Search for "state road 490" pictures
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Individual Pictures (1668)
Trunk and Branches of Bald Cypress
Shallow Water in Area of Dense Vegetation
An Eagle and Anchor Carved on a Piece of…
Detailed Bald Cypress Tree Trunk
Lone Tree Knee
Flags Flying from the Mast of the USS Constitution
An Apothecary's Spice Chest
Shrub with Green Leaves and Yellow Veins
Vertical Shrub with Shiny, Green Leaves
Alligator Flags, Cypress Trees, Palms, and…
Large, Simple Alligator Flag Leaves
Buildings Downtown Tampa
A Wooden Rack on the Wall
A View of the Wardroom
Granite Florida Pillar
Brown and Archer Obelisks
Plant with Green Leaves and Purplish Stems
Standing Rigging of the USS Constitution
Historical Marker Dedicated to the Rough…
The Great Seal of Florida on a Building…
Torrey Pine near Shrubs
Shaded Branches of Bald Cypress Tree
Vertical View of Two Bald Cypress Trees
Vegetation Surrounding Stagnant Water
Standing Rigging and a Cannon
Plant with Long, Green Leaves Extending…
Florida Apple Snail Shell in Upright Direction
Greenback Cutthroat Trout Side
Spiraling Florida Apple Snail Shell
The Capstan, with Powder Buckets Hanging…
Bald Cypress Branches near Big Cypress Bend…
Portholes, Braces, and Standard Knees
The "Vermont"
Freshwater marsh at Circle B Bar Reserve
Freshwater Marsh at Circle B Bar Reserve
Whorled Bark of Cypress Tree Sparsely Covered…
Freshwater pools at Circle B Bar Reserve
Cones Hanging from the Branches of an Eastern…
West Indian Mahogany Bark with Black, Brown,…
Winding Creek
Green Leaves Extending from Branches of…
Top of the Ether Monument at the Boston…
Numerous Branches and Leaves of Bald Cypress…
Branches with Green Leaves of a Bald Cypress…
Long, Skinny Branch of Bald Cypress Tree
Shaded, Green Leaves of Wild Coffee Plant
Dead Tree, Vines, Sword Ferns, and Palm…
Another View of the Captain's Skylight on…
Sunset at Cedar Key Scrub State Reserve
Green Leaves Growing from Either Side of…