229 illustrations of trees including: quaking aspen, queensland nut, quince, red birch, red maple, red oak, rock elm, rocky mountain juniper, royal palm, rubber tree, sabal, sago, salix, sand pine, sandalwood, sandbox tree, sapodilla, sapote, sassafras, scarlet oak, scotch pine, screw pine, sequoia, shagbark hickory, silver fir, silver bell, snowdrop, spruce, stone pine, sugar maple, sumac, sweet birch, and sycamore
An article of food obtained from the inner portion of the bark of several species of palm trees. The…
Illustrated is the leaf of sago palm, or cycas revoluta. The leaves are long and recurved. The leaves…
"Palm is a natural order of endogenous plants, the products of which are of extreme importance and utility…
"Cycas circinalis; 1. a portion of a female frond; 2. section of the naked ovule; 3. ripe fruit; 4.…
A genus of six species of herbaceous perennial flowering plants in the family Gesneriaceae, native to…
Salvadora Persica. Also called toothbrush tree, mustard tree, and mustard bush. This image includes…
Is known under a wide range of common names, such as Saman, Rain Tree or Monkey Pod see also below.…
Also known as Salix cordata. The branch of a Sand Dune Willow, native to northeast North America.
Santalum album is a small tropical tree cultivated for its fragrant oil and medicinal uses.
Callitris quadrivalvis (or Tetraclinis articulata) is a coniferous tree in the cypress family known…
"Sapodilla (Sapota zapotilla). (a), the fruit; (b), the same, transversely cut." -Whitney, 1911
Also known as Amelanchier alnifolia. The branch of a Saskatoon shrub, native to North America, primarily…
"Sassafras (Sassafras sassafras). 1. Branch with fruits. 2. Branch with sterile flowers. a, b, c, different…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge entire or lobed. Outline - when the edge is entire usually oval or…
Also known as Juniperus sabina. A species of juniper native to central and southern Europe, as well…
This plant belongs to the saxifragaceae family; a genus of mainly large herbs..
This shows the staminate flower of Scarlet Oak, Quercus coccinea, (Keeler, 1915).
This shows the pistillate flower of Scarlet Oak, Quercus coccinea, (Keeler, 1915).
Also known as Quercus coccinea. The branch of a red oak tree native to the eastern United States.
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge deeply lobed (edges of lobes mostly entire, but notched and toothed…
Mainly facilitates the process of photosynthesis and water vascular system in taller plants.
Tree belonging to the epiphytic family of orchids, also featuring rich flowers.
A scotch pine. a: A twig showing a staminate catkins, pistillate catkins, a cone, and needles.
Also known as Pinus sylvestris. This image depicts the branchlet and cones of the Scots Pine.
Also known as Pinus sylvestris. The cones of this tree have a dense hue, and are between 1.5 inches…
Also known as Pandanus and is native to the Old World tropics and western Pacific Ocean islands.
The type of an order of trees or brushes known as the Pandancae or Screw-pine order. They are natives…
Also known as Pandanus utilis. It is a tropical tree with an edible fruit. It is native to Madagascar…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge very finely sharp-toothed. Outline - long and narrow, often "scythe-shaped."…
Also known as Coccolobis uvifera. A branch of a Sea Grape plant, native throughout tropical America…
Also known as Alnus maritima. The branch of a Seaside Alder, native to the United States.
Also known as Ulmus serotina. A branch of a September Elm tree, native to a select few states in North…
The name of a genus of gigantic trees of the pine family, nearly allied to the bald cypress of the southeastern…