Search for "museum of american history" pictures
We found $localcount "museum of american history" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (2123)
Thracian Shin Guard Detail
Attican-Syle Helmet
US Flag
East Front, Old State House
West Front, Old State House
Brick Exterior Wall, Old State House
The Blocks Representing the Campaigns of…
Murmillo's Helmet
Astronaut US Flag Patch
Corinthian Bronze Helmet
Area Inscription
The Blocks Representing the Battles of Belmont,…
The Blocks Representing the Campaigns of…
Asiatic Corinthian Capital
North Entrance, Old State House
West Entrance, Old State house
Satyr Head
Eques Garb
The Blocks Representing the Battles of Forts…
Hunting Scene
East Balcony, Old State House
OS2U Kingfisher
OS2U Kingfisher
East Front, Old State House
Murmillo Suit of Armor
The Blocks Representing the Battles of Parker's…
Marble from Colosseum
A Plaque for a Civil Engineering Landmark
Bivalve Shells from Eocene, Oligocene,
The Flag Flying over the USS Constitution
Frederick Douglas Bust
Feneuil Hall Grasshopper Weather Vane
George Washington Portrait
Feneuil Hall Stairs
Feneuil Hall Stairs
Faneuil Hall Stairs
Lucy Stone Bust
Daniel Webster Bust
Faneuil Hall Grasshopper Weather Vane
Rusty Clasp
Senator Clodius Ablabius Reginus
John Adams Bust
Great Hall Seating
Mission Concepción First Floor with Additions
Seating Platforms
Great Hall Clock
Great Hall Windows
Great Hall Window
Great Hall Clock
Great Hall Molding