Search for "bunker hill monument" pictures
We found $localcount "bunker hill monument" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (1127)
A Fourth Sculptural Figure on a Civil Rights…
A View of Fort Matanzas, from the East-North-East
Worn Letters and Numbers on an Oxidized,…
Florida Relief
A Oblique View of a Coquina Wall
The Coat of Arms above the Main Gate
Detail of Square on Door at the Soldiers…
Spanish 6-Pounder, Modern, Iron Gun Cannon…
Close-Up of Bronze, Oxidized Cannons on…
Oxidized, Bronze Cannon on a Wooden Deck…
Metal Carving on a Bronze, Oxidized Mortar…
A View of Fort Matanzas, from the North-Northeast
Room of the Castillo de San Marcos Containing…
Visitors at Marine Corps War Memorial
Side View of a Bronze, Oxidized Mortar on…
The Sentry Tower, from the South
Confederate Soldier Detail
The Sentry Tower on the Northeast Bastion…
A Palm Tree near the Northeastern Bastion…
Original Sally Port Doors of Castillo de…
A Third Sculptural Figure on a Civil Rights…
A Second Sculptural Figure on a Civil Rights…
A Sculptural Figure on a Civil Rights Monument
Eagle Relief Border on Soldiers and Sailors'…
Three Levels of Land at Castillo de San…
Oxidized, Bronze Cannon on a Wooden Firing…
World War I Memorial Plaque at the Soldiers…
Engraving of Soldiers' Names at Soldiers…
Black Cannon on a Cannon Carriage on the…
View from St. Paul's Bastion of Castillo…
Two Walls at Castillo de San Marcos
Eagle Relief at Soliders and Sailors' Memorial…
Spanish Symbols Carved Near the Barrel of…
Spanish 6-Pounder, Modern, Iron Gun Cannon…
A Monument to People Involved in the Civil…
Southwest Corner of Castillo de San Marcos…
Atlantic Ocean from Fort Matanzas Tower
The Sentry Tower on the Northeast Bastion…
Room of the Castillo de San Marcos Containing…
Inscription on an Oxidized, Bronze, Mortar
A View of Castillo de San Marcos, from the…
Oxidized, Bronze 12-Pounder Cannon Used…
Trajan Gives Audience to the Local Dacian…
Trajan Questions the Prisoners, Observes…
Southwest Wall of Castillo de San Marcos…
A Close-Up of a Coquina Ashlar
Carvings in an Oxidized, Bronze, 15-Inch…
Interior of a Castillo de San Marcos Room…
Close-Up view of the Bottom of an Oxidized,…
Confederate Kissing Baby