Search for "matheson hammock park" pictures
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Individual Pictures (4285)
Very Dry Fern Leaves
Dry Spots on Asphalt
Branch of a Fern
Glossy Brown Leaf with Lime-Green Veins
Paved Section of the Gumbo Limbo Trail
Yellow-Orange and Green Leaves Next to a…
Tree Trunk with Patchy, Greyish-Brown Bark
Vine with Green Leaves Growing up Trunk…
Blolly (Pisonia discolor)
Green Spider in Center of Web
Tree with Curving, Grey Trunk and Rounded,…
Curving Section of Gumbo-Limbo Trail
Fern Leaves Close-Up
Two Rocks near Algae-Filled Pond
Shrubs, Branches, and Roots
Brown, Dry Fern Leaves
Inkwood (Exothea paniculata) Berries
Asphalt Sidewalk Running through Vegetation
Asphalt Path Called "Gumbo Limbo Trail"
Branches of Trees Against Florida Sky
Spider in the Center of its Web Along the…
Asphalt Path Known as Gumbo Limbo Trail
Moss Growing on Side of Tree
Sign Amongst Vegetation along Gumbo Limbo…
Trees and Vegetation Along Gumbo Limbo Trail
Winding Asphalt of the Gumbo Limbo Trail
Vegetation Including Several Arching Trees
Several Gumbo-Limbo Trees on the Gumbo Limbo…
Inkwood (Exothea paniculata) Leaves
Air Plant on Trunk
Shaded Asphalt of Gumbo Limbo Trail
Slightly Twisted Tree Trunk
Vegetation Including Gumbo-Limbo Trees,…
Twisted Tree Trunk Amongst Ferns
Small Amount of Moss Growing in Crevices…
Gumbo-Limbo Trees Amongst Ferns and Schefflera
Spicewood (Calyptranthes spp.) Multi-Trunks
Portion of the Fort Caroline Nature Trail
Dry Fern Leaves with Brown and Black Coloring
Bark of a Gumbo-Limbo Tree
Spicewood (Calyptranthes spp.) Leaf Detail
Fallen Leaves Swept to Side of Gumbo Limbo…
Engraving on Palm Tree at Gumbo Limbo Trail
A View of Munn's Park
Gumbo-Limbo Trees, Ferns, and Schefflera…
Trees, Shrubs, and Ferns Along Gumbo Limbo…
Thick, Curved Tree Along Gumbo Limbo Trail
Resurrection Fern
Bahama Strongbark Ripened Berries