by Aristotle

Physics is one of Aristotle's major works. A collection of lessons, the book covers theoretical, methodological, and philosophical issues of the ideas of motion and change in nature.
Source: Aristotle (-350). Physics..
- Book 1
- The author poses some questions about principles of motion.
- Book 2
- The author discusses the meaning of ‘nature’.
- Book 3
- The author describes motion and continues on the subject of nature.
- Book 4
- The author discusses the meaning and the existence of ‘place’.
- Book 5
- The author describes change and motion.
- Book 6
- The author describes indivisibles and divisibles.
- Book 7
- The author explains the cause of motion.
- Book 8
- The author explains the existence of motion and a few objections.
- Year Published: -350
- Language: English
- Country of Origin: United States of America
- Flesch–Kincaid Level: 12.0
- Word Count: 86,963
- Genre: Informational
- Keywords: science history