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 Maps ETC > North America > Canada > Map of Ontario, 1904
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Map of Ontario, 1904

Title: Map of Ontario
Projection: Unknown,
Source Bounding Coordinates:
W: E: N: S:

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Description: ̉Ontario is the most important Province of Canada. Principal products, grain, fruit, lumber, petroleum, copper and iron. The population of Ontario is one-third of the whole Dominion. Toronto, the capital, is the manufacturing and educational center. The population of the Province is largely of British descent. &mdash Wark 1904
Source: Henry Wark, ed. , Wark's Modern Educator (New York, NY: Henry Wark, 1904) 882
Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman
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 Maps ETC > North America > Canada > Map of Ontario, 1904
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