The Snails and Slugs ClipArt gallery includes 274 illustrations. Snails and slugs are gastropod mollusks. There are many varieties, including sea snails, land snails, and freshwater snails. Slugs are simply snails without shells.

"A genus of mollusks, of the familiy bullidæ or Tornatellidæ, belonging to the tectibranchiate division of opisthobranchiate."-Whitney, 1902


"A genus of mollusks, of the familiy bullidæ or Tornatellidæ, belonging to the tectibranchiate…

Helix desertorum is a species of African snail in the class Gastropoda

African Snail

Helix desertorum is a species of African snail in the class Gastropoda

"A genus of land-snails, of the family Helicidæ. Typified by the large agate-shells of Africa."-Whitney, 1902

Agate Shell

"A genus of land-snails, of the family Helicidæ. Typified by the large agate-shells of Africa."-Whitney,…

"The Molluscous Gasteropoda have the organs of respiration formed for aerial respiration or for respiration under water. A magic influence was attributed to them; they were supposed , for instance, to have an influence over the female heart."

Aplysia Depilans (Linn.)

"The Molluscous Gasteropoda have the organs of respiration formed for aerial respiration or for respiration…

"The Molluscous Gasteropoda have the organs of respiration formed for aerial respiration or for respiration under water. Some of the species were known to the ancients as Sea-hares."

Aplysia Inca (D'Orbigny)

"The Molluscous Gasteropoda have the organs of respiration formed for aerial respiration or for respiration…

"Nervous System of the Aplysia, a Gasteropodous Mollusc: c, cerebral ganglia; g, thoracle or sub-aesophageal ganglia; o, nervous collar surrounding the aesophagus; l, labial ganglia; v, visceral ganglion." — Chambers, 1881

Aplysia Nervous System

"Nervous System of the Aplysia, a Gasteropodous Mollusc: c, cerebral ganglia; g, thoracle or sub-aesophageal…

"The species are numerous, and are chiefly found in the fresh waters of tropical and subtropical countries, many of them being known as apple-shells and idol-shells."-Whitney, 1902

Apple Shell

"The species are numerous, and are chiefly found in the fresh waters of tropical and subtropical countries,…

"Doris (Archidoris) tuberculata. a, anus; br, branchiae; m, penis; rh, rh, tentacles." -Parker, 1900

Archidoris Tuberculata

"Doris (Archidoris) tuberculata. a, anus; br, branchiae; m, penis; rh, rh, tentacles." -Parker, 1900

"The species of the genus <em>Clio</em>, belonging to this order, exist in prodigious numbers in the Arctic and Antarctic seas. So great, in fact, is their abundance, that although they do no exceed an inch in length, they furnish a great part of the food of the whale-bone fishes." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Clio borealis

"The species of the genus Clio, belonging to this order, exist in prodigious numbers in the…

"The Purpuras have a classical name and history, having furnished the Greeks and Romans with the brilliant purple coloring matter which was reserved for the mantles of patricians and princes."

Buccinum Senticosum (Linnaeus)

"The Purpuras have a classical name and history, having furnished the Greeks and Romans with the brilliant…

"The animals have a well-developed shell, the form of which is elegant and delicate in structure. They are found in almost every sea, but abound chiefly in the Indian ocean and Oceania."

Bulla Ampulla (Linnaeus)

"The animals have a well-developed shell, the form of which is elegant and delicate in structure. They…

"The animals have a well-developed shell, the form of which is elegant and delicate in structure. They are found in almost every sea, but abound chiefly in the Indian ocean and Oceania."

Bulla Aspersa (Adams)

"The animals have a well-developed shell, the form of which is elegant and delicate in structure. They…

"The animals have a well-developed shell, the form of which is elegant and delicate in structure. They are found in almost every sea, but abound chiefly in the Indian ocean and Oceania."

Bulla Oblonga (Adams)

"The animals have a well-developed shell, the form of which is elegant and delicate in structure. They…

"The descriptions of it are very obscure; it appears to be destitute of shell, the body globular, the lower part having an oval space, circumscribed by thick lips; the animal is furnished with curious swimming and branchial appendages." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Leach's bursatella

"The descriptions of it are very obscure; it appears to be destitute of shell, the body globular, the…

"The Carinaria has an elongated transparent body, dotted with elevated points, and furnished toward the upper part of the posterior extremity with a sort of fin, which performs the office of rudder; nearly opposite to this, on the belly, is a semicircular fin; with the aid of this it floats in the water." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859


"The Carinaria has an elongated transparent body, dotted with elevated points, and furnished toward…

"In the genus <em>Cassis</em> the shell is oval, convex, and the spire is not of considerable height. These animals keep near the shore, in shallow water."

Cassis Canaliculata (Brugieres)

"In the genus Cassis the shell is oval, convex, and the spire is not of considerable height.…

"In the genus <em>Cassis</em> the shell is oval, convex, and the spire is not of considerable height. These animals keep near the shore, in shallow water."

