec
Aquatic Plants
Aquatic Plants
Aquatic Vegetation
Anhinga Among Aquatic Plants
Wavy, Aquatic Grass
Aquatic Plants in Water Tank
Water Tank with Aquatic Plants
Aquatic Grass at Biscayne National Park
Aquatic Plants and Grasses
Aquatic Plants and Blown Glass Herons
Aquatic Vegetation with Small, Circular…
Papyrus Plant Growing in the Water at the…
Aquatic Grass
Great Blue Heron Standing in Shallow Water…
American Alligator Navigating its Way Through…
Grass in Aquarium
Papyrus Plant Cluster Close-Up
Aquatic Plants with Heart-Shaped Leaves
Wiry Papyrus Plant Leaves
Purple Aquatic Leaf Floating on the Water's…
Vegetation in Fish Tank
Grass and Aquatic Vegetation
Clustered Papyrus Plant at the Kanapaha…
Juvenile American Alligator Swimming Through…
Numerous Aquatic Plants at Anhinga Trail…
Aquarium at the Hellabrunn Zoo
Aquatic Plants, Shrubs, and Water at Anhinga…
Papyrus Leaves Extending from a Stem
Shrubs, Aquatic Plants, and Water at Anhinga…
Aquatic Plants, Water, Shrubs, and Grasses…
Orange and Blue Fish
Great Blue Heron Standing in Shallow Water…
Tree, Water, and Aquatic Plants
Wavy Invertebrate at The Florida Aquarium
Invertebrate with Green Center
Invertebrate with Numerous Circular Structures
Permanent Pavilion
Aquatic Invertebrate with White Tentacles…
Water Cabbage
Tree Branch Shading an Area with Grass,…