The Places in Virginia ClipArt gallery offers 220 views of the commonwealth, particularly events of the Civil and Revolutionary Wars.
The Battle of Beaver Dam Creek, also known as the Battle of Mechanicsville or Ellerson's Mill took place…
The activity of the Confederates on the Potomac and the confluent rivers was almost incredible. In one…
The tomb of the fifth President of the United States, James Monroe. His grave is at Hollywood Cemetery…
"Monticello, Governor Jefferson's place of retirement. This venerated mansion is yet standing, though…
Monticello was Thomas Jefferson's estate in Charlottesville, Virginia. It was built in 1809 and appeared…
Monticello, located near Charlottesville, Virginia, was the estate of Thomas Jefferson, the principal…
Montpelier was James Madison's estate in Orange, Virginia. It was built in 1724.
An illustration of Mount Vernon which is located near what is now Alexandria, Virginia. Mt. Vernon was…
Mount Vernon, the home and burial place of George Washington, situated in Fairfax county, Virginia,…
Mount Vernon, located near Alexandria, Virginia, was the plantation home of the first President of the…
Mount Vernon, located near Alexandria, Virginia, was the plantation home of the first President of the…
Mount Vernon, located near Alexandria, Virginia, was the plantation home of the first President of the…
Natural Bridge in Rockbridge County, Virginia is a geological formation in which Cedar Creek has carved…
Natural Bridge in Rockbridge County, Virginia is a geological formation in which Cedar Creek (a small…
"The Nelson Tombs. This view is from the burial-ground looking down the York River toward Chesapeake…
"Camp of the Ninth Massachusetts Regiment in the woods, one mile from the Confederate fortifications,…
The Norfolk Naval Yard, also known as the Norfolk Naval Shipyard became an integral shipyard during…
"Occupation of Norfolk, VA., by the Federal troops- view of the city- Federal vessels at anchor." —Leslie,…
Oak Hill Plantation was James Monroe's estate in Loudoun County, Virginia. It was built for the fifth…
"New Jersey Camp at Arling, Va., designated as Camp Princeton in honor of one of the Revolutionary battle…
"The campaign on the James River- General Butler landing at Fort Pawhatan."— Frank Leslie, 1896
Pohick was the first permanent church in the colony to be established north of the Occoquan River, sometime…
"The Pontoon bridge 'On The March'- the pontoon wagons on their way from Aquia Creek to the Rappahannock.…
"Advance of the Army of the Potomac. Occupation of Winchester, VA., and the abandoned Confederate Fortifications,…
"Engagement between the Federal troops and the Confederates on the Virginia side of the Potomac, opposite…
"A street in Harper's Ferry, VA., during the passage of the Potomac by the Federal troops from Maryland,…
"General Banks's Division recrossing the Potomac from Williamsport, Md., to attack the Confederate army…
"New Jersey Camp at Arling, Va., designated as Camp Princeton in honor of one of the Revolutionary battle…
"Raleigh Tavern. When I visited Williamsburg in December, 1848, the front part of the old Raleigh tavern…
American soldiers retreating across the Rappahannock river in Northwest Virginia. It shows an example…
"The war in Virginia. General Meade recrossing the Rappahannock, October, 1863, before Lee's advance.…
In 1863, president Lincoln reviewed some sixty thousand troops in the small town of Falmouth VA. Although…
The Battle of Rich Mountain took place on July 11, 1861, in Randolph County, Virginia as part of the…
This illustration shows the capital building for the state of Virginia. It can be found in the city…
The devastation in Richmond Virginia following the campaign against Richmond.
Roanoke Island was the site of the 16th century Roanoke Colony, the first English colony in the New…
John White finds the only clue to the disappearance of the "Lost Colony" of Roanoke: a tree carved with…
"The war in Virginia- Roemer's Battery, Third Division, Ninth Army Corps, shelling Petersburg. Our readers…
"Engagement at Romney, VA., twenty miles from New Creek, Tuesday, June 11th, 1861- the Eleventh Indiana…
"The sarcophagus of Washington. This was placed in the family vault in the autumn of 1837."—Lossing,…
"Picture of an Indian village drawn by John White in 1585 and incorporated in a report to Sir Walter…
"The war in Virginia- Sheridan's Great Battle with J. E. B. Stuart at Yellow Tavern, May 11th, 1864-…
"Federal signal station on Loudoun Heights, Harper's Ferry, communicating with the station on Maryland…
The meeting between Capt. John Smith, founder of the Virginia colony, and Powhatan, the chief of the…
Captain Sir John Smith (c. January 1580–June 21, 1631) Admiral of New England was an English soldier,…