The Mammal Anatomy: Skeleton ClipArt gallery provides 277 views of bones, teeth, and skeletal system of various mammals.
"Pectoral girdle of Echidna. sc., Scapula; cl., clavicle;, prosternum or "interclavicle"; co.,…
"The pelvis of the Echidna; sa, sacrum; il, illum; is, ischium; p, pubis; m, marsupial bone." —…
"Pelvis of Echidna. S., Sacrum; Ep., epipubic bones; Ac., acetabulum; o.f., obturator foramen between…
"Right fore foot of Indian Elephant. U, ulna; R, radius; c, cunelform; l, lunar; sc, scaphold; u, unciform;…
"Skeleton and Outline of African Elephant (Elephas or Loxodon africanus). fr, frontal; ma, mandible;…
"Shows how the bones of the arm (q), forearm (q'x), and foot (o), are twisted to form an osseous screw."—Pettigrew,…
The giant elk ranged from Ireland to the borders of Italy. The Irish Elk or Giant Deer was a species…
Posterior view of a left femur of a horse. Labels: 1, head; 2, trochanter major; 3, trochanter minor;…
"Skeleton of male gorilla. cl., Clavicle; sc., tip of scapula; S., praesternum; H., humerus; r., radius;…
"Skull and teeth of Gray's Rat Kangaroo (Bellongia grayii). c, upper canine tooth. i1, i2, i3, first,…
A comparison of vertebrate hands. A, hand or anterior foot of the dog; B, that of the hog; C, that of…
"Feet of horse and its predecessors. 1, Palaeotherium; 2, Anchitherium; 3, Hippotherium; 4, Equus."…
"Posterior View of Left Femur of a Horse. h, head; gtr, great trochanter; ttr, third trochanter; ltr,…
"Successive stages of modification of the feet of extinct forms of horse-like animals, showin gradual…
"Successive stages of modification of the feet of extinct forms of horse-like animals, showin gradual…
"Successive stages of modification of the feet of extinct forms of horse-like animals, showin gradual…
"Successive stages of modification of the feet of extinct forms of horse-like animals, showin gradual…
"Successive stages of modification of the feet of extinct forms of horse-like animals, showin gradual…
"Side view of second upper molar tooth of Anchitherium (brachyodont form)." — Encyclopedia Britannica,…
Skeleton of a horse that lived in Colorado more than a million years ago. From Guide Leaflet of the…
"Skeleton of Horse (Equus caballus). fr, frontal bone; C, cervical vertebrae; D, dorsal vertebrae; L,…
"Side view of skull of horse, with the bone removed so as to expose the whole of the teeth. PMx, premaxilla;…
"Side view of horse's skull. P., Parietal; FR., frontal; NA., nasal; PMX., premaxilla; MX., maxilla;…
"Side views of skull and hyoid bone of Howling Money." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893
"Dentition of Hyaenodon leptorhynchus. The posterior molar is concealed behind the penultimate tooth."…
"Skull of Hydropotes inermis (adult male), a deer without antlers, but with largely-developed upper…
The hyoid series is composed of five distinct pieces- a body, or hyoid bone proper, two cornua or horns…
"Skull of Hystrix Eristata. t, temporal muscle; m, masseter. m', portion of masseter transmitted through…
Inferior maxilla of a horse-anterolateral view. Labels: a, body; b, b', rami; c, neck; d, mental foramen;…
"Foot of young kangaroo. 2, 3, Small syndactylous toes; 4, large fourth toe; 5, fifth toe." -Thomson,…