Anne of Green Gables
by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Anne of Green Gables is a coming-of-age novel about Anne Shirley, the Cuthbert's, and the community of Avonlea on Prince Edward Island.
Source: Montgomery, L.M. (1908) Anne of Green Gables London, England: L.C. Page and Co.
- Chapter 1: Mrs. Rachel Lynde is Surprised
- Mrs. Rachel Lynde receives word of a new addition to the Cuthbert home.
- Chapter 2: Matthew Cuthbert is Surprised
- Matthew Cuthbert finds a mistake has been made at the orphanage.
- Chapter 3: Marilla Cuthbert is Surprised
- Marilla voices her surprise at the arrival of Anne. Anne spends her first night at the Cuthbert house.
- Chapter 4: Morning at Green Gables
- Anne wakes to her first day at the Cuthbert house. Matthew devises a plan to allow Anne to stay.
- Chapter 5: Anne's History
- Anne tells Marilla how she came to be at the orphanage. Anne begins to have a change of heart.
- Chapter 6: Marilla Makes Up Her Mind
- A proposition is offered to Marilla by Mrs. Spencer.
- Chapter 7: Anne Says Her Prayers
- Marilla begins her upbringing of Anne.
- Chapter 8: Anne's Bring-up is Begun
- Marilla gives Anne some pleasant news.
- Chapter 9: Mrs. Rachel Lynde Is Properly Horrified
- Mrs. Rachel Lynde is introduced to Anne. Marilla empathizes with Anne.
- Chapter 10: Anne's Apology
- Matthew convinces Anne to change her mind. Marilla starts to develop a motherly affection for Anne.
- Chapter 11: Anne's Impressions of Sunday-School
- Anne is not impressed with the service at Sunday-school.
- Chapter 12: A Solemn Vow and Promise
- Anne and Diane Berry become fast friends. Marilla is impressed by Anne's generosity.
- Chapter 13: The Delights of Anticipation
- Anne is anxious to attend the church picnic.
- Chapter 14: Anne's Confession
- Anne is punished after Marilla's broach goes missing
- Chapter 15: A Tempest in the School Teapot
- Anne quickly adjusts to school but finds it unbearable once Gilbert Blythe shows up.
- Chapter 16: Diana Is Invited to Tea with Tragic Results
- Anne invites Diana to tea. An innocent mistake leads to a harsh sentence.
- Chapter 17: A New Interest in Life
- Longing to see Diana, Anne returns to school.
- Chapter 18: Anne to the Rescue
- Anne comes to the aid of the Barry family.
- Chapter 19: A Concert a Catastrophe and a Confession
- Anne and Diana's unexpected encounter with Josephine Barry leads to an unusual arrangement.
- Chapter 20: A Good Imagination Gone Wrong
- Anne's imagination becomes a nuisance to Marilla.
- Chapter 21: A new Departure in Flavorings
- The new minister and his wife have dinner at the Cuthbert house. A nervous Anne assists in the kitchen.
- Chapter 22: Anne is Invited Out to Tea
- Anne is invited to tea by Mrs. Allan. Avonlea awaits the arrival of a new teacher.
- Chapter 23: Anne Comes to Grief in an Affair of Honor
- Anne's defense of her honor ends in injury. The new teacher arrives.
- Chapter 24: Miss Stacy and Her Pupils Get Up a Concert
- Mrs. Rachel and Marilla question Miss Stacy's teaching methods.
- Chapter 25: Matthew Insists on Puffed Sleeves
- Matthew summons his courage to update Anne's wardrobe. Anne receives a gift from Diana's aunt.
- Chapter 26: The Story Club Is Formed
- In an attempt to help improve Diana's imagination, The Story Club is formed.
- Chapter 27: Vanity and Vexation of Spirit
- Anne attempts to change her hair color, causing less than desirable results.
- Chapter 28: An Unfortunate Lily Maid
- The reenactment of a piece of poetry results in a near disaster. Gilbert Blythe shows up just in time, but he is still not forgiven by Anne.
- Chapter 29: An Epoch in Anne's Life
- Anne's visit to Aunt Josephine's house gives her a new perspective on city-life and wealth.
- Chapter 30: The Queens Class Is Organized
- Anne is given the opportunity to prepare for the Queen's Academy exam. Matthew's health is cause for concern. Marilla continues to be impressed by Anne.
- Chapter 31: Where the Brook and River Meet
- Anne returns to her last year of school in Avonlea. Marilla begins to miss the younger, more imaginative Anne as her departure from Avonlea comes closer.
- Chapter 32: The Pass List Is Out
- The Avonlea Scholars take the exam.
- Chapter 33: The Hotel Concert
- Anne overcomes her stage fright to give a recital at a local upscale hotel.
- Chapter 34: A Queen's Girl
- Anne departs for Queen's Academy, taking comfort in the few familiar faces there.
- Chapter 35: The Winter at Queen's
- Anne's feelings regarding Gilbert start to change. The students prepare for exams as Anne admires the natural beauty of Queen's Academy.
- Chapter 36: The Glory and the Dream
- Exam results are posted, bringing positive news to Anne. The Cuthbert's continuing health problems concern Anne.
- Chapter 37: The Reaper Whose Name Is Death
- Bad news from the bank affects leaves a void in the Cuthbert house. Marilla tells Anne about her relationship with Mr. Blythe.
- Chapter 38: The Bend in the Road
- Anne makes declines an education opportunity in order to save Green Gables. Gilbert and Anne finally become friends.