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Regional European maps of the Eastern Europe region from the Maps ETC collection. This includes physical and political maps, early history and empires, WWI maps, climate maps, relief maps, vegetation maps, population density and distribution maps, cultural maps, and economic/resource maps.

Eastern Baltic and Northern Poland, 1560–1661
A map of Eastern Baltic and Northern Poland, subtitled "Wars of Sweden with Poland & Russia 1560–1661." Map is color–coded to show territory acquired by Sweden on the Eastern Baltic by the Treaty of Oliva in 1660 and Treaty of K...

The Boundaries of Russia, Poland, and Turkey, 1709–1714
A map of the boundaries of Russia, Poland, and Turkey in 1713, subtitled "Charles XII's Career, 1709–1714." ...

Battle of Friedland, 1807
A map of the Battle of Friedland, Prussia, between Napoleon's French army and Count von Bennigsen's Russian army. This battle, fought on June 14, 1807, was a decisive victory for Napoleon and the First French Empire over the Russian Empire....

Napoleon's Russian Campaign, 1812
A map of Russia showing the route of Napoleon Bonaparte from the River Vistula, Poland, to Moscow during his invasion of Russia (1812). The map shows the roads, numerous rivers, and marshlands crossed to reach Moscow....

Russia in Europe in the Nineteenth Century, 1815–1870
A map showing Russia in Europe between 1801 and 1881. The map is color–coded to show Russia at the accession of Alexander I in 1801 and his territorial acquisitions between 1801–1825, the territorial acquisitions of Nicholas I in 1825&nda...

Part of Russia, illustrating the Crimean War and the Baltic Operations , 1853–1856
A map of the region around the Black Sea at the time of the Crimean War (1853–1856), showing parts of Russia, Austria, and the Turkish Ottoman Empire in Europe (Moldavia, Wallachia, and Bulgaria) and along the Black Sea. This map shows major ci...

Russia and Roumania, 1904
A geo–political map from 1904 of Russia and Roumania (Romania) showing country borders, capitals and major cities, railroad lines, canals and navigable rivers. Physical features include mountain ranges with elevation measured in feet, major riv...

Russia, 1906
A map of European Russia in 1906 from Poland to the Ural Mountains and the Arctic Ocean to Trans Caucasia between the Black and Caspian seas. The map shows major cities, railways, provinces, rivers, and mountain systems, and an inset map of the north...

Russia in Europe and Caucasia, 1909
A map of European Russia and Caucasia in 1909, showing the Russian provinces, major cities, railways, canals, rivers, and mountain systems. The map has a grid–reference key for the provinces....

Russia in Europe, 1910
A map of Russia in Europe in 1910 showing the provinces of Finland, Greater Russia, Baltic Provinces (Esthonia, Courland, Livonia, and St. Petersburg), Poland, Western Russia, Little Russia, South Russia, Caucasia, Astrakhan, and Kazan. The map shows...

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  Maps > Europe > Regional Maps >Eastern Europe
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