88 illustrations of flowers and shrubs including: wallflower, watercress, waterweed, willow, wintergreen, woad, wolfsbane, wormwood, yam, yarrow, yucca, and zamia
"One to three feet high; flowers erect, orange yellow, spotted black, well open and very beautiful.…
"Pistia Stratiotes. 1. A spathe with its 2 flowers; 2. a section of a seed-vessel; 3. a seed; 4. the…
This illustration shows a water crowfoot, with broad, floating leaves, and much-cut, submerged leaves.
"The Water Lily is an exogenous aquatic plant including eight genera, and all possessing submerged root…
"Stratiotes aloides. 1. a flower and spathe; 2. a flower split open; 3. a fruit in its spathe; 4. a…
Of the water-lily family (Nymphaeceae): bottom, water lily (Castalia odorata); top, yellow pond lily…
Watercresses are fast-growing, aquatic or semi-aquatic, perennial plants native from Europe to central…
Watercress is the common name of radicula nasturtium aquaticum. It is found in small running streams,…
Also known as Antirrhinum orontium. It is a weed with pink flowers and hairy green fruit.
"Weed seeds commonly eaten by birds: a, bindweed; b, lamb's-quarters; c, purslane; d, amaranth; e, spotted…
"Four common weeds, the seeds of which are eaten by birds: a, amaranth; b, crab grass; c, ragweed; d,…
Herbaceous plant, also flowering. This plant belongs to the Gesneriaceae family.
Tacca integrifolia or White Bat Plant is a flowering plant cultivated as ornamental plants.
White or evening campion are the common names of lychnis alba. The flowers are usually white and fragrant,…
This illustration shows a radical leaf of the White Lily, with its base thickened into a bulb-scale,…
A ground leaf of White Lily, its base (cut across) thickened into a bulb-scale. This plainly shows that…
White lotus is the common name of nymphaea lotus. The flowers are white with pink spreading towards…
White snakeroot is the common name of eupatorium urticaefolium. It is a summer-blooming species and…
"Eriostemon myoporoides. 1. a complete flower; 2. the ovary, seated in a cup-shaped disk, surrounded…
An arrangement of leaves or other parts in which they cme off several at the same level around the stem.
Wild chamomile is the common name of matricaria chamomila. The flowers are white. The plant is found…
Wild Lily divided lengthwise, showing two forming buds of the next generation.
Wild red lily and wood lily are the common names of lilium philadelphicum. The flowers are bright orange-red…
Wind poppy and flaming poppy are the common names of meconopsis heterophylla. The flowers are brick…
Erica carnea (Winter heath, Winter Flowering Heather, or Spring heath; syn. E. herbacea, E. mediterranea)…
"Pyrola chlorantha. 1. a pistil; 2. an anther; 3. seeds; 4. a seed much more magnified; 5. a section…
The spotted wintergreen or Chimaphila maculata is a perennial herb used for medicinal purposes.
Woad (or glastum) is the common name of the flowering plant Isatis tinctoria in the family Brassicaceae.…
"Wood-rose, a remarkable vegetable excrescence, resembling a flower with radiating corrugated petals…
"Wood-rose, a remarkable vegetable excrescence, resembling a flower with radiating corrugated petals…
Woodbine is the common name of lonicera periclymenum. The shrub climbs several feet high. The flowers…
The Woodwaxen or Dyer's Greenweed (Genista tinctoria) is a flowering plant in the legume family, Fabaceae.
"Wormwood is the genus Artemisia. The stem is one to three feet high, grooved, and angled; the leaves…
Xanthorrhaea hastilis is a flowering plant native to Australia also referred to as Xanthorrhoea resinifera…
Leaves smaller, rigid; small yellow flowers gathered in dense heads at top of naked stalk, each subtended…