The Number Concept
by Levi Leonard Conant, Ph. D.

The Number Concept is an examination of the different cultural representations of numbers by the American mathematician Levi Leonard Conant, Ph.D.
Source: Conant, L.L. (1896).The Number Concept. New York: Macmillan & Co.
- Preface
- Preface
- “Chapter 1”
- The author discusses the history and philosophy of counting.
- “Chapter 2”
- The author discusses a worldwide history of number systems.
- “Chapter 3”
- The author discusses an international history of number words.
- “Chapter 4”
- This passage is a continuation of the author's discussion of number word origins.
- “Chapter 5”
- More on the history of number systems.
- “Chapter 6”
- More on the history of nubmer systems.
- “Chapter 7”
- More on the history of number systems.
- Year Published: 1896
- Language: English
- Country of Origin: United States of America
- Flesch–Kincaid Level: 8.5
- Word Count: 42,319
- Genre: Informational
- Keywords: math