Search for "ceylon date palm" pictures
We found $localcount "ceylon date palm" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (779)
Ficus Bonsai Tree in a Light Brown Container
Flowing Fountain in Center of Small Pond
Trail Leading Through Ferns, Cabbage Palms,…
Small Stone Sculpture with Square Hole
Herbert Hoover Attended This Community Church…
Monarch Butterfly at the Washington Oaks…
Saw Palmettos Amongst Pine Trees
A Look at the Exterior of the Despland Hotel
Small Sculpture of Face Covered in Spanish…
Succulent Plant with Thin, Green Leaves…
Shadows Casted Upon Small Shrubs and a Vertical…
Great Blue Heron Standing in Shallow Water
Chenille Plant with Red, Fuzzy, Hanging…
Iguana with Grey to Orange Spines
Base of a Staghorn Fern at the Washington…
Shrub with Green Leaves and Yellow Flowers
Orange and Black Insect Walking on Green…
Monarch Butterfly Pollinating Pinkish Flower…
Ecuador Man Made with Woven Straw Wearing…
Slough at the Bonnet House
Tree with Brown, Sturdy Branches and Green,…
Dutchman's Pipe Flower and Leaves
Ecuador Handcrafted Male Figure Made with…
Shadows Casted Upon Trunk of Pine Tree and…
Magenta, Star-Shaped Flowers at the Washington…
Southeast Corner of Castillo de San Marcos…
Rome, Santa Prassede, apse mosaic, Pope…
Rome, Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, apse…
Front Entrance of Columbia Restaurant in…