Cassis Glauca (Linnaeus)

"In the genus Cassis the shell is oval, convex, and the spire is not of considerable height.…

"In the genus <em>Cassis</em> the shell is oval, convex, and the spire is not of considerable height. These animals keep near the shore, in shallow water."

Cassis Madagascariensis (Lamarck)

"In the genus Cassis the shell is oval, convex, and the spire is not of considerable height.…

"In the genus <em>Cassis</em> the shell is oval, convex, and the spire is not of considerable height. These animals keep near the shore, in shallow water."

Cassis Madagascariensis (Lamarck)

"In the genus Cassis the shell is oval, convex, and the spire is not of considerable height.…

"In the genus <em>Cassis</em> the shell is oval, convex, and the spire is not of considerable height. These animals keep near the shore, in shallow water."

Cassis Rula (Linnaeus)

"In the genus Cassis the shell is oval, convex, and the spire is not of considerable height.…

"In the genus <em>Cassis</em> the shell is oval, convex, and the spire is not of considerable height. These animals keep near the shore, in shallow water."

Cassis Zebra (Lamarck)

"In the genus Cassis the shell is oval, convex, and the spire is not of considerable height.…

A modern shell-bearing pteropod.

Cavolina Tridentata

A modern shell-bearing pteropod.

"There are some species which are chiefly found in the muddy bottoms, and more frequently at the mouths of rivers, but rarely beyond the point to which the tide reaches."

Cerithium Aluco.

"There are some species which are chiefly found in the muddy bottoms, and more frequently at the mouths…

"There are some species which are chiefly found in the muddy bottoms, and more frequently at the mouths of rivers, but rarely beyond the point to which the tide reaches."

Cerithium Fasciatum (Brug.)

"There are some species which are chiefly found in the muddy bottoms, and more frequently at the mouths…

"There are some species which are chiefly found in the muddy bottoms, and more frequently at the mouths of rivers, but rarely beyond the point to which the tide reaches." This figure is known as the Giant Cerithium.

Cerithium Giganteum (Lamarck)

"There are some species which are chiefly found in the muddy bottoms, and more frequently at the mouths…

A conch shell.


A conch shell.

A characteristic fusoid gastropod of the northern Atlantic.

Chrysodomus Decemcostatus

A characteristic fusoid gastropod of the northern Atlantic.

A modern shell-less pteropod. Called the common clione, naked sea butterfly, and <em>Clione limacina</em>.

Common Clione

A modern shell-less pteropod. Called the common clione, naked sea butterfly, and Clione limacina.

A type of shell.


A type of shell.

A sea shell.


A sea shell.

A conch (Strombus gigas).

Conch Shell

A conch (Strombus gigas).

The scorpion shell (Pteroceras lambis) is a large sea snail in the Strombidae family of conchs.

Scorpion Conch

The scorpion shell (Pteroceras lambis) is a large sea snail in the Strombidae family of conchs.

A genus of mollusks which are extensively used for food.


A genus of mollusks which are extensively used for food.

"The genus <em>Conus</em> is especially rich in species, as well as numerous individuals. This group presents a remarkable uniformity of shape."

Conus Gloria Maris (Chemn.)

"The genus Conus is especially rich in species, as well as numerous individuals. This group…

"The genus <em>Conus</em> is especially rich in species, as well as numerous individuals. This group presents a remarkable uniformity of shape."

Conus Nobilis (Linn.)

"The genus Conus is especially rich in species, as well as numerous individuals. This group…

"The genus <em>Conus</em> is especially rich in species, as well as numerous individuals. This group presents a remarkable uniformity of shape."

Conus Tescallatus (Born.)

"The genus Conus is especially rich in species, as well as numerous individuals. This group…

"The genus <em>Conus</em> is especially rich in species, as well as numerous individuals. This group presents a remarkable uniformity of shape."

Conus Textilis (Linn.)

"The genus Conus is especially rich in species, as well as numerous individuals. This group…

"The map cowry, <em>C. mappa</em>, foud in the Indian Ocean, is handsomely marked." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Map Cowry

"The map cowry, C. mappa, foud in the Indian Ocean, is handsomely marked." — Goodrich,…

A small yellowish white shell with a fine gloss, used as money by various people.

Money Cowry

A small yellowish white shell with a fine gloss, used as money by various people.

A mollusk radiate from the Paleozoic time, Cyclonema cancellata from the Clinton group.

Cyclonema Mollusk

A mollusk radiate from the Paleozoic time, Cyclonema cancellata from the Clinton group.

"The Cowries are found at a little distance from the shore, generally in clefts of the rocky bottoms; sometimes they bury themselves in the sand. These magnificent mollusks are natives or every sea."

