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Language Arts K-2

A Day in the Life: Students will use knowledge and experience to tell about events.

Author Study: First grade and third grade students will choose an author to study and then create a powerpoint presentation on the author.

Color Story: Students will identify the names of colors by changing the words in a word processing document to the appropriate color.

Creating Plants: Students will communicate ideas and information about plants effectively.

Destination Reading: Students will use an online program to enhance their reading skills and comprehension.

Enhancing Literacy with Podcasting: Students will enhance their written stories by adding music, narration, and publishing them as podcasts.

Habitat Movies: Students will produce a piece of writing that describes an animal and its habitat.

Interactive Journeys: Students will use technology to enhance their field trip.

Making Words: Student will be able to identify and generate words using the strategies of phonics by using the computer in conjunction with their current word work program.

Mrs. Baig is Missing: Students will collaborate to create a book on tape.

Nike Transitions: Student will develop a definition of transitions by watching a movie and making their own.

Pirate Map: Students will write directions explaining how to get from one location to another by using a map of their town.

Plant Journal: Student will use words to describe how organisms change as they grow and mature.

Prior Knowledge: Student will use knowledge of appropriate level vocabulary in reading by building background knowledge of a book through the use of pictures on the web.

Puzzles: Student will match visual attributes by completing puzzles of known objects.

Sensory Details: Students use Kidspiration as a tool to help them make observations and use sensory details in their writing.

Sequencing: Student will sequence familiar daily events.

Shapely People: Students will identify shapes and colors by creating a shape person.

Small Group Reading: Student will use websites that contain book-like stories for small group reading instruction.

Student/Picture Match Game: Student will use Kidspiration as a tool to help students learn each others' names.

Talking Books: Student will develop their reading skills by reading along with the movie.

Water Conservation: Students will understand how scarcity affects the choices people make about water in everyday situations.

What I Enjoyed Most about First Grade: First and fifth grade students work together on an end of the year scrapbook project.

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