229 illustrations of trees including: quaking aspen, queensland nut, quince, red birch, red maple, red oak, rock elm, rocky mountain juniper, royal palm, rubber tree, sabal, sago, salix, sand pine, sandalwood, sandbox tree, sapodilla, sapote, sassafras, scarlet oak, scotch pine, screw pine, sequoia, shagbark hickory, silver fir, silver bell, snowdrop, spruce, stone pine, sugar maple, sumac, sweet birch, and sycamore
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge very sharply and finely toothed. Outline - long oval, long egg-shape,…
Leaves - compound (odd-feathered; leaflets, five); alternate; edge of leaflets sharp-toothed. Outline…
Also known as Hicoria ovata. The branch of a Shagbark Hickory tree, native to the eastern United States.
Also known as Quercus breviloba. The branch of a Shallow-lobed Oak tree, native to the southern United…
These are the staminate flowers of Shellbark Hickory, Hicoria ovata, (Keeler, 1915).
Also known as Hicoria laciniosa. The branch of the Shellbark Hickory tree, native to the midwestern…
"The simplest and most generally practised form of budding is that called Shield budding or T-budding.…
Also known as Quercus imbricaria. The branch of a Shingle Oak tree, native primarily to the midwestern…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge entire. Outline - long and narrow. Apex - pointed and bristle-tipped.…
Leaves - Simple; alternate; edge very finely and sharply toothed. Outline - long egg-shape. Apex - taper-pointed.…
Shoot of Horse-chestnut, of one year's growth, taken in autumn after the leaves have fallen; showing…
The shortleaf pine is mostly associated with with deciduous-leaved trees, often the predominant forest…
The shortleaf pine is mostly associated with with deciduous-leaved trees, often the predominant forest…
The shortleaf pine is mostly associated with with deciduous-leaved trees, often the predominant forest…
The shortleaf pine is mostly associated with with deciduous-leaved trees, often the predominant forest…
Illustrated are the leaves and fruits of the silk cotton tree, ceiba casearia. The leaves are smooth…
An illustration of a silver fir cone and a small branch. Silver Fir or European Silver Fir (Abies alba)…
A Silver Maple embryo, taken out of the husk; upper part of growing stem cut off.
Fruit of Silver Maple, Acer dasycarpum, of natural size, the seed-bearing portion divided to show seed.
Silver Maple seed open out, to show the thick cotyledons and the little plumule or bud between them.
Leaves - simple; opposite; edge deeply lobed, with the lobes unequally notched and toothed. Outline…
Silver tree is the common name of leucadendron argenteum. The branches are densely leafy. It is native…
Silver wattle is the common name of acacia decurrens variation dealbata. The tree is fifty or more feet…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge usually lobed (the lobes toothed). Outline - broad egg-shape. Apex…
"Halesia tetraptera. 1. its fruit; 2. a perpendicular; 3. a transverse, section of it." -Lindley, 1853
These are the flowers of the Silverbell-tree, Mohrodendron carolinum, (Keeler, 1915).
Also known as Pinus monophylla. The pine cone of a Single-leaf Pinyon.
Also known as Salix sitchensis. The branch of a Sitka Willow tree, native to northwestern North America.
These are the fruit, or samara, of Slippery Elm, Ulmus pubescens, (Keeler, 1915).
Also known as Ulmus fulva. The branch of a Slippery Elm tree, native to eastern North America.
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge sharply and doubly toothed. Outline - oval or long egg-shape. Apex…
"Careya arborea. 1. one of the bundles of stamens; 2. a perpendicular section of the ovary; 3. section…
Leaves - compound (odd-feathered; leaflets, five to seven, oftenest five); alternate; edge of leaflets…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge toothed. Outline - oval. Apex - pointed. Base - rounded or slightly…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge entire. Outline - oval or reverse egg-shape. Apex - pointed. Base -…
Pictured is the leaf or sour or seville orange. The leaves are light green when young and three to four…
Also known as Malus angustifolia. The branch of a Southern Crabapple tree, native throughout the Southeastern…
Also known as Quercus virginiana. The branch of a Southern Live Oak tree, native to the southeastern…
Spanish fir is the common name of Abies pinsapo. Illustrated is the verdure from top to base.
Spanish lime and genip are the common names of melicocca bijuga. The fruits are about the same size…
Also known as Quercus falcata. The branch of a Spanish Oak tree, naive to the eastern coast of the United…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge lobed (the edges of the lobes mostly entire, but often with one to…
"Euonymus europaeus. 1. a section of a fruit; 2. a seed enveloped in its aril; 3. a perpendicular section…
"The maple spot gall, so common on the leaves of the red maple, is made by the fungus-gnat of the order…