Cypraea Argus (Linn.)

"The Cowries are found at a little distance from the shore, generally in clefts of the rocky bottoms;…

"The Madagascar Cowry [is] beautifully marked, having the general appearance of being mammillated all over."

Cypraea Madagascariensis (Gmel.)

"The Madagascar Cowry [is] beautifully marked, having the general appearance of being mammillated all…

"The Money Cowry is a little, oval shell, depressed, flat below, with very thick edges and slightly waving. It comes from the Indian ocean, and is sometimes found in the Atlantic."

Cypraea Moneta (Linnaeus)

"The Money Cowry is a little, oval shell, depressed, flat below, with very thick edges and slightly…

"The Granular Cowry [is] beautifully marked, having the general appearance of being mammillated all over."

Cypraea Nucleus (Linnaeus)

"The Granular Cowry [is] beautifully marked, having the general appearance of being mammillated all…

"The animal which inhabits these shells is elongated, and is provided with a well-developed mantle, furnished on the inside with a band of tentacular filaments; it is able to fold itself over its shell in such a manner as to envelop it all around."

Cypraea Tigris (Linnaeus)

"The animal which inhabits these shells is elongated, and is provided with a well-developed mantle,…

"Zigzag Cowries are beautifully ornamented with waving and broken lines."

Cypraea Zigzag (Linnaeus)

"Zigzag Cowries are beautifully ornamented with waving and broken lines."

"Cyprea Europea." -Taylor, 1904

Cyprea Europea

"Cyprea Europea." -Taylor, 1904

"A block of stone perforated by the pholus dactylus." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Pholas dactylus

"A block of stone perforated by the pholus dactylus." — Goodrich, 1859

"The <em>Monodonta</em> are elegantly marked shells. Some curious specimens from this family come from the Indian ocean; they are remarkable for their numerous spines and the asperity of their shells."

Delphinula Sphaerula (Kiener)

"The Monodonta are elegantly marked shells. Some curious specimens from this family come from…

"Dissection of snail. T., Short horn; TT., long horn with eye; N., cerebral ganglia; S.G., salivary glands on the crop; F., foot; M., columellar muscle; V.C., visceral coil; O.T., ovotestis; V., ventricle of heart; R. rectum; U., ureter; B.V., blood vessels returning to the auricle from the mantle; A., pulmonary aperture; MA., edge of the mantle." -Thomson, 1916


"Dissection of snail. T., Short horn; TT., long horn with eye; N., cerebral ganglia; S.G., salivary…

"The <em>A. dubia</em> is found in the Nile. Several of this genus, brought from Egypt to Paris packed in bran, were found living, though they had been four months in making the passage." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Ampullaria dubia

"The A. dubia is found in the Nile. Several of this genus, brought from Egypt to Paris packed…

"In these, which are called <em>Ear-Shells</em>, the animal has a shrt muzzle and two branchial plumes; the shell has a spiral conformation, and the perforations for the anal siphon are arranged in a row along the back of the shell." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859


"In these, which are called Ear-Shells, the animal has a shrt muzzle and two branchial plumes;…

"Ear-Shell (Auricula jud&aelig;)."-Whitney, 1902.


"Ear-Shell (Auricula judæ)."-Whitney, 1902.

Section through the cup-shaped eye of a gastropod. Labels: e, epithelium covering body; cv, vitreous body; R, retina; N, nerve.

Eye of Gasteropod

Section through the cup-shaped eye of a gastropod. Labels: e, epithelium covering body; cv, vitreous…

A, section through the open eyepit of a limpet. B, the two kinds of retinal cells, pigmented and sensory.

Eyepit of Limpet

A, section through the open eyepit of a limpet. B, the two kinds of retinal cells, pigmented and sensory.

The shell of the Fig Shell Snail (Ficula ficus), a sea snail in the Ficidae family.

Fig Shell

The shell of the Fig Shell Snail (Ficula ficus), a sea snail in the Ficidae family.

"The Greek Fissurella, <em>F. Gr&aelig;ca</em>, is found in the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. There are only one hundred and twenty other known species of this genus." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Greek fissurella

"The Greek Fissurella, F. Græca, is found in the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean.…

Fu'sus is a genus of gastropods, which are allied to the British whelk and American conch, and which include, in F. colosseus, perhaps the largest living gastropod. The shell is fusiform, with a many-whorled spire and a long, straight canal. One species, F. antiguus, is dredged in the seas about Great Britain to be sold in the London markets as food.


Fu'sus is a genus of gastropods, which are allied to the British whelk and American conch, and which…

A characteristic gastropod of the Atlantic coast from Cape Cod to Florida.

Fulgar Carica

A characteristic gastropod of the Atlantic coast from Cape Cod to Florida.

A remarkable species of the genus <em>Fusus</em>.

Fusus Colus

A remarkable species of the genus Fusus.