by Sinclair Lewis

Babbitt is a novel by Sinclair Lewis. Largely a satire of American culture, society, and behavior, it critiques the vacuity of middle-class American life and its pressure on individuals toward conformity.
Source: Lewis, S. (1922) Babbitt New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co.
- Chapter 1
- Another day begins in the Babbitt household. The reader is introduced to George and Myra Babbitt.
- Chapter 2
- The Babbitt family assembles for breakfast. The reader is introduced to the Babbitt children, Verona, Ted, and little Tinka.
- Chapter 3
- George Babbitt departs for work after a brief discussion with his neighbor, Mr. Littlefield.
- Chapter 4
- George's assignment at the advertising agency leaves him feeling unsatisfied. George reaps the benefits of having advised Archibald Purdy in a real estate matter.
- Chapter 5
- George continues to admire Zenith as he prepares for lunch at the Athletic Club. Reluctantly, George acknowledges his feeling of discontent to Riesling.
- Chapter 6
- George and a client take a tour of a local tenement. George meets his father-in-law to ensure a good price on a future purchase. George decides to have a conversation about "morals" with his son.
- Chapter 7
- George gets updated on current affairs while Myra sleeps.
- Chapter 8
- George and Myra decide to throw a dinner party the local "intellects".
- Chapter 9
- After the conclusion of the dinner party, George makes a confession to Myra.
- Chapter 10
- George and Myra's visit to Riesling upsets Zilla. George and Riesling prepare to take a trip.
- Chapter 11
- Traveling from New York, the businessman in the smoking car discuss a number of issues.
- Chapter 12
- George, having recently returned from vacation, resolves to conduct himself differently in the coming year.
- Chapter 13
- George appointment as an official delegate comes with newfound sense respect.
- Chapter 14
- George's work on the Mayoral campaign results in ethically questionable compensation.
- Chapter 15
- In an attempt to be invited into a country club, George and Myra extend a dinner invitation.
- Chapter 16
- George continues his attempts at join a local club. Reverend Drew asks for George's assistance.
- Chapter 17
- The wealthy Eathorne's approval of George's suggestions gives him great pleasure. George's standing in the church continues to increase.
- Chapter 18
- George is concerned with Ted's choices and interests, which are contrary to his own. An incident at Ted's party causes tension between the Babbitt's and Littlefield's. A visit from family only increases George's irritation with matters at home.
- Chapter 19
- George's unethical practices continue to bring him monetary gain. A former employee threatens to reveal George's corrupt business practices. While on a business trip, George encounters Gerald Doak.
- Chapter 20
- Concerned for his friend's well-being, George waits for Riesling at his hotel room only to find out that things are not as they seem.
- Chapter 21
- George achieves a level of success as a member of the Booster's Club, and later learns some unsettling news regarding Riesling.
- Chapter 22
- Depressed without his friends, George seeks other outlets to distract him from his unsatisfactory life.
- Chapter 23
- An encounter with an old friend causes some unexpected changes in George's behavior.
- Chapter 24
- George's visit with Riesling leaves him feeling depressed and despondent. An attractive widow, Tanis Judique, drops by George's office for some assistance.
- Chapter 25
- George's fantasies continue to negatively affect his home life, as he considers more drastic measures to ease his restless mind.
- Chapter 26
- George encounters Seneca Doane on the train back to Zenith. George attempts to help Riesling with his legal matters, but is met with resistance from an embittered Zilla. George refuses to allow his son to transfer schools.
- Chapter 27
- A tense situation with striking workers in Zenith forces the National Guard to intervene. George's criticism of Reverend Drew's sermon causes a noticeable change in his friends demeanor towards him.
- Chapter 28
- George's relationship with Tanis takes a toll on his marriage, while his liberal opinions put him at odds with his friends.
- Chapter 29
- George's involvement with Tanis begins to take a toll on his health and reputation. George receives his first invitation into the Good Citizen's League.
- Chapter 30
- Myra's, having returned from her sister's, protests her husbands strange new behavior.
- Chapter 31
- Feeling guilty for his treatment of his Myra, George breaks off his relationship with Tanis.
- Chapter 32
- Myra confronts George with her suspicions. George's refusal to conform begins to greatly affect both is social and professional relationships.
- Chapter 33
- A sudden illness brings Myra and George closer. George receives another invitation to join the Good Citizen's League.
- Chapter 34
- George minimizes his involvement in the Good Citizen's League. Although he actively engages in unethical business practices, George hopes to the corruption in Zenith's business community will come to an end. A decision by Ted and Eunice divides the family while creating a sense of solidarity between father and son.