308 illustrations of flowers and shrubs including: madder, magnolia, mallow, mandrake, mardja, mare's tail, marigold, mayaca, mayflower, mayweed, meadow beauty, meadow rue, melon, mesquit, milkweed, milkwort, mimosa, mint, mistletoe, moneywort, monkshood, morning glory, mullein, mustard, myrrh, and myrtle
The flowers of morina longifolia are white while in bud but change to a delicate pink and ultimately…
The flowers are moringa aptera are pale yellow. The leaves are one foot or more in length. The entire…
Morisia hypogaea is native to Corsica and Sardinia. The flowers are golden yellow and bloom in spring…
The open spread part of the flower is very thin, and the ribs are to it what the whalebones are to an…
A family of climbing plants, including many species. They are familiarly known as favorite flowering…
Corolla of Morning Glory laid open, to show the five stamens inserted on it, near the base.
The flower part of this bud is twisted at its point end in a spiral manner. This bud is partially closed.
Embryo taken out whole and unfolded; the broad and very thin cotyledons notched at summit; the caulicle…
Seed of Morning Glory divided, moderately magnified; shows a longitudinal section through the centre…
Seedling of Morning Glory more advanced (root cut away); cotyledons well developed into foliage-leaves:…
The flower and plant of the moschatel or Adoxa moschatellina, a flowering plant in the Adoxaceae family.
Also known as Portulaca grandiflora. A small flower, fast-growing flower that can grow up to 30 centimeters…
Mountain peony is the common name of paeonia moutan. The flowers are large and vary in color. The plant…
Mountain peony is the common name of paeonia moutan. The flowers are large and vary in color. The plant…
Kalmia latifolia, commonly called Mountain-laurel or Spoonwood, is a flowering plant in the family Ericaceae,…
Of the mud plantain family (Heteranthera), the blue mud plantain (Heteranthera limosa).
Muehlenbeckia complexa has green, inconspicuous flowers. The flowers bloom in August. The fruit hangs…
Illustrated are the leaves of morus alba (b) and morus multicaulis (a). Both are varieties of mulberry.
"Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus). L, cross-section of leaf-blade, showing relative thickness of a layer…
Mullein pink, dusty miller, and rose campion are all common names of lychnis coronaria. The flowers…
The flowers of murraya exotica are white and fragrant. The stems have many flowers. The fruit is roundish,…
Grape hyacinth is the common name of muscari. The comosum variety has racemes with forty to one hundred…
Mussaenda macrophylla flowers are orange and a large segment of the calyx is white. The flowers bloom…
Of the mustard family (Cruciferae), the leaf of the field mustard or Brassica arvensis.
Of the mustard family (Cruciferae), the Carolina Whitlow grass or Draba caroliniana.
Of the mustard family (Cruciferae), the leaf of the cut-leaved toothwort or Dentaria laciniata.
Of the mustard family (Cruciferae): left, peppergrass (Lepidium Virginicum); right, shepherd's purse…
Of the mustard family (Cruciferae), the leaf of the watercress or Radicula Nasturtium-aquaticum.
Of the mustard family (Cruciferae): left, hedge mustard (Sisymbrium officinale); right, whitlow-grass…
The flowers of myoporum parvifolium are white. The flowers either grow alone or sometimes two or three…
The common name of myosotis is forget-me-not. The alpestris variety has blue flowers with small, yellowish…
Forget-me-not is the common name of myosotis. The dissitiflora elegantissima variety has large, deep…
Myosotis sylvatica is a variety of forget-me-not. The plant grows one to two feet high. The flowers…
Myrica is a genus of about 35-50 species of small trees and shrubs in the family Myricaceae, order Fagales.…
The common name of myrica is candleberry myrtle. The californica variety has greenish flowers. The fruit…
The common name of myrica gale is sweet gale. The flowers are brownish green and bloom February to March.…
"Myrrh, is the name given to a gum resin which exudes from a shrub growing in Arabia and Abyssinia,…
The flowers of myrsiphyllum asparagoides are greenish or white. The flowers bloom in June. The leaves…